A simple Ethereum faucet application with hCaptcha verification, built with React and Express.
- Node.js (v16 or higher)
- Docker and Docker Compose
- A local Ethereum node running on port 32002
- Git
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/adaki2004/evm_faucet
cd evm-faucet
- Start the development environment:
docker-compose up
The application will be available at:
- Frontend: http://localhost:3000
- Backend API: Port 29000 (internal only)
If you prefer to run the services directly:
- Navigate to the backend directory:
cd backend
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm start
- Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd frontend
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm start
The application uses the following environment variables:
Backend (.env):
- The backend API URL is configured to
- hCaptcha site key is configured in App.tsx
Ensure your local Ethereum node is running on port 32002
Connect your MetaMask wallet to the local network:
- Network Name: Local Network
- New RPC URL: http://localhost:32002
- Chain ID: 0x2710A
- Currency Symbol: ETH
Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser
Click "Connect Wallet" to connect MetaMask
Complete the hCaptcha verification
Click "Claim 0.1 ETH" to receive test ETH
The application expects an Ethereum node running locally with the following configuration:
- RPC URL: http://localhost:32002
- Chain ID: 0x2710A (100106 in decimal)
- Must be configured to accept RPC connections
- Must have enough ETH in the faucet account (specified by PRIVATE_KEY)
- The faucet sends 0.1 ETH per request
- There's a 24-hour cooldown period between claims for each address
- All transactions are processed through the local Ethereum node
- hCaptcha is used to prevent automated claims
"Warning localhost detected":
- This is a known hCaptcha issue when running locally
- Add faucet.local
to your hosts file - Access the application via http://faucet.local:3000
MetaMask network switching fails:
- Ensure your local Ethereum node is running
- Verify the RPC URL and Chain ID match your local node
- Check if MetaMask is unlocked
Transaction failures:
- Verify the faucet account has sufficient ETH
- Check if the RPC_URL is accessible
- Ensure PRIVATE_KEY is correctly set