This is the toolkit to import/export between QGEP/QWAT and their counterpart SIA405 interlis model exchange files.
It can be used as a command line tool or integrated in QGIS plugins.
Note that this currently only supports up to date QGEP and QWAT (1.5.6/1.3.6 respectively at the time of writing).
The tool requires python (3.6 or newer) and java to be available. Then, it can be installed like any other python library:
pip install --upgrade qgepqwat2ili
Import example
python -m qgepqwat2ili qgep import data/test_without_abwasserbauwerkref.xtf
Export example
python -m qgepqwat2ili qgep export desktop/my_export.xtf --selection "ch13p7mzRE001221,ch13p7mzWN003445,ch13p7mzWN008122"
Full usage
usage: python -m qgepqwat2ili qgep [-h] [--selection SELECTION] [--labels_file LABELS_FILE] [--recreate_schema] [--skip_validation] [--pgservice PGSERVICE] [--log] {import,export} path
ili2QGEP entrypoint
positional arguments:
path path to the input/output .xtf file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--selection SELECTION
if provided, limits the export to networkelements that are provided in the selection (comma separated list of ids)
(default: None)
--labels_file LABELS_FILE
if provided, includes the label positions in the export (the file should be the results of the
provided `qgep:extractlabels_interlis` QGIS algorithm as geojson) (default: None)
--recreate_schema drops schema and reruns ili2pg importschema (default: False)
--skip_validation skips running ilivalidator on input/output xtf (required to import invalid files, invalid outputs are still generated)
(default: False)
--pgservice PGSERVICE
name of the pgservice to use to connect to the database (default: pg_qgep)
--log saves a log file next to the input/output file (default: False)
--export_sia405 export the model SIA405_ABWASSER_2015_LV95 (instead of default VSA_KEK_2019_LV95) (default: False)
Import example
# QWAT import not implemented yet
Export example
python -m qgepqwat2ili qwat export desktop/my_export.xtf
Full usage
usage: python -m qgepqwat2ili qwat [-h] [--recreate_schema] [--skip_validation] [--pgservice PGSERVICE] [--log] [--include_hydraulics] {import,export} path
ili2QWAT entrypoint
positional arguments:
path path to the input/output .xtf file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--recreate_schema drops schema and reruns ili2pg importschema (default: False)
--skip_validation skips running ilivalidator on input/output xtf (required to import invalid files, invalid outputs are still generated)
(default: False)
--include_hydraulics if provided, exports will include hydraulischer_strang and hydraulischer_node classes (these are currently likely to make the export invalid due to issues with the current ili model) (default: False)
--pgservice PGSERVICE
name of the pgservice to use to connect to the database (default: qwat)
--log saves a log file next to the input/output file (default: False)
Logging output to a file can be achieved by adding --log
to your command. The file will be saved next to the input/output xtf.
python -m qgepqwat2ili qgep import data/test_without_abwasserbauwerkref.xtf --log
Please include this when reporting issues.
The above logs don't show full errors for ili2db and ilivalidator related outputs. Thus, you may want to look at the native ili2db and ilivalidator related logs, named qgepqwat2ili/yyyymmddhhmmss.STEP.log
in your temporary directory (/tmp
on linux or C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Temp\
on Windows).
This will be integrated into the official QGEP and QWAT plugin installable through the QGIS plugin manager.
Import/export scripts templates can be generated using python -m qgepqwat2ili tpl
. This uses the mapping defined in datamodels/
to auto-generate import script templates, that can then be manually merged into the existing scripts.
Tests are run with
python -m unittest qgepqwat2ili.tests
Style is done with pre-commit
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Releases to PyPi are made automatically via github workflows whenever a new tag matching v*
is pushed.