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Using https://mingodad.github.io/plgh/json2ebnf.html to convert the content in src/grammar.json to an EBNF understood by https://github.com/GuntherRademacher/rr that create a nice navigable railroad diagram (see bellow with instructions at the top).
// // EBNF to generate railroad diagram at // (IPV6) https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui // (IPV4) https://rr.red-dove.com/ui // Copy and paste this at one of the urls shown above in the 'Edit Grammar' tab // then click the 'View Diagram' tab. // // From https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SerenityOS/tree-sitter-jakt/refs/heads/main/src/grammar.json // source_file ::= ( _statement ( '\n' | ';' )? )* _statement ::= declaration | _expression | block | if_statement | return_statement | while_statement | continue_statement | throw_statement | defer_statement | loop_statement | try_statement | unsafe_block | cpp_block | yield_statement | import_statement | guard_statement declaration ::= let_declaration | mutable_declaration | enum_declaration | struct_declaration | trait_declaration | class_declaration | generic_class_declaration | namespace_declaration | function_declaration | comptime_function_declaration | generic_function_declaration logical_not_expression ::= 'not' _expression _expression ::= identifier | _literal | logical_not_expression | this_reference | this_reference_shorthand | unary_expression | bitwisenot_expression | binary_expression | optional_expression | optional_value_expression | call_expression | range_expression | for_expression | field_expression | static_call_expression | namespace_call_expression | namespace_scope_expression | type_conversion_expression | assignment_expression | none_expression | update_expression | match_expression | match_default_binding_expression | pointer_expression | parenthesized_expression | try_expression | array_expression | reflect_expression | closure_function_expression parenthesized_expression ::= '(' _expression ')' while_statement ::= 'while' _expression block loop_statement ::= 'loop' block continue_statement ::= 'continue' throw_statement ::= 'throw' _expression defer_statement ::= 'defer' ( block | _expression ) try_statement ::= 'try' ( block | _expression ) 'catch' identifier? ( block | _expression ) try_expression ::= 'try' _expression unsafe_block ::= 'unsafe' '{' _statement* '}' cpp_block ::= 'cpp' '{' ( '"' _string_content '"' ( '\n' | ';' )? )* '}' yield_statement ::= 'yield' _expression c_header_identfier ::= ( '"' '.'* '.h"' ) cpp_header_identfier ::= ( '"' '.'* '"' ) import_as_clause ::= 'as' import_statement ::= 'import' ( extern_specifier 'c' c_header_identfier | extern_specifier cpp_header_identfier | identifier ( import_as_clause identifier )? | ( identifier '::' _field_identifier ( '::' _field_identifier )* ) )? import_block? import_block ::= '{' ( identifier ( '\n' | ';' )? ( ',' identifier ( '\n' | ';' )? )* )? ( function_declaration ( '\n' | ';' )? | class_declaration ( '\n' | ';' )? )*? namespace_declaration? '}' guard_statement ::= 'guard' ( _expression ) 'else' block namespace_declaration ::= 'namespace' _pattern block for_expression ::= 'for' _pattern 'in' _expression block call_expression ::= ( _expression | generic_type ) arguments range_expression ::= _expression '..' _expression? | '..' field_expression ::= ( this_reference | _expression ) '.' ( '['? ( _field_identifier | integer_literal ) ']'? ) namespace_call_expression ::= identifier '::' ( identifier '::' )+ ( _field_identifier | generic_type ) arguments static_call_expression ::= identifier '::' ( _field_identifier | generic_type ) arguments type_conversion_expression ::= _expression ( 'as?' | 'as!' ) identifier | _primitive_types assignment_expression ::= _expression ( '=' | '+=' | '-=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' ) _expression array_expression ::= _expression ( '[' ( _expression ','? )*? ']' ) reflect_expression ::= 'reflect' identifier pointer_expression ::= ( '&' | '*' ) ( 'raw' | mutable_specifier )? identifier pointer_type ::= ( 'raw' ) identifier optional_expression ::= _expression ( '!!' | '??' ) _expression optional_type ::= _type ( '!' | '?' ) optional_value_expression ::= _expression ( '!' | '?' ) none_expression ::= 'None' arguments ::= '(' ( ( argument ) ','? )*? ')' argument ::= _pattern ':' _expression | ( identifier ) ( '\n' | ';' ) | ( _expression ) _type ::= _primitive_types | _simple_type _simple_type ::= _type_identifier | generic_type | dictionary_type | set_type | array_type | function_return_type | namespace_scope_type | reference_type | closure_function_type | tuple_type | optional_type | pointer_type namespace_scope_type ::= ( [_\p{XID_Start}][_\p{XID_Continue}]* '::' )+ namespace_scope_expression ::= identifier ( '::' identifier )+ ( '\n' | ';' )? array_type ::= '[' _type ']' dictionary_type ::= '[' _type ':' _type ']' set_type ::= '{' _type '}' function_return_type ::= ( [_\p{XID_Start}][_\p{XID_Continue}]* ( '::' [_\p{XID_Start}][_\p{XID_Continue}]* )+ ) reference_type ::= '&' mutable_specifier? ( _primitive_types | identifier ) let_declaration ::= 'let' _pattern ( ':' _type )? ( '=' _expression )? mutable_declaration ::= mutable_specifier _pattern ( ':' weak_specifier? _type )? ( '=' _expression )? ';'? boxed_specifier ::= 'boxed' enum_declaration ::= boxed_specifier? 'enum' ( _type | enum_integral_type ) _implements? enum_variant_list enum_integral_type ::= identifier ':' _type enum_variant_list ::= '{' ( ( enum_variant | enum_tuple_variant | enum_struct_variant | enum_field_declaration | function_declaration )* ( '\n' ( enum_variant | enum_tuple_variant | enum_struct_variant | enum_field_declaration | function_declaration )* )* )? '}' enum_field_declaration ::= _field_identifier ':' _type ( '=' _expression )? enum_variant ::= identifier ( '=' _expression )? enum_tuple_variant ::= identifier '(' ( _type ) ')' enum_struct_variant ::= identifier '(' ( field_declaration ( '\n' | ',' )? )+? ')' field_declaration_list ::= '{' ( function_declaration | field_declaration ( '\n' | ',' )? | generic_function_declaration )+? '}' field_declaration ::= visibility_specifier? _field_identifier ':' _type ( '=' _expression )? _field_identifier ::= identifier _implements ::= 'implements' '(' ( trait_identifier ( ','? trait_identifier )* | generic_type ) ')' struct_declaration ::= ( attributes | extern_specifier )? 'struct' ( _type_identifier | generic_type ) _implements? field_declaration_list trait_declaration ::= 'trait' ( identifier | generic_type ) field_declaration_list class_declaration ::= extern_specifier? 'class' _type_identifier ( ':' _type_identifier )? field_declaration_list generic_class_declaration ::= 'class' generic_type ( ':' _type_identifier )? field_declaration_list visibility_specifier ::= 'public' | 'private' mutable_specifier ::= 'mut' weak_specifier ::= 'weak' restricted_specifier ::= 'restricted' '(' ( identifier ( ',' identifier )* )? ')' unary_expression ::= '-' _expression bitwisenot_expression ::= '~' _expression return_statement ::= 'return' _expression? binary_expression ::= _expression 'and' _expression | _expression 'or' _expression | _expression 'is' _expression | _expression '&' _expression | _expression '|' _expression | _expression '^' _expression | _expression ( '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' ) _expression | _expression ( '<<' | '<<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '<<=' | '>>=' ) _expression | _expression ( '+' | '-' ) _expression | _expression ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) _expression update_expression ::= ( '--' | '++' ) ( identifier | field_expression | this_reference_shorthand ) | ( identifier | field_expression | this_reference_shorthand ) ( '--' | '++' ) match_expression ::= 'match' _expression match_block match_block ::= '{' ( ',' | match_arm )* last_match_arm '}' match_arm ::= ( match_pattern ) '=>' ( _expression | block ) match_default_binding_expression ::= identifier 'default' '(' mutable_specifier? identifier '=' _literal ')' last_match_arm ::= ( match_else | match_else_binding | match_pattern ) '=>' ( _expression | block ) match_pattern ::= _expression match_else ::= 'else' match_else_binding ::= 'else' '(' identifier ')' _literal ::= string_literal | char_literal | byte_literal | boolean_literal | integer_literal | binary_literal | float_literal | array_literal | dictionary_literal | tuple_literal | set_literal | destructuring_literal _pattern ::= _literal | ( 'u8' | 'i8' | 'u16' | 'i16' | 'u32' | 'i32' | 'u64' | 'i64' | 'u128' | 'i128' | 'isize' | 'usize' | 'uz' | 'f32' | 'f64' | 'c_int' | 'bool' | 'String' | 'c_char' | 'void' ) | identifier destructuring_literal ::= '(' ( identifier ','? )+ ')' negative_literal ::= '-' ( integer_literal | float_literal ) integer_literal ::= ( ( [0-9][0-9_]* | '0x'[0-9a-fA-F_]+ | '0o'[0-7_]+ ) ( 'u8' | 'i8' | 'u16' | 'i16' | 'u32' | 'i32' | 'u64' | 'i64' | 'u128' | 'i128' | 'isize' | 'usize' | 'uz' | 'f32' | 'f64' | 'c_int' )? ) binary_literal ::= ( ( '0b'[01_]+ ) ) string_literal ::= 'b'?'"' ( escape_sequence | _string_content )* '"' char_literal ::= ( "'" ( '\' ( [^xu] | 'u'[0-9a-fA-F]'{4}' | 'u{'[0-9a-fA-F]+'}' | 'x'[0-9a-fA-F]'{2}' ) | [^\'] )? "'" ) byte_literal ::= ( 'b' "'" ( '\' ( [^xu] | 'u'[0-9a-fA-F]'{4}' | 'u{'[0-9a-fA-F]+'}' | 'x'[0-9a-fA-F]'{2}' ) | [^\'] )? "'" ) array_literal ::= '[' ( _expression ( ','? _expression )* | _literal ';' _expression )? ']' tuple_expression ::= '(' ( _expression ','? ( ',' _expression ','? )* )? ')' tuple_type ::= '(' ( _type ','? ( ',' _type ','? )* )? ')' tuple_literal ::= '(' _expression ( ',' _expression )* ')' dictionary_literal ::= '[' ( ':' | ( dictionary_element ','? )+ ) ']' set_literal ::= '{' ( _expression ','? )+? '}' dictionary_element ::= _literal ':' _expression escape_sequence ::= ( '\' ( [^xu] | 'u'[0-9a-fA-F]'{4}' | 'u{'[0-9a-fA-F]+'}' | 'x'[0-9a-fA-F]'{2}' ) ) trait_requirement ::= identifier ( '<' trait_identifier 'requires' '(' trait_identifier ( ','? trait_identifier )* ')' '>' ) attributes ::= '[[' ( call_expression | 'name' '=' identifier ) ']]' function_declaration ::= ( attributes | restricted_specifier | visibility_specifier | extern_specifier )? 'fn' ( identifier | trait_requirement ) parameters throws_specifier? ( '->' _type )? ( return_expression | block )? comptime_function_declaration ::= ( 'comptime' ) ( identifier | generic_type ) parameters throws_specifier? ( '->' _type )? ( return_expression | block )? generic_type ::= identifier generic_arguments generic_arguments ::= '<' ( _type_identifier | _primitive_types ) ( ',' ( _type_identifier | _primitive_types ) )* '>' generic_function_declaration ::= 'fn' generic_type parameters throws_specifier? ( '->' ( _type_identifier | generic_type | _type ) )? ( return_expression | block )? extern_specifier ::= 'extern' throws_specifier ::= 'throws' return_expression ::= '=>' _expression parameters ::= '(' ( ( parameter | this_parameter ) ( ',' ( parameter | this_parameter ) )* )? ','? ')' this_reference ::= 'this' this_parameter ::= mutable_specifier? this_reference this_reference_shorthand ::= '.' identifier parameter ::= anonymous_specifier? mutable_specifier? ( _pattern ) ':' _type ( '=' _expression )? closure_function_type ::= ( '&' )? 'fn' parameters throws_specifier? ( '->' _type )? _closure_capture_reference ::= '[' ( ( identifier | pointer_expression ) | comptime_specifier identifier ( ',' comptime_specifier identifier )* ) ']' closure_function_expression ::= ( restricted_specifier | visibility_specifier )? 'fn' _closure_capture_reference? parameters throws_specifier? ( '->' _type )? ( return_expression | block ) anonymous_specifier ::= 'anon' comptime_specifier ::= 'comptime' block ::= '{' ( _statement ( '\n' | ';' )? )* '}' if_statement ::= 'if' _expression block else_clause? else_clause ::= 'else' ( block | if_statement ) boolean_literal ::= 'true' | 'false' comment ::= line_comment line_comment ::= ( '//' '.'* ) identifier ::= [_\p{XID_Start}][_\p{XID_Continue}]* _type_identifier ::= identifier trait_identifier ::= identifier _primitive_types ::= ( 'u8' | 'i8' | 'u16' | 'i16' | 'u32' | 'i32' | 'u64' | 'i64' | 'u128' | 'i128' | 'isize' | 'usize' | 'uz' | 'f32' | 'f64' | 'c_int' | 'bool' | 'String' | 'c_char' | 'void' )
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
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Using https://mingodad.github.io/plgh/json2ebnf.html to convert the content in
to anEBNF
understood by https://github.com/GuntherRademacher/rr that create a nice navigable railroad diagram (see bellow with instructions at the top).The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: