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executable file
303 lines (251 loc) · 14.1 KB

Startup guide (Android)

First kflat implementation was prepared for the Android kernel emulator and tested thereof. To show examples of kflat operation first thing to do is to setup the proper Linux development environment. We would need full AOSP source code together with the Linux kernel to compile and test the kflat module on the emulator.


Downloading Android and setting up emulator

Start with defining your source directories:

export ROOT_DIR=<your_source_root_directory>
export SDK_DIR=<path_to_android_sdk> 

Now download latest AOSP source code:

export ANDROID_DIR=${ROOT_DIR}/android
mkdir -p ${ANDROID_DIR} && cd ${ANDROID_DIR}
repo init -u
git --git-dir=.repo/manifests/.git/ branch -a | grep android\-12 # Look for latest branch
repo init -u -b android-12.0.0_r15 # At some point this was the latest branch
repo sync -j32

If you don't have repo you might want to download the launcher from here.

Next download Linux kernel sources for the emulator:

export KERNEL_DIR=${ROOT_DIR}/kernel
mkdir -p ${KERNEL_DIR} && cd ${KERNEL_DIR}
git clone build
git clone prebuilts/build-tools
git clone -b android-11.0.0_r28 --single-branch
git clone prebuilts/kernel-build-tools
git clone common-modules/virtual-device
(cd common-modules/virtual-device && git checkout 272a06c7d90c63f756ee998957609c25ebc6a6cf)
git clone kernel
(cd kernel && git checkout 53a812c6bbf3d88187f5f31a09b5499afc2930fb)

Now build the kernel (you would need to install clang-11 based toolchain (including ld.lld-11) to make this example working (or modify this example accordingly)):

export ARCH=x86_64
export CLANG_TRIPLE=x86_64-linux-gnu-
export CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux-gnu-
export LINUX_GCC_CROSS_COMPILE_PREBUILTS_BIN=${ROOT_DIR}/kernel/x86_64-linux-android-4.9/bin
export KBUILD_BUILD_USER=build-user
export KBUILD_BUILD_HOST=build-host
cd ${KERNEL_DIR}/kernel
make $DEVEXPS mrproper
KCONFIG_CONFIG=$KERNEL_DIR/kernel/.config $KERNEL_DIR/kernel/scripts/kconfig/ -m -r $KERNEL_DIR/kernel/arch/x86/configs/gki_defconfig ${KERNEL_DIR}/common-modules/virtual-device/virtual_device.fragment
${KERNEL_DIR}/kernel/scripts/config --file .config -d LTO -d LTO_CLANG -d LTO_CLANG_FULL -d CFI -d CFI_PERMISSIVE -d CFI_CLANG
make $DEVEXPS olddefconfig
make $DEVEXPS -j32
rm -rf staging && mkdir -p staging
make $DEVEXPS "INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1" INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$KERNEL_DIR/kernel/staging modules_install
make -C $ROOT_DIR/kernel/common-modules/virtual-device M=../common-modules/virtual-device KERNEL_SRC=$KERNEL_DIR/kernel $DEVEXPS -j32 clean
make -C $ROOT_DIR/kernel/common-modules/virtual-device M=../common-modules/virtual-device KERNEL_SRC=$KERNEL_DIR/kernel $DEVEXPS -j32
make -C $ROOT_DIR/kernel/common-modules/virtual-device M=../common-modules/virtual-device KERNEL_SRC=$KERNEL_DIR/kernel $DEVEXPS -j32 "INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1" INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$KERNEL_DIR/kernel/staging modules_install

Copy built modules to the Android source tree so the AOSP tree will have all the required modules built with the current version of the kernel (Android emulator will not boot when the Linux kernel source tree used to build the prebuilt version of modules do not match the kernel image you're running).

find staging/lib/modules/ -name "*.ko" -exec cp '{}' ${ANDROID_DIR}/kernel/prebuilts/common-modules/virtual-device/5.10/x86-64/ \;

You can now finally build the Android image:

source build/
lunch sdk_phone64_x86_64

And run the emulator with the images we've just built:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${SDK_DIR}/emulator/lib64:${SDK_DIR}/emulator/lib64/gles_swiftshader:${SDK_DIR}/emulator/lib64/gles_angle:${SDK_DIR}/emulator/lib64/gles_angle9:${SDK_DIR}/emulator/lib64/gles_angle11:${SDK_DIR}/emulator/lib64/libstdc++:${SDK_DIR}/emulator/lib64/qt/lib
${SDK_DIR}/emulator/qemu/linux-x86_64/qemu-system-x86_64-headless \
        -netdelay none -netspeed full \
        -verbose \
        -show-kernel \
        -no-snapshot \
        -kernel ${KERNEL_DIR}/kernel/arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
        -data ${ANDROID_DIR}/out/target/product/emulator64_x86_64/userdata.img \
        -ramdisk ${ANDROID_DIR}/out/target/product/emulator64_x86_64/ramdisk-qemu.img \
        -system ${ANDROID_DIR}/out/target/product/emulator64_x86_64/system-qemu.img \
        -vendor ${ANDROID_DIR}/out/target/product/emulator64_x86_64/vendor-qemu.img \
        -sysdir ${ANDROID_DIR}/out/target/product/emulator64_x86_64 \
        -memory 16384

The above command will run the emulator without the GUI support (we don't need that for testing purposes, just having working adb will suffice). To run the kernel latest emulator is needed (it was tested on the version of the emulator). On older emulator releases it tends to restart init services without properly setup adb connection.

Building KFLAT

Now open new window and clone the kflat sources:

git clone && cd kflat

and build it for the x86_64 architecture:

export CLANG_DIR=${ANDROID_DIR}/prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-r416183b

Now you're ready to rock'n'roll.

Running KFLAT tests

kflat exposes /sys/kernel/debug/kflat node in the debugfs to control flattening operation. First make sure debugfs is properly mounted (starting from Android 11 it is not enabled by default even in engineering builds):

export PATH=$SDK_DIR/platform-tools:$PATH
adb shell mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug

The kflat module needs to be loaded on to the device where we operate:

adb shell mkdir -p /data/local/tmp
adb push core/kflat_core.ko /data/local/tmp 
adb shell insmod /data/local/tmp/kflat_core.ko

When this operation succeeds you should see the kflat node in the sysfs:

adb shell ls -la /sys/kernel/debug/kflat

Now kflat must be initialized using proper ioctl call on the /sys/kernel/debug/kflat node and then memory buffer should be mapped using mmap system call. This buffer will serve as a intermediary buffer between kernel and user space. When flattening operation is triggered inside the kernel on some internal data structure the data will be stored inside this buffer which can be accessed from the user space. Fortunately there are tools which can do all the necessary setup work and run the tests or trigger internal kernel structure flattening operation on a selected entry point.

Let's start with the tests. kflat test suite can be found in tests/ subdirectory. There's also a handy tool to setup and run kflat tests for us on the device:

adb push tools/kflattest /data/local/tmp

Let's start with test SIMPLE - available HERE:

// tests/example_simple.c:19
struct B {
	unsigned char T[4];
struct A {
	unsigned long X;
	struct B* pB;


static int kflat_simple_test(struct kflat *kflat) {
	struct B b = { "ABC" };
	struct A a = { 0x0000404F, &b };
	struct A *pA = &a;
	struct A *vpA = (struct A *)0xdeadbeefdabbad00;


	return 0;

Here we have a struct A member which points to another struct B object. In order to be able to flatten a structure we have to use FUNCTION_DEFINE_FLATTEN_STRUCT macro. This actually creates a function responsible for saving memory image for a given structure object (in case of struct A the created function is called flatten_struct_A). If structure contains any pointers and we want to include the memory it points to in the final memory image we have to add additional recipe which tells the engine what kind of pointer it is. In our case we have a pointer to another structure therefore we use AGGREGATE_FLATTEN_STRUCT recipe. Later we have to point out where the flattening process should start, i.e. we have to use some existing pointer as a root (FOR_ROOT_POINTER macro) of the memory image (after the memory is de-serialized we will access the memory image using the same pointer).

Execute the test:

adb shell /data/local/tmp/kflattest -o /data/local/tmp SIMPLE

You should see something like:

[+][  0.000] main          | Will use `out` as output directory
[+][  0.000] run_test      | => Testing SIMPLE...
[+][  0.216] run_test      |     test produced 164 bytes of flattened memory
[+][  0.216] run_test      |     saved flatten image to file /data/local/tmp/flat_SIMPLE.img
[+][  0.211] run_test      | Test SIMPLE - SUCCESS

Now, let's execute the same test, but with -v (verbose) flag added. With this option, ./kflattest may print extra information including the content of dumped memory for some test cases. For our simple test, the full command would be:

adb shell /data/local/tmp/kflattest -v -o out SIMPLE

The verification code for our simple case is as follows:

// tests/example_simple.c:40
struct A *pA = (struct A *)memory;

PRINT("struct A = {.X = 0x%08llx, .pB = {%s}}",
			pA->X, pA->pB->T);

After executing it we end up with the below output:

struct A = {.X = 0x0000404F, .pB = "ABC"}

Now stop and ponder for a while what actually happened here. We've had around 20 bytes of memory in the running Linux kernel (additionally part of this memory was a pointer to other place in this memory). We were able to save the memory contents to a file and read it back on different machine, different running Linux version and different process, fix the memory so the embedded pointer points to proper location and verify the memory contents as appropriate.

Let's now check some more advanced test - example_circle.c:

struct point {
    double x;
    double y;
    unsigned n;
    struct point** other;

struct figure {
    const char* name;
    unsigned n;
    struct point* points;

    AGGREGATE_FLATTEN_TYPE_ARRAY(struct point*, other, ATTR(n));
    FOREACH_POINTER(struct point*, p, ATTR(other), ATTR(n),
            FLATTEN_STRUCT(point, p);


This test creates a figure (which is actually a circle of radius 1.0) which consists of n points (evenly distributed across circumference). Each point apart from its cartesian coordinates also holds an array of pointers to all other points.

adb shell /data/local/tmp/kflattest -o /data/local/tmp CIRCLE

The test makes a circle of 30 points and then dumps the memory area of the circle elements:

[+][  0.000] main      | will be using /data/local/tmp as output directory
[+][  0.000] run_test  | starting test CIRCLE...
[+][  0.056] run_test  | recipe produced 15791 bytes of flattened memory
[+][  0.056] run_test  |          saved flatten image to file /data/local/tmp/flat_CIRCLE.img
[+][  0.056] run_test  |         Test #1 - SUCCESS

The verification code reads it back and computes some features of our circle, like approximated length of the circumference:

adb shell adb shell /data/local/tmp/kflattest -v -o /data/local/tmp SIMPLE
Number of edges/diagonals: 435
Sum of lengths of edges/diagonals: 572.43410063184580849
Half of the circumference: 3.13585389802960446

In another STRINGSET we have a red-black tree based implementation for a set of C-style strings. We create such set and fill it with randomly generated 50k strings.

struct __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(long)))) rb_node {
    uintptr_t __rb_parent_color;
    struct rb_node *rb_right;
    struct rb_node *rb_left;

struct rb_root {
	struct rb_node *rb_node;

struct string_node {
	struct rb_node node;
	char* s;



This example is a little bit more complicated as the __rb_parent_color member of struct rb_node is actually a pointer (despite the uintptr_t type) which holds the node color in its two least significant bits. This requires additional processing to clear and restore the bits while serializing the memory image.

adb shell /data/local/tmp/kflattest -v -o /data/local/tmp STRINGSET


[+][  0.000] main      | will be using /data/local/tmp as output directory
[+][  0.000] run_test  | starting test STRINGSET...
[+][  0.056] run_test  | recipe produced 15791 bytes of flattened memory

stringset size: 50

Again, think for a moment what just happened. There was a large data structure inside the kernel, heavily linked using pointers (many data structures inside the kernel is actually based on this red-black tree implementation like handling memory regions with interval trees, process scheduling etc.). Writing 17 lines of code with the recipes allowed us to fully serialize this tree and read it back on host machine impeccably in its entirety.