- Microservice Architecture
- Microservices: a definition of this new architectural term
- Serverless framework open source
- ReactiveX - An API for asynchronous programming with observable streams
- 👓 https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome#back-end-development
- https://roadmap.sh/software-design-architecture
- 👓 https://github.com/DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns
- Design Patterns & Refactoring
- Design Patterns for Humans™ - An ultra-simplified explanation - Github
- Design Patterns | Object Oriented Design
- Catalog of Design Patterns
- ⭐ Design patterns implemented in Java
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/design_pattern/index.htm
- ⭐ The twelve-factor app
- A high-performance, open source universal RPC framework
- Apache Thrift
- Understanding RPC Vs REST For HTTP APIs
- ⭐ Google Style Guides
- 👓 https://github.com/SalGnt/cscs
- Styleguide - A tool to make creating and maintaining styleguides easy
- The Design Language Framework
- OpenAPI Initiative
- OpenAPI Initiative Github
- Postman | Supercharge your API workflow
- Milkman - An Extensible Request/Response Workbench with JavaFX
- World's Most Popular API Framework | Swagger
- Insomnia REST Client
- Quandl4j by jimmoores
- Home · linkedin/rest.li Wiki
- Unirest - Simplified, lightweight HTTP libraries in multiple languages
- API Blueprint - API Documentation with powerful tooling
- API Commons
- Platform for API Design, Development & Documentation | Apiary
- Developer Tools to Build and Manage Awesome APIs | Apigee
- Deployd
- dyson
- Welcome | RAML
- Everest - A beautiful, cross-platform REST client.
- API Blueprint. A powerful high-level API description language for web APIs
- MSON Lang: Generate an app from JSON
- RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) makes it easy to manage the whole API lifecycle from design to sharing
- Quandl Documentation
- Open Exchange Rates
- Acciona SA: BME:ANA quotes & news - Google Finance
- AnyAPI - Discover and Try Public APIs
- API Dashboard: ProgrammableWeb
- Google APIs Explorer
- Library :: Temboo
- Open Data Network
- The feedly Cloud API
- Battle.net Developer Portal - Blizzard Developer Portal
- IGDB: Free Video Game Database API - Internet Game Database
- abhishekbanthia/Public-APIs: 📚 A curated list of APIs from round the web.
- RapidAPI Marketplace | Home
- Power-up your application with these Public APIs
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- Public APIS