import * as path from 'path';
import {
} from 'aws-cdk-lib/core';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { awsSdkToIamAction } from 'aws-cdk-lib/custom-resources/lib/helpers-internal';
import { RetentionDays } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-logs';

 * Properties for a lambda function provider
export interface LambdaFunctionProviderProps {
   * The handler to use for the lambda function
   * @default index.handler
  readonly handler?: string;

   * How long, in days, the log contents will be retained.
   * @default - no retention days specified
  readonly logRetention?: RetentionDays;

 * integ-tests can only depend on '@aws-cdk/core' so
 * this construct creates a lambda function provider using
 * only CfnResource
class LambdaFunctionProvider extends Construct {
   * The ARN of the lambda function which can be used
   * as a serviceToken to a CustomResource
  public readonly serviceToken: string;

   * A Reference to the provider lambda exeuction role ARN
  public readonly roleArn: Reference;

  private readonly policies: any[] = [];

  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: LambdaFunctionProviderProps) {
    super(scope, id);

    const staging = new AssetStaging(this, 'Staging', {
      sourcePath: path.join(__dirname, 'lambda-handler.bundle'),

    const stack = Stack.of(this);
    const asset = stack.synthesizer.addFileAsset({
      fileName: staging.relativeStagedPath(stack),
      sourceHash: staging.assetHash,
      packaging: FileAssetPackaging.ZIP_DIRECTORY,

    const role = new CfnResource(this, 'Role', {
      type: 'AWS::IAM::Role',
      properties: {
        AssumeRolePolicyDocument: {
          Version: '2012-10-17',
          Statement: [{ Action: 'sts:AssumeRole', Effect: 'Allow', Principal: { Service: '' } }],
        ManagedPolicyArns: [
          { 'Fn::Sub': 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole' },
        Policies: Lazy.any({
          produce: () => {
            const policies = this.policies.length > 0 ? [
                PolicyName: 'Inline',
                PolicyDocument: {
                  Version: '2012-10-17',
                  Statement: this.policies,
            ] : undefined;
            return policies;

    const functionProperties: any = {
      Runtime: determineLatestNodeRuntimeName(this),
      Code: {
        S3Bucket: asset.bucketName,
        S3Key: asset.objectKey,
      Timeout: Duration.minutes(2).toSeconds(),
      Handler: props?.handler ?? 'index.handler',
      Role: role.getAtt('Arn'),

    if (props?.logRetention) {
      const logGroup = new CfnResource(this, 'LogGroup', {
        type: 'AWS::Logs::LogGroup',
        properties: {
          LogGroupName: `/aws/lambda/${id}`,
          RetentionInDays: props.logRetention,

      functionProperties.LoggingConfig = {
        LogGroup: logGroup.ref,

    const handler = new CfnResource(this, 'Handler', {
      type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function',
      properties: functionProperties,

    this.serviceToken = Token.asString(handler.getAtt('Arn'));
    this.roleArn = role.getAtt('Arn');

  public addPolicies(policies: any[]): void {

interface SingletonFunctionProps extends LambdaFunctionProviderProps {
   * A unique identifier to identify this lambda
   * The identifier should be unique across all custom resource providers.
   * We recommend generating a UUID per provider.
  readonly uuid: string;

 * Mimic the singletonfunction construct in '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda'
class SingletonFunction extends Construct {
  public readonly serviceToken: string;

  public readonly lambdaFunction: LambdaFunctionProvider;
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: SingletonFunctionProps) {
    super(scope, id);
    this.lambdaFunction = this.ensureFunction(props);
    this.serviceToken = this.lambdaFunction.serviceToken;

  private ensureFunction(props: SingletonFunctionProps): LambdaFunctionProvider {
    const constructName = 'SingletonFunction' + slugify(props.uuid);
    const existing = Stack.of(this).node.tryFindChild(constructName);
    if (existing) {
      return existing as LambdaFunctionProvider;

    return new LambdaFunctionProvider(Stack.of(this), constructName, {
      handler: props.handler,
      logRetention: props.logRetention,

   * Add an IAM policy statement to the inline policy of the
   * lambdas function's role
   * **Please note**: this is a direct IAM JSON policy blob, *not* a `iam.PolicyStatement`
   * object like you will see in the rest of the CDK.
   * singleton.addToRolePolicy({
   *   Effect: 'Allow',
   *   Action: 's3:GetObject',
   *   Resources: '*',
   * });
  public addToRolePolicy(statement: any): void {

   * Create a policy statement from a specific api call
  public addPolicyStatementFromSdkCall(service: string, api: string, resources?: string[]): void {
      Action: [awsSdkToIamAction(service, api)],
      Effect: 'Allow',
      Resource: resources || ['*'],

 * Properties for defining an AssertionsProvider
export interface AssertionsProviderProps extends LambdaFunctionProviderProps {
   * This determines the uniqueness of each AssertionsProvider.
   * You should only need to provide something different here if you
   * _know_ that you need a separate provider
   * @default - the default uuid is used
  readonly uuid?: string;

 * Represents an assertions provider. The creates a singletone
 * Lambda Function that will create a single function per stack
 * that serves as the custom resource provider for the various
 * assertion providers
export class AssertionsProvider extends Construct {
   * The ARN of the lambda function which can be used
   * as a serviceToken to a CustomResource
  public readonly serviceToken: string;
   * A reference to the provider Lambda Function
   * execution Role ARN
  public readonly handlerRoleArn: Reference;

  private readonly handler: SingletonFunction;

  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: AssertionsProviderProps) {
    super(scope, id);

    this.handler = new SingletonFunction(this, 'AssertionsProvider', {
      handler: props?.handler,
      uuid: props?.uuid ?? '1488541a-7b23-4664-81b6-9b4408076b81',
      logRetention: props?.logRetention,

    this.handlerRoleArn = this.handler.lambdaFunction.roleArn;

    this.serviceToken = this.handler.serviceToken;

   * Encode an object so it can be passed
   * as custom resource parameters. Custom resources will convert
   * all input parameters to strings so we encode non-strings here
   * so we can then decode them correctly in the provider function
  public encode(obj: any): any {
    if (!obj) {
      return obj;
    return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => [key, encodeValue(value)]));

    function encodeValue(value: any): any {
      if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) {
        return {
          $type: 'ArrayBufferView',
          string: new TextDecoder().decode(value as Uint8Array),

      return JSON.stringify(value);

   * Create a policy statement from a specific api call
  public addPolicyStatementFromSdkCall(service: string, api: string, resources?: string[]): void {
    this.handler.addPolicyStatementFromSdkCall(service, api, resources);

   * Add an IAM policy statement to the inline policy of the
   * lambdas function's role
   * **Please note**: this is a direct IAM JSON policy blob, *not* a `iam.PolicyStatement`
   * object like you will see in the rest of the CDK.
   * @example
   * declare const provider: AssertionsProvider;
   * provider.addToRolePolicy({
   *   Effect: 'Allow',
   *   Action: ['s3:GetObject'],
   *   Resource: ['*'],
   * });
  public addToRolePolicy(statement: any): void {

   * Grant a principal access to invoke the assertion provider
   * lambda function
   * @param principalArn the ARN of the principal that should be given
   *  permission to invoke the assertion provider
  public grantInvoke(principalArn: string): void {
    new CfnResource(this, 'Invoke', {
      type: 'AWS::Lambda::Permission',
      properties: {
        Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction',
        FunctionName: this.serviceToken,
        Principal: principalArn,

function slugify(x: string): string {
  return x.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');