import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { Attributes, ifUndefined, mapTagMapToCxschema, renderAttributes } from './util'; import * as ec2 from '../../../aws-ec2'; import * as iam from '../../../aws-iam'; import { PolicyStatement, ServicePrincipal } from '../../../aws-iam'; import * as s3 from '../../../aws-s3'; import * as cxschema from '../../../cloud-assembly-schema'; import { CfnResource, ContextProvider, IResource, Lazy, Resource, Stack, Token } from '../../../core'; import * as cxapi from '../../../cx-api'; import { RegionInfo } from '../../../region-info'; import { CfnLoadBalancer } from '../elasticloadbalancingv2.generated'; /** * Shared properties of both Application and Network Load Balancers */ export interface BaseLoadBalancerProps { /** * Name of the load balancer * * @default - Automatically generated name. */ readonly loadBalancerName?: string; /** * The VPC network to place the load balancer in */ readonly vpc: ec2.IVpc; /** * Whether the load balancer has an internet-routable address * * @default false */ readonly internetFacing?: boolean; /** * Which subnets place the load balancer in * * @default - the Vpc default strategy. * */ readonly vpcSubnets?: ec2.SubnetSelection; /** * Indicates whether deletion protection is enabled. * * @default false */ readonly deletionProtection?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether cross-zone load balancing is enabled. * * @default - false for Network Load Balancers and true for Application Load Balancers (this cannot be changed). */ readonly crossZoneEnabled?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether the load balancer blocks traffic through the Internet Gateway (IGW). * * @default - false for internet-facing load balancers and true for internal load balancers */ readonly denyAllIgwTraffic?: boolean; } export interface ILoadBalancerV2 extends IResource { /** * The canonical hosted zone ID of this load balancer * * Example value: `Z2P70J7EXAMPLE` * * @attribute */ readonly loadBalancerCanonicalHostedZoneId: string; /** * The DNS name of this load balancer * * Example value: `` * * @attribute */ readonly loadBalancerDnsName: string; } /** * Options for looking up load balancers */ export interface BaseLoadBalancerLookupOptions { /** * Find by load balancer's ARN * @default - does not search by load balancer arn */ readonly loadBalancerArn?: string; /** * Match load balancer tags. * @default - does not match load balancers by tags */ readonly loadBalancerTags?: Record<string, string>; } /** * Options for query context provider * @internal */ export interface LoadBalancerQueryContextProviderOptions { /** * User's lookup options */ readonly userOptions: BaseLoadBalancerLookupOptions; /** * Type of load balancer */ readonly loadBalancerType: cxschema.LoadBalancerType; } /** * Base class for both Application and Network Load Balancers */ export abstract class BaseLoadBalancer extends Resource { /** * Queries the load balancer context provider for load balancer info. * @internal */ protected static _queryContextProvider(scope: Construct, options: LoadBalancerQueryContextProviderOptions) { if (Token.isUnresolved(options.userOptions.loadBalancerArn) || Object.values(options.userOptions.loadBalancerTags ?? {}).some(Token.isUnresolved)) { throw new Error('All arguments to look up a load balancer must be concrete (no Tokens)'); } let cxschemaTags: cxschema.Tag[] | undefined; if (options.userOptions.loadBalancerTags) { cxschemaTags = mapTagMapToCxschema(options.userOptions.loadBalancerTags); } const props: cxapi.LoadBalancerContextResponse = ContextProvider.getValue(scope, { provider: cxschema.ContextProvider.LOAD_BALANCER_PROVIDER, props: { loadBalancerArn: options.userOptions.loadBalancerArn, loadBalancerTags: cxschemaTags, loadBalancerType: options.loadBalancerType, } as cxschema.LoadBalancerContextQuery, dummyValue: { ipAddressType: cxapi.LoadBalancerIpAddressType.DUAL_STACK, // eslint-disable-next-line @aws-cdk/no-literal-partition loadBalancerArn: `arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:loadbalancer/${options.loadBalancerType}/my-load-balancer/50dc6c495c0c9188`, loadBalancerCanonicalHostedZoneId: 'Z3DZXE0EXAMPLE', loadBalancerDnsName: '', securityGroupIds: ['sg-1234'], vpcId: 'vpc-12345', } as cxapi.LoadBalancerContextResponse, }).value; return props; } /** * The canonical hosted zone ID of this load balancer * * Example value: `Z2P70J7EXAMPLE` * * @attribute */ public readonly loadBalancerCanonicalHostedZoneId: string; /** * The DNS name of this load balancer * * Example value: `` * * @attribute */ public readonly loadBalancerDnsName: string; /** * The full name of this load balancer * * Example value: `app/my-load-balancer/50dc6c495c0c9188` * * @attribute */ public readonly loadBalancerFullName: string; /** * The name of this load balancer * * Example value: `my-load-balancer` * * @attribute */ public readonly loadBalancerName: string; /** * The ARN of this load balancer * * Example value: `arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/my-internal-load-balancer/50dc6c495c0c9188` * * @attribute */ public readonly loadBalancerArn: string; /** * @attribute */ public readonly loadBalancerSecurityGroups: string[]; /** * The VPC this load balancer has been created in. * * This property is always defined (not `null` or `undefined`) for sub-classes of `BaseLoadBalancer`. */ public readonly vpc?: ec2.IVpc; /** * Attributes set on this load balancer */ private readonly attributes: Attributes = {}; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, baseProps: BaseLoadBalancerProps, additionalProps: any) { super(scope, id, { physicalName: baseProps.loadBalancerName, }); const internetFacing = ifUndefined(baseProps.internetFacing, false); const vpcSubnets = ifUndefined(baseProps.vpcSubnets, (internetFacing ? { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC } : {}) ); const { subnetIds, internetConnectivityEstablished } = baseProps.vpc.selectSubnets(vpcSubnets); this.vpc = baseProps.vpc; const resource = new CfnLoadBalancer(this, 'Resource', { name: this.physicalName, subnets: subnetIds, scheme: internetFacing ? 'internet-facing' : 'internal', loadBalancerAttributes: Lazy.any({ produce: () => renderAttributes(this.attributes) }, { omitEmptyArray: true } ), ...additionalProps, }); if (internetFacing) { resource.node.addDependency(internetConnectivityEstablished); } this.setAttribute('deletion_protection.enabled', baseProps.deletionProtection ? 'true' : 'false'); if (baseProps.crossZoneEnabled) { this.setAttribute('load_balancing.cross_zone.enabled', 'true'); } if (baseProps.denyAllIgwTraffic !== undefined) { this.setAttribute('ipv6.deny_all_igw_traffic', baseProps.denyAllIgwTraffic.toString()); } this.loadBalancerCanonicalHostedZoneId = resource.attrCanonicalHostedZoneId; this.loadBalancerDnsName = resource.attrDnsName; this.loadBalancerFullName = resource.attrLoadBalancerFullName; this.loadBalancerName = resource.attrLoadBalancerName; this.loadBalancerArn = resource.ref; this.loadBalancerSecurityGroups = resource.attrSecurityGroups; this.node.addValidation({ validate: this.validateLoadBalancer.bind(this) }); } /** * Enable access logging for this load balancer. * * A region must be specified on the stack containing the load balancer; you cannot enable logging on * environment-agnostic stacks. See */ public logAccessLogs(bucket: s3.IBucket, prefix?: string) { prefix = prefix || ''; this.setAttribute('access_logs.s3.enabled', 'true'); this.setAttribute('access_logs.s3.bucket', bucket.bucketName.toString()); this.setAttribute('access_logs.s3.prefix', prefix); const logsDeliveryServicePrincipal = new ServicePrincipal(''); bucket.addToResourcePolicy(new PolicyStatement({ actions: ['s3:PutObject'], principals: [this.resourcePolicyPrincipal()], resources: [ bucket.arnForObjects(`${prefix ? prefix + '/' : ''}AWSLogs/${Stack.of(this).account}/*`), ], })); bucket.addToResourcePolicy( new PolicyStatement({ actions: ['s3:PutObject'], principals: [logsDeliveryServicePrincipal], resources: [ bucket.arnForObjects(`${prefix ? prefix + '/' : ''}AWSLogs/${this.env.account}/*`), ], conditions: { StringEquals: { 's3:x-amz-acl': 'bucket-owner-full-control' }, }, }), ); bucket.addToResourcePolicy( new PolicyStatement({ actions: ['s3:GetBucketAcl'], principals: [logsDeliveryServicePrincipal], resources: [bucket.bucketArn], }), ); // make sure the bucket's policy is created before the ALB (see // at the L1 level to avoid creating a circular dependency (see // and const lb = this.node.defaultChild; const bucketPolicy = bucket.policy?.node.defaultChild; if (lb && bucketPolicy && CfnResource.isCfnResource(lb) && CfnResource.isCfnResource(bucketPolicy)) { lb.addDependency(bucketPolicy); } } /** * Set a non-standard attribute on the load balancer * * @see */ public setAttribute(key: string, value: string | undefined) { this.attributes[key] = value; } /** * Remove an attribute from the load balancer */ public removeAttribute(key: string) { this.setAttribute(key, undefined); } protected resourcePolicyPrincipal(): iam.IPrincipal { const region = Stack.of(this).region; if (Token.isUnresolved(region)) { throw new Error('Region is required to enable ELBv2 access logging'); } const account = RegionInfo.get(region).elbv2Account; if (!account) { // New Regions use a service principal // return new iam.ServicePrincipal(''); } return new iam.AccountPrincipal(account); } protected validateLoadBalancer(): string[] { const ret = new Array<string>(); // const loadBalancerName = this.physicalName; if (!Token.isUnresolved(loadBalancerName) && loadBalancerName !== undefined) { if (loadBalancerName.length > 32) { ret.push(`Load balancer name: "${loadBalancerName}" can have a maximum of 32 characters.`); } if (loadBalancerName.startsWith('internal-')) { ret.push(`Load balancer name: "${loadBalancerName}" must not begin with "internal-".`); } if (loadBalancerName.startsWith('-') || loadBalancerName.endsWith('-')) { ret.push(`Load balancer name: "${loadBalancerName}" must not begin or end with a hyphen.`); } if (!/^[0-9a-z-]+$/i.test(loadBalancerName)) { ret.push(`Load balancer name: "${loadBalancerName}" must contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens.`); } } return ret; } }