Key Process Indicators (KPIs) Id Name Description Source Progression Deadline Time required Time spent People involved 1 Project's understanding Make sure everyone understood the project's scope Weekly Report 11/06/2023 3h 3h All the team 2 Functional Specification Write the Functional Specification Weekly Report 11/13/2023 8h - 11h 8h Aurélien and Clémentine 3 Technical Specification Write the Technical Specification Weekly Report 11/20:2023 8h - 11h 0h Paul 4 Test Cases Passed The number of test cases passed Test Cases 12/21/2023 8h - 11h 0h Gaël 5 Functionalities The number of functionalities implemented Technical Specification 12/11/2023 8h - 11h 0h Clémentine and Mathias 6 Working Functionalities The number of functionalities that work Technical Specification 12/21/2023 8h - 11h 0h Gaël, Mathias and Clémentine 7 Designs Done The number of designs that have been done and are pushed on the repository Design 11/20/2023 5h 30m Laurent