#---------------------------------------------------------------- w_metadata ie8_server2003 dlls \ title="Internet Explorer 8 WindowsServer2003" \ publisher="Microsoft" \ year="?" \ media="download" \ file1="IE8-WindowsServer2003-x64-ENU.exe" \ installed_file1="c:/windows/ie8_main.log" load_ie8_server2003() { # FIXME Needs _lots_ of improvement, just concept # Installed dlls (only checked system32 / grep -r "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" *): # # admparse.dll advpack.dll advpack.dll.mui browseui.dll corpol.dll dxtmsft.dll dxtrans.dll # hmmapi.dll html.iec icardie.dll idndl.dll ie4uinit.exe ie4uinit.exe.mui ieakeng.dll # ieaksie.dll ieakui.dll ieapfltr.dat ieapfltr.dll iedkcs32.dll iedkcs32.dll.mui ieframe.dll # ieframe.dll.mui iepeers.dll ieproxy.dll iernonce.dll iertutil.dll iesetup.dll ieudinit.exe # ieui.dll imgutil.dll inetcpl.cpl inseng.dll jscript.dll jsproxy.dll licmgr10.dll # msdbg2.dll msfeedsbs.dll msfeeds.dll msfeedssync.exe mshta.exe mshta.exe.mui mshtml.dll # mshtmled.dll mshtmler.dll mshtml.tlb msls31.dll msrating.dll msrating.dll.mui mstime.dll # nlsdl.dll normaliz.dll occache.dll pngfilt.dll shdocvw.dll shlwapi.dll spmsg.dll # spupdsvc.exe sqmapi.dll tdc.ocx url.dll urlmon.dll vbscript.dll verdcbc.tmp VGX.dll # webcheck.dll wieframe.dll WinFXDocObj.exe wininet.dll xmllite.dll # # + bunch of mui files in en-US w_set_winver win2k3 # Unregister Wine IE #if [ ! -f "$W_SYSTEM32_DLLS"/plugin.ocx ]; then if grep -q -i "wine placeholder" "$W_PROGRAMS_X86_UNIX/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"; then w_override_dlls builtin iexplore.exe w_try "$WINE" iexplore -unregserver fi # FIXME: Do we need more? # Change the override to the native so we are sure we use and register them w_override_dlls native,builtin ieframe ieproxy jscript mshtml shdocvw shlwapi urlmon vbscript wininet xmllite # Bundled updspapi cannot work on Wine w_override_dlls builtin updspapi # Remove the fake DLLs from the existing WINEPREFIX if [ -f "$W_PROGRAMS_X86_UNIX/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" ]; then mv "$W_PROGRAMS_X86_UNIX/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" "$W_PROGRAMS_X86_UNIX/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe.bak" mv "$W_PROGRAMS_UNIX/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" "$W_PROGRAMS_UNIX/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe.bak" fi #FIXME: do we need to move more away? for dll in browseui inseng jscript mshtml shdocvw shlwapi urlmon do test -f "$W_SYSTEM32_DLLS"/$dll.dll && mv "$W_SYSTEM32_DLLS"/$dll.dll "$W_SYSTEM64_DLLS"/$dll.dll.bak test -f "$W_SYSTEM64_DLLS"/$dll.dll && mv "$W_SYSTEM64_DLLS"/$dll.dll "$W_SYSTEM64_DLLS"/$dll.dll.bak done #Can we also use sed to replace version string???? No idea #Get fake iexplore with low version string and copy it to approriate places w_download https://bugs.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=65709 #32-bit w_download https://bugs.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=65710 #64-bit w_try cp -f "$W_CACHE"/ie8_server2003/'attachment.cgi?id=65710' "$W_SYSTEM64_DLLS/iexplore.exe" w_try cp -f "$W_CACHE"/ie8_server2003/'attachment.cgi?id=65709' "$W_SYSTEM32_DLLS/iexplore.exe" w_try cp -f "$W_CACHE"/ie8_server2003/'attachment.cgi?id=65710' "$W_PROGRAMS_UNIX/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" w_try cp -f "$W_CACHE"/ie8_server2003/'attachment.cgi?id=65709' "$W_PROGRAMS_X86_UNIX/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" # See https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16013 # Find instructions to create this file in dlls/wintrust/tests/crypt.c w_download https://github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/raw/master/files/winetest.cat 5d18ab44fc289100ccf4b51cf614cc2d36f7ca053e557e2ba973811293c97d38 # Put a dummy catalog file in place mkdir -p "$W_SYSTEM32_DLLS"/catroot/\{f750e6c3-38ee-11d1-85e5-00c04fc295ee\} w_try cp -f "$W_CACHE"/ie8_server2003/winetest.cat "$W_SYSTEM32_DLLS"/catroot/\{f750e6c3-38ee-11d1-85e5-00c04fc295ee\}/oem0.cat w_download http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/5/4/754D6601-662D-4E39-9788-6F90D8E5C097/IE8-WindowsServer2003-x64-ENU.exe bcff753e92ceabf31cfefaa6def146335c7cb27a50b95cd4f4658a0c3326f499 if [ -n "$W_UNATTENDED_SLASH_QUIET" ]; then quiet="$W_UNATTENDED_SLASH_QUIET /forcerestart" else quiet="" fi w_try_cd "$W_CACHE/$W_PACKAGE" # KLUDGE: if / is writable, having a Z: mapping to it causes ie8 to put temporary directories on Z:\ # so hide it temporarily. This is not very robust! rm -f "$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/z:.bak_wt" mv "$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/z:" "$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/z:.bak_wt" # FIXME: There's an option for /updates-noupdates to disable checking for updates, but that # forces the install to fail on Wine. Not sure if it's an IE8 or Wine bug... # FIXME: can't check status, as it always reports failure on wine? "$WINE" IE8-WindowsServer2003-x64-ENU.exe $quiet # END KLUDGE: restore Z:, assuming user didn't kill us mv "$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/z:.bak_wt" "$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/z:" # Work around DLL registration bug until ierunonce/RunOnce/wineboot is fixed # FIXME: whittle down this list w_try_cd "$W_SYSTEM32_DLLS" for i in browseui.dll corpol.dll dxtmsft.dll dxtrans.dll ieaksie.dll ieapfltr.dll \ iedkcs32.dll iepeers.dll ieproxy.dll jscript.dll jsproxy.dll licmgr10.dll \ msdbg2.dll mshtmled.dll mstime.dll shdocvw.dll tdc.ocx url.dll urlmon.dll vbscript.dll do "$WINE" regsvr32 /i $i > /dev/null 2>&1 done w_try_cd "$W_SYSTEM64_DLLS" for i in browseui.dll corpol.dll dxtmsft.dll dxtrans.dll ieaksie.dll ieapfltr.dll \ iedkcs32.dll iepeers.dll ieproxy.dll jscript.dll jsproxy.dll licmgr10.dll \ msdbg2.dll mshtmled.dll mstime.dll shdocvw.dll tdc.ocx url.dll urlmon.dll vbscript.dll do "$WINE" regsvr32 /i $i > /dev/null 2>&1 done if w_workaround_wine_bug 25648 "Setting TabProcGrowth=0 to avoid hang"; then cat > "$W_TMP"/set-tabprocgrowth.reg <<_EOF_ REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main] "TabProcGrowth"=dword:00000000 _EOF_ w_try_regedit "$W_TMP_WIN"\\set-tabprocgrowth.reg fi # Builtin ieproxy is in system32, but ie8's lives in Program Files. Native # CLSID path will get overwritten on prefix update. Setting ieproxy to # native doesn't help because setupapi ignores DLL overrides. To work # around this problem, copy native ieproxy to system32. w_try cp -f "${W_PROGRAMS_X86_UNIX}/Internet Explorer/ieproxy.dll" "$W_SYSTEM32_DLLS" w_try cp -f "${W_PROGRAMS_UNIX}/Internet Explorer/ieproxy.dll" "$W_SYSTEM64_DLLS" w_override_dlls native iexplore.exe #############Only works properly setting version to win2k3!!!#################### #############Issue a warning##################################################### cat > "$W_TMP"/warning.vbs <<__EOF__ Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments messageText = objArgs(0) MsgBox messageText __EOF__ w_try_cd "$W_TMP" "$WINE" cscript.exe ./warning.vbs "If you want to try Internet Explorer better set windows version to Windows 2003. For compability reasons version is now set to win7. This will cause Internet Explorer to NOT work at all at the moment!" ################################################################################ w_set_winver 'default' }