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Error: vim-hexokinase needs updating. Run make hexokinase in project root. See :h hexokinase-installation for more info. #69

ranjith-b opened this issue Dec 31, 2020 · 23 comments
invalid This doesn't seem right


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ranjith-b commented Dec 31, 2020

I ran into this issue after installing the plugin via vim-plug and restaring the vim.

Screenshot 2020-12-31 at 10 26 29 AM

  • Thank you for creating this Plugin.
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RRethy commented Dec 31, 2020

Did you run make hexokinase in the plugin root. If you are using vim-plug, something along the lines of Plug 'rrethy/vim-hexokinase', { 'do': 'make hexokinase' } should work.

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Hello, the same message for me, I ran the suggested command, but without success. this is the version i am using of neovim: v0.5.0-1007-g9223d1450-nightly

I use this version to be able to use the Colemak configuration


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RRethy commented Jan 7, 2021

I ran the suggested command, but without success.

Can you paste the output of the command and what operating system you are using.

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arm-ahh commented Jan 11, 2021

I have the same issue. I ran the suggested command.
I'm using Linux mint and Neovim.
when I want to install the plugin, the vim-plug installer shows this message:
Post-update hook for vim-hexokinase ... Exit status: 2

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RRethy commented Jan 11, 2021

Can you paste the output of the command and what operating system you are using.

I need to see the output of the command make hexokinase when run in the root of the plugin otherwise there is nothing I can do.

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arm-ahh commented Jan 11, 2021

where is the "root of the plugin"?
I ran this command where the plugin was installed and got this result:

git submodule init && git submodule update && cd hexokinase/ && go build
/bin/sh: 1: go: not found
make: *** [Makefile:3: hexokinase] Error 127

I also ran this command in neovim:

:!make hexokinase 2>&1| tee /tmp/nvimkHgP3t/3
make: *** No rule to make target 'hexokinase'.  Stop.

(1 of 1): make: *** No rule to make target 'hexokinase'.  Stop.

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RRethy commented Jan 11, 2021

Golang must be installed, for more information visit

From the requirements in the README. You'll need to have the Go programming language installed, that link has instructions for your system.

where is the "root of the plugin"?
I ran this command where the plugin was installed and got this result:

The root is the top most directory of the plugin, wherever you ran the command was correct since it found the Makefile.

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RRethy commented Jan 25, 2021

Any update from someone who commented?

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firfly commented Jan 30, 2021

I fixed it.
I got the same issue before I installed this plugin without installing Golang
after Goling installed, you should remove the vim-hexokinase folder and rerun PlugInstall command in vim's command mode (maybe it should work then).
after that, goto the hexokinase's folder (mine is /home/firfly/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-hexokinase) AKA "root of the plugin", run make hexokinase , you should got output like this
put let g:Hexokinase_highlighters = ['backgroundfull'] in your init.vim
reopen vim, pick some color snippet

I use neovim: v0.5.0-dev+1056-gad98b8400 with colemak configuration in ubuntu 20.04.1

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RRethy commented Jan 30, 2021

I suspect that this is the issue for most people in this thread, I might close if others don't respond soonish. Make sure you have the hook based on your plugin manager, for vim-plug it's Plug 'rrethy/vim-hexokinase', { 'do': 'make hexokinase' }, this will automatically run make hexokinase in the plugin root to build the external dependencies. In the future I'll prob shift this to Lua to avoid external dependencies, but this has no timeline rn.

@RRethy RRethy added the invalid This doesn't seem right label Jan 30, 2021
@RRethy RRethy changed the title vim-hexokinase needs updating. Run make hexokinase in project root. See :h hexokinase-v1-migration for more info. Error: vim-hexokinase needs updating. Run make hexokinase in project root. See :h hexokinase-installation for more info. Jan 30, 2021
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Hello, thank you very much if after installation of GO. And run everything from scratc, it works for me!
sudo apt install golang

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RRethy commented Jan 31, 2021

Gonna close this, I think the error message is clear enough and I updated the README to make the dependency more prominent.

@RRethy RRethy closed this as completed Jan 31, 2021
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For anyone using Neovim and Packer:
run = 'make hexokinase' did not seem to work for me. Instead, I needed to locate hexokinase (found in ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-hexokinase).

Final command was:

use {'rrethy/vim-hexokinase', run = 'cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-hexokinase && make hexokinase'}

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RRethy commented Dec 25, 2021

That sounds like an issue with packer, I'm surprised it wouldn't run that cmd in the working directory of the plugin (although tbf I don't use packer)

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That sounds like an issue with packer, I'm surprised it wouldn't run that cmd in the working directory of the plugin (although tbf I don't use packer)

To be fair, it could also be me struggling with Packer. I'm quite new to it, but thought that I'd post here in case someone else comes across the same issue.

PS: thanks for the plug-in @RRethy ! Now that I've got it working, I'm loving it

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nyngwang commented Jan 10, 2022

@anafvana Many many thanks for your comments. Now I know that someone was trying to save the world 17days ago.

In addition, I need to add this autocmd to trigger this plugin after running :PackerSync:

vim.cmd('au BufEnter * HexokinaseTurnOn')

I hope this will someone, too!

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RRethy commented Jan 10, 2022

That autocmd shouldn't be necessary, this is an issue with how packer is being used (and how it was written).

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nyngwang commented Jan 10, 2022

@RRethy: While it is necessary in my case. You might see the problem from my config:

vim.api.nvim_set_var('Hexokinase_highlighters', {'backgroundfull'})
use {
  run = 'cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-hexokinase && make hexokinase'
vim.cmd('au BufEnter * HexokinaseTurnOn')

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RRethy commented Jan 11, 2022

When I get a chance I'll try to install packer and see what kind of funky shit it's doing.

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catgoose commented May 31, 2022

For packer I have to use:

    run = "make",

run = "make hexokinase" does not work for me.

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@RRethy: While it is necessary in my case. You might see the problem from my config:

vim.api.nvim_set_var('Hexokinase_highlighters', {'backgroundfull'})
use {
  run = 'cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-hexokinase && make hexokinase'
vim.cmd('au BufEnter * HexokinaseTurnOn')

FYI, this has been working for 5 months without any change. I'm still using this one.

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MistaEA commented Jul 4, 2022

Para que me dejara iniciar tuve que hacer lo siguiente:

  1. Instalarlo como dice en la pagina (solo el paso 1) luego para el paso 2 cuando se exporta al PATH. Si trabajas en linux deberas irte a la carpeta .bashrc y colocar lo siguiente
    Screenshot from 2022-07-03 19-17-17
  2. Dentro del documento colocas lo siguiente:
    Screenshot from 2022-07-03 18-36-24
  3. Por ultimo te vas a la carpeta donde instalaste el vim-hexokinase -> colocas "make hexokinase" (sin las comillas) y listo aparecera esto:
    Buen día :)

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bloodgroup-cplusplus commented Jul 16, 2022

For people using .zshrc in mac os (12 or later) you need to go to
and run the "make hexokinase" command there

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