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Taner Şener edited this page Dec 30, 2021 · 3 revisions builds FFmpegKit for iOS platform.

By default nine architectures (armv7, armv7s, arm64, arm64-mac-catalyst, arm64-simulator, arm64e, i386, x86-64 and x86-64-mac-catalyst) are enabled without any external libraries.

Options can be used to disable architectures and/or enable external libraries. Please note that GPL libraries (external libraries with GPL license) need --enable-gpl flag to be set explicitly.

When compilation ends, libraries are created under the prebuilt folder.

Usage: ./ [OPTION]...

Specify environment variables as VARIABLE=VALUE to override default build options.

  -h, --help			display this help and exit
  -v, --version			display version information and exit
  -d, --debug			build with debug information
  -s, --speed			optimize for speed instead of size
  -f, --force			ignore warnings
  -x, --xcframework		build xcframework bundles instead of framework bundles and universal libraries
  -l, --lts			build lts packages to support sdk 10+ devices
      --target=ios sdk version			override minimum deployment target [12.1]
      --mac-catalyst-target=ios sdk version	override minimum deployment target for mac catalyst [14.0]

Licensing options:
  --enable-gpl			allow building GPL libraries, created libs will be licensed under the GPLv3.0 [no]

  --disable-armv7		do not build armv7 architecture [yes]
  --disable-armv7s		do not build armv7s architecture [yes]
  --disable-arm64		do not build arm64 architecture [yes]
  --disable-arm64-mac-catalyst	do not build arm64-mac-catalyst architecture [yes]
  --disable-arm64-simulator	do not build arm64-simulator architecture [yes]
  --disable-arm64e		do not build arm64e architecture [yes]
  --disable-i386		do not build i386 architecture [yes]
  --disable-x86-64		do not build x86-64 architecture [yes]
  --disable-x86-64-mac-catalyst	do not build x86-64-mac-catalyst architecture [yes]

  --full			enables all non-GPL external libraries
  --enable-ios-audiotoolbox	build with built-in Apple AudioToolbox support [no]
  --enable-ios-avfoundation	build with built-in Apple AVFoundation support [no]
  --enable-ios-bzip2		build with built-in bzip2 support [no]
  --enable-ios-videotoolbox	build with built-in Apple VideoToolbox support [no]
  --enable-ios-zlib		build with built-in zlib [no]
  --enable-ios-libiconv		build with built-in libiconv [no]
  --enable-chromaprint		build with chromaprint [no]
  --enable-dav1d		build with dav1d [no]
  --enable-fontconfig		build with fontconfig [no]
  --enable-freetype		build with freetype [no]
  --enable-fribidi		build with fribidi [no]
  --enable-gmp			build with gmp [no]
  --enable-gnutls		build with gnutls [no]
  --enable-kvazaar		build with kvazaar [no]
  --enable-lame			build with lame [no]
  --enable-libaom		build with libaom [no]
  --enable-libass		build with libass [no]
  --enable-libilbc		build with libilbc [no]
  --enable-libtheora		build with libtheora [no]
  --enable-libvorbis		build with libvorbis [no]
  --enable-libvpx		build with libvpx [no]
  --enable-libwebp		build with libwebp [no]
  --enable-libxml2		build with libxml2 [no]
  --enable-opencore-amr		build with opencore-amr [no]
  --enable-openh264		build with openh264 [no]
  --enable-openssl		build with openssl [no]
  --enable-opus			build with opus [no]
  --enable-sdl			build with sdl [no]
  --enable-shine		build with shine [no]
  --enable-snappy		build with snappy [no]
  --enable-soxr			build with soxr [no]
  --enable-speex		build with speex [no]
  --enable-srt			build with srt [no]
  --enable-tesseract		build with tesseract [no]
  --enable-twolame		build with twolame [no]
  --enable-vo-amrwbenc		build with vo-amrwbenc [no]
  --enable-zimg			build with zimg [no]

GPL libraries:
  --enable-libvidstab		build with libvidstab [no]
  --enable-rubberband		build with rubber band [no]
  --enable-x264			build with x264 [no]
  --enable-x265			build with x265 [no]
  --enable-xvidcore		build with xvidcore [no]

Custom libraries:
  --enable-custom-library-[n]-name=value			name of the custom library []
  --enable-custom-library-[n]-repo=value			git repository of the source code []
  --enable-custom-library-[n]-repo-commit=value			git commit to download the source code from []
  --enable-custom-library-[n]-repo-tag=value			git tag to download the source code from []
  --enable-custom-library-[n]-package-config-file-name=value	package config file installed by the build script []
  --enable-custom-library-[n]-ffmpeg-enable-flag=value	library name used in ffmpeg configure script to enable the library []
  --enable-custom-library-[n]-license-file=value		licence file path relative to the library source folder []

Advanced options:
  --reconf-LIBRARY		run autoreconf before building LIBRARY [no]
  --redownload-LIBRARY		download LIBRARY even if it is detected as already downloaded [no]
  --rebuild-LIBRARY		build LIBRARY even if it is detected as already built [no]
  --no-framework		do not build framework bundles and universal libraries [no]
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