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Commit f358ee5

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committedFeb 24, 2022
Just docs
1 parent 57b23ba commit f358ee5

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4 files changed

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4 files changed

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@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ External crystal (all except 828, 43 and x8-family):
* 7.3728 MHz* !
* 6 MHz !
* 4 MHz
* 3.6864 MHz* ! (parts with hardware serial port only)
* 3.6864 MHz* !

External Clock:
* 20 MHz !
@@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ External Clock:
* 9.216 MHz* !
* 8 MHz
* 7.3728 MHz* !
* 3.6864 MHz* ! (parts with hardware serial port only)
* 3.6864 MHz* !


All available clock options for the selected processor will be shown in the Tools -> Clock menu.

`*` These weird crystals are "UART frequencies" - these divide evenly to common baud rates, so you can get a perfect match if this is required for your application - typical UART use cases do not require running at one of these UART frequencies, the usual caveats about software serial and baud rate accuracy on classic (pre-2016) AVR designs notwithstanding.
`*` These weird crystals are "UART frequencies" - these divide evenly to common baud rates, so you can get a perfect match if this is required for your application - typical UART use cases do not require running at one of these UART frequencies, the usual caveats about software serial and baud rate accuracy on classic (pre-2016) AVR designs notwithstanding. These to not hold particular benefit for either the 87/167, nor parts without hardware serial ports. They are not recommended on parts without applicable hardware serial ports, as the odd clock speed imposes additional overhead.

`**` These options are slow enough that many ISP programmers may not be able to program them. Depending on the ISP programmer (and in some cases the firmware on it), there may be a setting or jumper to slow the SCK frequency down for programming these parts, or it may automatically figure it out. The SCK frequency must be less than 1/6th of the system clock for ISP programming. Before using a such a low clock speed, consider whether you might be able to get lower power consumption by running at a higher base clock while staying in sleep most of the time - this results in fewer programming headaches, and in many (but not all) use cases results in comparable or lower power consumption.

@@ -242,28 +242,19 @@ The clock speed is made available via the F_CPU #define - you can test this usin

In version 1.3.3 and later, the clock source is also made available via the CLOCK_SOURCE #define. CLOCK_SOURCE can take one of the following values (as of 1.4.0, it is expanded to cover a few weird clocking situations: the low 4 bits identify the source, and high 4 bits identify special things regarding it:

> 0 - Internal 8MHz oscillator, not prescaled, or prescaled to 1 MHz (ie, fully set by fuses)
> 1 - External Crystal
> 2 - External Clock
> 3 - Internal WDT oscillator (not available on the x41, 1634, and 828)
> 4 - Internal ULP oscillator (available only on the x41, 1634, and 828)
> 5 - Internal 4MHz oscillator (present only on the x313 parts - if the 8MHz internal oscillator is prescaled to 4MHz, CLOCK_SOURCE will be 0x10, not 5.)
> 6 - Internal PLL (x5 and x61 only)
> 16 or 0x10 (ie, 0x10 | 0) - Internal oscillator with prescaling not set by fuses (ie, not 1 MHz or 8 MHz - ie, 2 or 4 MHz)
> 17 or 0x11 (ie, 0x10 | 1) - External crystal at 16MHz, which may be prescaled to get lower frequencies (for Digispark Pro ATtiny167)
> 18 or 0x12 (ie, 0x10 | 2) - External clock at 16MHz, which may be prescaled to get lower frequencies (for MH Tiny ATtiny88)
0 - Internal 8MHz oscillator, not prescaled, or prescaled to 1 MHz (ie, fully set by fuses)
1 - External Crystal
2 - External Clock
3 - Internal WDT oscillator (not available on the x41, 1634, and 828)
4 - Internal ULP oscillator (available only on the x41, 1634, and 828)
5 - Internal 4MHz oscillator (present only on the x313 parts - if the 8MHz internal oscillator is prescaled to 4MHz, CLOCK_SOURCE will be 0x10, not 5.)
6 - Internal PLL (x5 and x61 only)
16 or 0x10 (ie, 0x10 | 0) - Internal oscillator with prescaling not set by fuses (ie, not 1 MHz or 8 MHz - ie, 2 or 4 MHz)
17 or 0x11 (ie, 0x10 | 1) - External crystal at 16MHz, which may be prescaled to get lower frequencies (for Digispark Pro ATtiny167)
18 or 0x12 (ie, 0x10 | 2) - External clock at 16MHz, which may be prescaled to get lower frequencies (for MH Tiny ATtiny88)
22 or 0x16 (ie, 0x10 | 6) - Internal PLL prescaled to get a lower frequency (for Digispark et. al.)
### Assembler Listing generation

In version 1.2.2 and later, Sketch -> Export compiled binary will generate an assembly listing in the sketch folder; this is particularly useful when attempting to reduce flash usage, as you can see how much flash is used by different functions. In 2.0.0 and later it gemnerates a memory map. Tools submenu options which impact the compiled binary will be encoded in the name that the files are given.
@@ -305,10 +296,10 @@ Where real hardware SPI is available, SPI.h will behave identically to that on a

On USI parts, there are a few minor concerns, though most things will work without issue, and it should all be handled transparently via the SPI library.
* **USI does not have MISO/MOSI, it has DI/DO**
* when operating in master mode, DI is MISO, and DO is MOSI.
* When operating in slave mode, DI is MOSI and DO is MISO. Note that like all other versions of SPI.h, slave mode is not supported. You must use a different library for that.
* The #defines for MISO and MOSI assume master mode. PIN_USI_DI, PIN_USI_DO, and PIN_USI_SCK are defined and can be used for operation in slave mode.
* The clock dividers are implemented in software (this is one of the things that USI lacks). Clock dividers of 2, 4, 8 and >=14 are implemented as separate routines; **call `SPISettings` or `setClockDivider` with a constant value to use less program space**, otherwise, all routines will be included along with 32-bit math. Clock dividers larger than 14 are only approximate because the routine is optimized for size, not exactness.
* when operating in master mode, **DI is MISO, and DO is MOSI**.
* When operating in slave mode, **DI is MOSI and DO is MISO**. Note that like all other versions of SPI.h, slave mode is not supported. You must use a different library for that.
* The #defines for MISO and MOSI assume master mode, slave mode being unsupported). PIN_USI_DI, PIN_USI_DO, and PIN_USI_SCK are defined and can be used for operation in slave mode with some other library. Be careful to distinguish the MISO/MOSI/SCK pins marked as "Programming Pins" from the pins used for SPI from within the sketch - when programming a part via ISP, it is, after all, acting as a slave.
* The clock dividers are implemented in software (a clock generator is one of the many things that USI lacks). Clock dividers of 2, 4, 8 and >=14 are implemented as separate routines; **call `SPISettings` or `setClockDivider` with a constant value to use less program space**, otherwise, all routines will be included along with 32-bit math. Clock dividers larger than 14 are only approximate because the routine is optimized for size, not exactness.
* Interrupts are not disabled during data transfer. That means that an interrupt could fire in the middle of a byte, and one of the bits in that byte would be very long. This is usually fine. If it isn't, because you're working with devices that require consistent clocking, wrap calls to `transfer` in `ATOMIC_BLOCK` or disable interrupts in the normal ways.
* Be aware that USI-based I2C is not available when USI-based SPI is in use (this should be obvious, as they used the same pins).

@@ -332,9 +323,9 @@ Regardless of the implementation, simultaneously acting as both a master and a s
On all parts with more than 128b of SRAM, the buffer size in 32 bytes. On smaller parts, it is 16 bytes, but I'm not sure you could make those work with the Wire library anyway due to flash size constraints so this may not be relevant. All official cores use 32b buffers, and it is for this reason that a 32b buffer is used even on parts where the pair of buffers leads to using a painfully large fraction of the RAM - libraries implicitly depend on the buffer being at least 32b, often without the author even being aware of that fact.

#### Serial Support
To most of us, the Serial interface is the most important of the big three serial protocols. All parts, whether or not they have hardware serial, will have an object named serial that provides serial interface functionality. Where there is hardware serial, the Serial object is a normal fully featured, full duplex serial port that works just like any other AVR. The lucky chips that have two serial ports will also have Serial1 defined.
To most of us, the Serial interface is the most important of the big three serial protocols. All parts, whether or not they have hardware serial, will have an object named `Serial` that provides serial interface functionality. Where there is hardware serial, the Serial object is a normal fully featured, full duplex serial port that works just like any other AVR. The lucky chips that have two serial ports will also have Serial1 defined.

Unfortunately, that's only 8 of the 21 parts supported by this core. The rest must use some form of software serial. While this core is fully compatible with the usual SoftwareSerial library, it comes with the usual disadvantages, most notably the fact that it grabs all the PCINT vectors for itself. To address that on the parts not blessed with hardware serial, we include a software serial implementation with a fixed RX pin, and a TX pin with a limited number of options - but which leaves the PCINT vectors available. It uises the analog comparator interrupt, and requires that the RX pin be the AIN1 pin. TX defaults to the AIN0 pin.
Unfortunately, that's only 8 of the 21 parts supported by this core. The rest must use some form of software serial. While this core is fully compatible with the usual SoftwareSerial library, it comes with the usual disadvantages, most notably the fact that it grabs all the PCINT vectors for itself. To address that on the parts not blessed with hardware serial, we include a software serial implementation with a fixed (on the x61, there are three options, selected from a tools menu.) RX pin, and a TX pin with a limited number of options - but which leaves the PCINT vectors available. It uises the analog comparator interrupt, and requires that the RX pin be the AIN1 pin. TX defaults to the AIN0 pin.

Regardless of how you achieve the software serial, however, you can still only transmit or receive on a single software serial instance at a time (SoftwareSerial or the builtin tinySoftSerial). Transmit is always blocking - a call that writes via software serial will not return until the data is sent unlike hardware serial which puts it into a buffer to send in the background.

@@ -400,6 +391,11 @@ The standard NeoPixel (WS2812/etc) libraries do not support all the clock speeds
### Additional configuration options
These are available from tools submenus

#### Pin Remapping (x61, 441, 841 only, new in 2.0.0)
The x61-series can use either PORTA or PORTB pins for the USI. This must be chosen at compiletime - implementing swap() like the megaAVR parts have would impose excess overhead.
The x41-series has two options for USART0 and two options for SPI. They are chosen independently, and the tools menu hence contains four options. (it's better than two menus, right?)
#### Retain EEPROM
All non-bootloader board definitions have a menu option to control whether the contents of the EEPROM are erased when programming. This only applies to ISP programming, and you must "burn bootloader" to set the fuses to apply this. Because it only applies to ISP programming, it is not available for Bootloader board definitions. on Optiboot definitions, EESAVE is never enabled, but since only ISP programming will normally erase the EEPROM, the only time you'd be running into this is if you were "rebootloading" it - which should always return it to a known state - or were writing over the bootloader with a sketch (which you probably shouldn't be doing anyway). Meanwhile if that option was present, it would cause a great deal of confusion since it would apply only to an uploading use case that you shouldn't be doing, and to rebootloading, not to normal uploads.

@@ -421,7 +417,10 @@ The Tools -> millis()/micros() allows you to enable or disable the millis() and
## Memory Lock Bits, disabling Reset
ATTinyCore will never set lock bits, nor will it set fuses to disable ISP programming (it is intentionally not made available as an option, since after doing that an HV programmer is needed to further reprogram the chip, and inexperienced users would be at risk of bricking their chips this way). The usual workflow when these bits are in use is Set other fuses -> Upload -> Test -> manually set the lockbits and/or fuses. This can be done from the command line using AVRdude. To expedite the process, you can enable "Verbose Upload" in preferences, do "burn bootloader" (the board and/or programmer does not need to be present), scroll to the top of the output window - the first line is the avrdude command used to burn the bootloader, including the paths to all the relevant files. It can be used as a template for the command you execute to set the fuse/lock bits.

Disabling of reset is only an option for boards definitions with a bootloader which uses a sound flash-erase implementation (Optiboot presently does not, while the VUSB bootloaders which disable reset are in widespread use, seemingly without issue) and for the 8 and 14-pin parts It will never be an option for non-bootloader board definitions for other parts. We recommend against it in all cases. The 8 and 14 pin parts can be unbricked with a comparatively simple HVSP programmer (only 4-7 pins - 4 pins + reset for 8-pin, plus 3 more tied low on 14-pin)/ Everything with more pins needs an HVPP programmer, involving a wire connected to every pin or almost every pin on the chip. The sheer number of connections makes it unlikely that it could ever be unbricked in-system if the "system" is much more than a breakout board. HVPP is extremely exotic within the hobby community, such that I've never heard anyone talk about unbricking with HVPP.
Disabling of reset is only an option for boards definitions with a bootloader which uses a sound flash-erase implementation (Optiboot presently does not, while the VUSB bootloaders which disable reset are in widespread use, seemingly without issue). We recommend against it in all cases. The 8 and 14 pin parts can be unbricked with a comparatively simple HVSP programmer (only 4-7 pins - 4 pins + reset for 8-pin, plus 3 more tied low on 14-pin). Everything with more pins needs an HVPP programmer, involving a wire connected to every pin or almost every pin on the chip. The sheer number of connections makes it unlikely that it could ever be unbricked in-system if the "system" is much more than a breakout board. HVPP is extremely exotic within the hobby community, such that I've never heard anyone talk about unbricking with HVPP.
**USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN USING THE USB UPDATE FOR MICRONUCLEUS** as you can update to a version of the bootloader that will not support your board.

## Pin Mappings


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@@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
Changes to pinout images for ATTinyCore 2.0.0
* New ATTiny1634 pinout
* ATTiny1634 - VUSB pins: PC4 D+, PC5 D-
* ATTiny861 - VUSB pins: PB6 D+, PB4 D- (by not putting it on PD5, the third PWM pin is no longer encumbered by the USB stuff)
* ATtiny861 - Builtin SoftSerial defaults to RX on AIN1 (PA7) but can use AIN0 (PA6) or AIN2 (PA5) based on tools menu selection.
Pinout Diagram Changes:

* ATTiny841,84 - VUSB pins: PB0, PB1. I may have to make both combinations an option because every conceivable arrangement of these has been used, including D+ on PB2 (though I think I know why this was done, it was a t84-not-a and the oscillator wasn't stable enough so they had to pipe in external CLOCK - I don't know why you'd do D+ on B0 D- on B1. Which is the most common one!)
* ATTiny828 - PA4 SDA (master-only mode), PA5 SDA (master-only mode). The 828 uses the same pins for SPI and hardware TWI slave, AND one of those pins has a nasty errata. But if only using master mode, its a software master that can use any pins, so we use these more sensible ones.
* All parts without a hardware serial port:
* Add note that indicates that the TX pin may be set with Serial.setTXPin() to pins on the same port.
* Add diagram for the ATtiny26 (mostly the same as a x61, but with less features. Only the new pin mapping is supported there. It has no third PWM pin)
* x61:
* Alternate serial port locations: RX PA5, PA6. TX PA6, PA7.
* Possibly distinguish the non-standard PCINts (PCINT 8-11 are controlled by PCIE1, but PCINT12-16 are back to PCIE0 (wtf), or add note to that effect).
* Add note that between all PCINTs, there's only one interrupt vector (double wtf)).
* Possibly the above two can simply be combined into a note indicating that PCINT behavior is slightly different on these parts and to refer to the part specific documentation.
* Add alternate pin locations for DI, DO, SCK (non-ISP programming only) and hence SCL and SDA: they can now be moved from PB0-PB2 to PA0-PA2.
* x5, x4, x41, x61, x7, x8, 1634:
* Add USB pins. Where there are multiple pin mappings, only one associated with vUSB boards (x8, x7, 1634), these should should be de-emphacized if they are shown at all
* Add alternate USB pins for x41 and x4 - boards have been made with PB0 = D-, PB1 = D+, the opposite, and with PB0 = D- and PB2 = D+. All boards of which I am aware put the LED on the unused PORTB pin.
* All parts: Add LED pin (note: this pin is often different for different pin mappings)
* x4, x5, x41, 26, x61, x7:
* Indicate pins that can be used for differential ADC measurements.
* A +/- symbol might be a good marker, with a footnote indicating that users should refer to the part-specific documentation more information.
* 1634: Add new pin mapping as the recommended pin mapping (clockwise) The CCW pin mapping is strictly worse and only for compatibility.
* x7: Add pin mapping diagram for the new QFN-24 package (the old QFN32 is not going to be used by anyone now that there's a QFN24 version - it uses more board space and is harder to solder).
* x41: Mark PA5, PA7 as having High Sink Capability. Add alternate pin for UART0 (RX PB2, TX, PA7), SPI (SS: PA2 MOSI: PA1 MISO: PA0, SCK PA3). The default pins must be marked as being used for programming.
* 828: Mark PORTC as having High Sink Capability.


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@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ In the even more unlikely event that your sketch uses GPIOR0, be sure to set it
## Number of included binaries
Each clock speed requires it's own bootloader binary, and has two entry conditions, and in addition to each of the parts requiring their own bootloader binaries, there are several parts that get more than one: The 1634 can use either USART0 or USART1, the 441/841 can use either USART0, USART1, or USART0 in it's alternate pin mapping, and the 461 and 861 have 3 options for the software serial to match the tinySoftSerial configuration options. The number of bootloaders required borders on the absurd: ATTinyCore 2.0.0 includes no less than 586 hex files (though in the past it was already close to 200). Makefile.tiny should not be hand-edited - it is automatically generated along with makeall.tiny.bat when is run.

### Building Optiboot - with apologies to linux and sane developers
### Building Optiboot - with apologies to Linux and sane developers
I like programming embedded systems. I do not like setting up build environments. My build environment is created as follows:
1. Unzip the 1.0.6 version of the Arduino IDE (zip package) in a location outside of program files.
2. Delete all contents except for the hardware and tools folders. Delete contents of tools folder except for the avr folder.
2. Delete all contents except for the `hardware` and `tools` folders. Within the the hardware folder, delete everything except `Arduino` and `tools`. In `hardware/tools`, delele everything except `avr`. In `hardware/Arduino`, delete everthing except `bootloaders` (this greatly shrinks the package size allowing the build environment to be copied between machines quickly)
3. Download [the Arduino toolchain for Windows platforms, v5.4.0 arduino2]( (I suspect a more recent toolchain would work, but I see little possible upside to that, and it could cause unforseen problems - zero gain non-zero risk = bad deal)
4. Extract it, there will be a folder called 'avr' - copy it into tools, and you should be prompted to replace several thousand files. Do so.
4. Extract it, there will be a folder called 'avr' - copy it into tools, and you should be prompted to replace several thousand files. Do so. There are several nested folders named AVR, and you will still match some file names if you copy these 1 layer too deep or too shallow. Start over if you do - trying to fix the resulting mess is hopeless.
5. Copy (repository root)/avr/bootloaders/optiboot/source to a location under (1.0.6 arduino skeleton)/hardware/arduino/bootloaders.
6. If create_boards_txt was modified, be sure to run it and copy the new Makefile.tiny and makeall.tiny.bat from (repository root)/avr/extras/development (copying boards.txt to (repository root)/avr is required as well - this is to permit manual inspection.)

If it wasn't clear from the above, I am unlikely to be able to answer questions about building on other platforms, or setting up a build environment that differs in any way.
If it wasn't clear from the above, I am unlikely to be able to answer questions about building on other platforms, or setting up a build environment that differs in any way. That is pretty much the extent of my knowledge of setting up the build environment.


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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# TinySoftSerial ("Serial" on parts with no hardware serial port)
Many of the classic tinyAVR parts lack a hardware serial port. This is obviously inconvenient when the majority of us do our debugging entirely over serial (a small number - not including myself - are more sophisticated and know how to do hardware debugging).

Working with the tinyAVR parts without any sort of serial port is quite challenging, and beyond that, a UART is often the only mechanism available for communication with some types of peripherals. There is of course the SoftwareSerial library, but that takes over every single
Working with the tinyAVR parts without any sort of serial port is quite challenging, and beyond that, a UART is often the only mechanism available for communication with some types of peripherals. There is of course the SoftwareSerial library, but that takes over every single PCINT (to use PCINTs it must take over one port worth, but it permits software serial on ANY pin, so must take over PCINTs on EVERY pin).


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