A plugin to give you a web-based radar interface to your mineflayer bot.
See https://github.com/superjoe30/mineflayer/
- Real-time updating radar of your bot and the entities around it
- Remote control the bot with the keyboard and mouse
- Help you find precious ores
- Display dangerous mobs in red
- Ability to change zoom
var mineflayer = require('mineflayer');
var radarPlugin = require('mineflayer-radar')(mineflayer);
var bot = mineflayer.createBot({ username: 'Player' });
var options = {
host: '', // optional
port: 0, // optional
// install the plugin
radarPlugin(bot, options);
This will print "Listening at [URL]" to the console. Use a web browser with that URL to see the radar.