Enhance is an amazing package written by Mark Hulsman to manage packages in user's home directory in Linux.
Download enhance:
wget https://github.com/aminbys/enhance/archive/master.zip
Create the directory in which you will place your enhance environment, e.g.
mkdir env/enhance/
Unpack the "master.zip" file and copy the contents in a folder in your enhance directory:
unzip ./master.zip
mv enhance-master ~/env/enhance/package_manager
Move to enhance directory:
cd env/enhance/
package_manager/enhance init generic
Your directory structure shoud now look like this:
-bash-4.1$ tree -d
├── env
│ └── enhance
│ ├── package_manager
Note that you should be in the enhance directory for this to work: cd ~/env/enhance/
enhance list
enhance install <packagename>