Thanks @mrcjhicks! - Format and output command line options added.Options: -otv, --old-token-version <oldVersion> indicates which github tag to pull old tokens from -ntv, --new-token-version <newVersion> indicates which github tag to pull new tokens from -otb, --old-token-branch <oldBranch> indicates which branch to fetch old token data from -ntb, --new-token-branch <newBranch> indicates which branch to fetch updated token data from -tn, --token-names <tokens...> indicates specific tokens to compare -l, --local <path> indicates to compare to local data -r, --repo <name> github repository to target -gak, --githubAPIKey <key> github api key to use -f, --format <format> cli (default) or markdown -o, --output <path> file path to store diff output -d, --debug <path> file path to store diff json -h, --help display help for command
- #430
Thanks @GarthDB! - Fix version number in cli using a prepare script in the package.json file