This session will cover:
- The basics of how websites function
- the different languages that are used, and how they're used
- Basic design principles
- Creating your first pages!
Here are a list of the additional resources from the slides
- Advanced tags
- Custom Fonts with CSS
- Some line height tools to play around with
- How do I know if I have enough contrast
- Additional CSS Resources
- More you can do with HTML attributes
Here are some other tags you can look into at some point if you’re interested
- Forms,inputs & labels
- Tables
- Format tags (em, strong, etc.)
- Details & Summary Tags
- Both the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) and W3 Schools have full documentation for EVERY HTML element
Using CSS rules, you can add custom fonts or import fonts from a number of providers to add a more custom feel to your webpage.
Information on how to do so can be found in this CSS Tricks article.
Advanced Visualizer:
A long time ago the w3c created WCAG (Web content accessibility Guidelines), a massive specification for this… ironically it wasn’t very accessible, and no one wanted to read it
So people built tools to validate this for you:
A lot of CSS and styling is learned from other people. There are too many css style rules and tricks for one person to learn. It’s a good idea to find videos and guides for specific things and then understand the code they use and learn to implement it in your own projects.
Video resources
Web resources
We wrote an article on some extra functionality you can get out of HTML