import { UICONS } from './uicons.ts' import { Rpc } from '@na-ji/pogo-protos' const BASE_ICON_URL = '' const BASE_AUDIO_URL = '' const icons = new UICONS(BASE_ICON_URL) describe('webp format', () => { test('should fetch remotely', async () => { expect(await icons.remoteInit()).toBe(icons) }) test('should have 500.webp for stardust', () => { expect(icons.has('reward.stardust', '500')).toBe(true) }) }) const audio = new UICONS({ path: BASE_AUDIO_URL }) describe('wav format', () => { test('should load locally', async () => { const data = await fetch(`${BASE_AUDIO_URL}/index.json`) const index = await data.json() expect(audio.init(index)).toBe(audio) }) test('should have 666.wav for pokemon', () => { expect(icons.has('pokemon', 666)).toBe(true) }) }) describe('device', () => { test('online icon', () => { expect(icons.device(true)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/device/1.webp`) }) }) describe('gym', () => { test('neutral icon', () => { expect(icons.gym(0)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/gym/0.webp`) }) test('valor in battle', () => { expect(icons.gym(2, 3, true)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/gym/2_t3_b.webp`) }) test('mystic ex', () => { expect(icons.gym(1, 4, false, true)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/gym/1_t4_ex.webp` ) }) test('instinct ar', () => { expect(icons.gym(3, 6, false, false, true)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/gym/3_t6_ar.webp` ) }) }) describe('invasion', () => { test('giovanni unconfirmed', () => { expect(icons.invasion('44')).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/invasion/44_u.webp`) }) test('giovanni confirmed', () => { expect( icons.invasion(Rpc.EnumWrapper.InvasionCharacter.CHARACTER_GIOVANNI, true) ).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/invasion/44.webp`) }) }) describe('misc', () => { test('fallback icon', () => { expect(icons.misc('something_missing')).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/misc/0.webp`) }) test('has great league', () => { expect(icons.misc('500')).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/misc/500.webp`) }) }) describe('nest', () => { test('grass - string', () => { expect(icons.nest('12')).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/nest/12.webp`) }) test('none - number', () => { expect(icons.nest(0)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/nest/0.webp`) }) }) describe('pokemon', () => { test('bulbasaur', () => { expect(icons.pokemon('1')).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokemon/1.webp`) }) test('charmander form', () => { expect(icons.pokemon(4, 0, 896)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokemon/4_f896.webp` ) }) test('mega blastoise', () => { expect( icons.pokemon( Rpc.HoloPokemonId.BLASTOISE, Rpc.HoloTemporaryEvolutionId.TEMP_EVOLUTION_MEGA ) ).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokemon/9_e1.webp`) }) }) describe('pokestops', () => { test('lure', () => { expect(icons.pokestop(501)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/501.webp`) }) test('invasion', () => { expect(icons.pokestop(0, 0)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/0_i.webp`) }) test('invasion & lure', () => { expect(icons.pokestop(502, 0, false, false, 0)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/502_i.webp`) }) test('quest', () => { expect(icons.pokestop(0, false, true)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/0_q.webp` ) expect(icons.pokestop(0, false, 0)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/0_q.webp` ) expect(icons.pokestop(0, false, '1')).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/0_q.webp` ) }) test('ar', () => { expect(icons.pokestop(504, 0, false, true)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/504_i_ar.webp` ) }) test('kecleon', () => { expect(icons.pokestop(0, '8', false, false, 0)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/0_i8.webp` ) }) test('gold coin', () => { expect(icons.pokestop(0, 7, false, false, 0)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/pokestop/0_i7.webp` ) }) }) describe('raid', () => { test('hatched', () => { expect(icons.raidEgg('12', true)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/raid/egg/12_h.webp` ) }) test('unhatched', () => { expect(icons.raidEgg(1, false)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/raid/egg/1.webp`) }) }) describe('reward', () => { test('experience', () => { expect(icons.reward('experience', 100)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/experience/100.webp` ) }) test('item without amount', () => { expect(icons.reward('item', 1)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/item/1.webp`) }) test('item with amount', () => { expect(icons.reward('item', 1, 10)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/item/1_a10.webp` ) }) test('item with missing amount', () => { expect(icons.reward('item', 2, 300)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/item/2.webp` ) }) test('stardust with amount', () => { expect(icons.reward('stardust', 500)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/stardust/500.webp` ) }) test('stardust with missing amount', () => { expect(icons.reward('stardust', 10_000)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/stardust/0.webp` ) }) test('candy', () => { expect(icons.reward('candy', 4)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/candy/4.webp` ) }) test('xl_candy', () => { expect(icons.reward('xl_candy', '98')).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/xl_candy/98.webp` ) }) test('mega_resource', () => { expect(icons.reward('mega_resource', 3)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/mega_resource/3.webp` ) }) test('mega_resource with amount', () => { expect(icons.reward('mega_resource', 6, 25)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/reward/mega_resource/6_a25.webp` ) }) }) describe('spawnpoint', () => { test('verified', () => { expect(icons.spawnpoint(true)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/spawnpoint/1.webp`) }) }) describe('stations', () => { test('active', () => { expect(icons.station(true)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/station/1.webp`) }) test('inactive', () => { expect(icons.station()).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/station/0.webp`) }) }) describe('team', () => { test('instinct', () => { expect(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/team/3.webp`) }) test('missing', () => { expect(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/team/0.webp`) }) }) describe('type', () => { test('fire - number', () => { expect(icons.type(1)).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/type/1.webp`) }) test('steel - string', () => { expect(icons.type('9')).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/type/9.webp`) }) test('bug - proto', () => { expect(icons.type(Rpc.HoloPokemonType.POKEMON_TYPE_BUG)).toBe( `${BASE_ICON_URL}/type/7.webp` ) }) }) describe('weather', () => { test('id only', () => { expect(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/weather/2.webp`) }) test('with day', () => { expect(, 0, 'day')).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/weather/3_d.webp`) }) test('with night', () => { expect(, 0, 'night') ).toBe(`${BASE_ICON_URL}/weather/1_n.webp`) }) })