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GearSwap Libs for FFXI by Varout (Varrout on Phoenix)

Progress Tracking

Eargon Weapon NMs

To be revised
Used to track progress towards an Eargon weapon.

Mythic Weapon Progress

Updates to be made
Used to track progress towards a Mythic weapon. Also has a table to keep track of your Salvage runs if you want to do that.

SoA Progress

Used to track progress towards getting Ygnas Trust and upgrading your ring to +1.

  • Tracks Seekers of Adoulin main story progress
  • Tracks Seekers of Adoulin and Mog Gardess quest progress
  • Tracks Coallition Assignment progress
  • Tracks Mog Garden Progress
  • Tracks monster rearing progress
  • Provides an overview of everything on main sheet
  • Includes a few examples of inputs to see how it works, which are easily removed

Weather Gear

Used to track progress towards weather related gear with an end goal being the item that combines all 8 elements:

  • Hachirin-no-Obi
  • Fotia Gorget
  • Fotia Belt

Most luas have the ability to lock in certain rings to make sure they aren't unequipped when casting spells or buffs wear off. e.g. You've just finished an event, your buffs are on cooldown and you've got a Warp Ring on, as a buff wears off there is a check to see if you have a Warp Ring equipped and if so, it is locked in place until manually unequipped.

Varrout (Varout on Titan)

The character I've been playing on and off since 2004. Mains are White Mage and Dragoon.

White Mage (WHM)

Custom GearSwap Commands

  • Windows Key + C: Toggles the Cursna casting mode between single target (Gambanteinn[Potency]) & area of effect (Yagrush)
  • Windows Key + M: Brings up the map because I'm lazy
  • Windows Key + 1: Takes into account recasts and casts the highest available Raise spell on selected target
  • Windows Key + 2: Takes into account recasts and casts the highest available Reraise spell


  • Mote-Include.lua
  • Varrout_WHM_GearSets.lua
  • common_functions.lua
  • common_lists.lua

Dragoon (DRG)

Custom GearSwap Commands



  • Mote-Include.lua
  • Varrout_DRG_GearSets.lua
  • common_functions.lua
  • common_lists.lua

Scholar (SCH)

Custom GearSwap Commands

  • Windows Key + B: Toggle Magic Burst Mode
  • Windows Key + M: Brings up the map because I'm lazy
  • Windows Key + U: Unlock all equipment. Needed after Six-Step Skillchain
  • Windows Key + 1: Takes into account recasts and casts the highest available Raise spell on selected target
  • Windows Key + 2: Takes into account recasts and casts the highest available Reraise spell
  • Windows Key + 3: Self-Skillchain: Fragmentation
  • Windows Key + 4: Self-Skillchain: Fusion
  • Windows Key + 5: Self-Skillchain: Distortion
  • Windows Key + 6: Self-Skillchain: Gravitation
  • Windows Key + 0: Self-Skillchain Six-Step (Takes ~80 seconds)


  • Mote-Include.lua
  • Varrout_SCH_GearSets.lua
  • common_functions.lua
  • common_lists.lua

Red Mage (RDM)

Rework in progress

Dark Knight (DRK)

Rework in progress

Summoner (SMN)

Custom Commands

These were built in when I got the lua and are not my work. I can't remember where I got them as it was long ago, so I cannot give credit where credit is due. :(

Command: gs c siphon
Automatically run the process to: dismiss the current avatar; cast appropriate weather; summon the appropriate spirit; Elemental Siphon; release the spirit; and re-summon the avatar.

Command: gs c pact <PactType>
Attempts to use the indicated pact type for the current avatar.
PactType can be one of:

  • cure
  • curaga
  • buffOffense
  • buffDefense
  • buffSpecial
  • debuff1
  • debuff2
  • sleep
  • nuke2
  • nuke4
  • bp70
  • bp75 (merits and lvl 75-80 pacts)
  • astralflow


  • Mote-Include.lua
  • common_functions.lua
  • common_lists.lua


Corsair (COR)

Custom GearSwap Commands

  • Ctrl + ,: (DNC) Does 'Spectral Jig'


  • Mote-Include.lua
  • Manhoso_COR_GearSets.lua
  • COR_Roll_Values.lua
  • common_functions.lua
  • common_lists.lua

Thief (THF)

Rework in progress

Custom LUA filess

COR Roll Values

File: COR_Roll_Values.lua
About: Contains a list of all Corsair Phantom Rolls with information about their luck and unlucky numbers.
Use: Import using include('COR_Roll_Values.lua) in your get_sets(). In job_aftercast(spell, action, spellMap, eventAgrs) you can include something along the lines of:

if spell.type == 'CorsairRoll' and not spell.interrupted then

Custom Functions

File: custom_functions.lua
About: Contains custom functions which are used throughout many lua scripts. Extracted for easy reusability.

Custom Lists

File: custom_lists.lua
About: Contains custom lists like areas and spell maps, extending what is already included in the default Mote-Include.lua suite.