: Root directorytests
: Testsutils
: Support utilities
System dependencies that will need to be available
It is expected that the following have already been deployed in a OpenShift or non-OpenShift cluster:
- Istio (Deployed into
namespace, also including Grafana, Prometheus, etc.) - Kiali (Deployed into
namespace) - Bookinfo (with traffic generated to Bookinfo)
- Istio (Deployed into
You can use the following to help setup the environment if you do not already have one as detailed above.
- Installs the latest Istio release into
namespace along with the Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger addons.
- Installs the latest Istio release into
- Installs the Bookinfo demo that is found in the Istio release that was installed via the
hack script. - Pass in
to also install a traffic generator that will send messages periodically into the Bookinfo demo. - If using Minikube and the
option, make sure you pass in the Minikube profile name via-mp
if the profile name is notminikube
- Installs the Bookinfo demo that is found in the Istio release that was installed via the
Make targets to install Kiali
- You must have a development environment on your local machine. Clone the kiali/kiali, kiali/kiali-operator, and kiali/helm-chart repos per the dev docs.
- If using OpenShift:
- You must first be logged into the OpenShift cluster via
oc login
. - Log into the internal image registry via podman or docker. Run
make cluster-status
and look in the output for the login command to use. - Run
make build build-ui cluster-push operator-create kiali-create
- You must first be logged into the OpenShift cluster via
- If using Minikube:
- Run
make -e CLUSTER_TYPE=minikube build build-ui cluster-push operator-create kiali-create
- If your Minikube profile name is not the default
, you must also pass in the env var-e MINIKUBE_PROFILE="<your profile name>"
- Run
- Does all the work for you by setting up a local kind cluster and running the test suite against that enviornment.
# Clone this repository if you do not yet have it
$ git clone https://github.com/kiali/kiali.git
# Login to Openshift Cluster - you must specify your OpenShift cluster information and credentials
$ oc login https://<openshift>:<port> --username=<username> --password=<password> --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
# Run all tests using the Kiali Route and authenticated as the user that is logged in
$ make test-integration -e URL="https://$(oc get route -n istio-system kiali -o 'jsonpath={.spec.host}')" -e TOKEN="$(oc whoami -t)"
# test results are stored in the "tests/integration/junit-rest-report.xml" file
# Clone this repository if you do not yet have it
$ git clone https://github.com/kiali/kiali.git
# In a separate console, run a port-forward proxy to the Kiali running in the cluster
$ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kiali -o name) 20001:20001
# Run all tests using the Kiali port-forward proxy and authenticated as the Kiali service account
$ make test-integration -e CLIENT_EXE="kubectl" -e URL="http://localhost:20001/kiali" -e TOKEN="$(kubectl get -n istio-system $(kubectl get secret -n istio-system -o name | grep 'kiali.*-token' | head -n 1) -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 -d)"
# test results are stored in the "tests/integration/junit-rest-report.xml" file
You can also run the test suite in a container, using the image quay.io/kiali/kiali-int-tests:latest
or with a specific tag version.
System dependencies are bundled in the container but you are still required to install istio + kiali + bookinfo in advance.
Following environment variables are expected:
- The URL of the OpenShift API server.TOKEN
To run the container:
podman run -it \
-e OCP_API_URL=https://api.test-cluter.test.com:6443 \
-e TOKEN=<token> \
- The Bookinfo namespace is cleaned of pre-existing Circuit Breakers and Virtual Services. Therefore, ignore any errors during the clean-up that follow the message: "Cleanning up (Note: ignore messages: "Error from server..."