The full group meets in video conferences biweekly. The usual schedule (as well as information for joining the VC) can be found on the offical W3C Calendar but there is also a Google Calendar event that is kept up-to-date e.g. in the event of cancellation. Contact the chairs to be added to it. The agenda and notes are kept on GitHub in the meetings repository.
There are also several subgroups that maintain their own meeting schedule and agenda. A list is maintained and their minutes are kept in top-level directories in the meetings repository.
All attendees are required to be members of the community group prior to attending.
The meeting chairs and other volunteers will ensure that meeting notes are kept of attendees, key discussion points and expressed positions, votes, and vote outcomes, to be posted to this repository after the meeting concludes.
Participants should not use automated transcription, note-taking, or recording tools without permission from the chairs and other meeting attendees. For the rationale behind this, please see the relevant W3C guidance. Participants and others should ordinarily rely on the manually prepared notes that are published after every meeting. At their discretion, chairs may choose to use automatic transcription, note-taking, or recording tools to help prepare these notes, but the raw transcripts, notes, or recordings produced by these tools must not be released publicly unless all meeting participants have given their consent at the beginning of the meeting.