diff --git a/src/standard/gestures.html b/src/standard/gestures.html
index 2bc4ccb3cc..26d9812dae 100644
--- a/src/standard/gestures.html
+++ b/src/standard/gestures.html
@@ -41,23 +41,19 @@
// Check for touch-only devices
var IS_TOUCH_ONLY = navigator.userAgent.match(/iP(?:[oa]d|hone)|Android/);
- // Check for sourceCapabilities, used to distinguish synthetic events
- var HAS_SOURCE_CAPS = 'sourceCapabilities' in UIEvent.prototype;
// touch will make synthetic mouse events
// `preventDefault` on touchend will cancel them,
// but this breaks `` focus and link clicks
// disable mouse handlers for MOUSE_TIMEOUT ms after
// a touchend to ignore synthetic mouse events
var mouseCanceller = function(mouseEvent) {
- // if mouseEvent did not come from a device that fires touch events,
- // it was made by a real mouse and should be counted
- // http://wicg.github.io/InputDeviceCapabilities/#dom-inputdevicecapabilities-firestouchevents
- var sc = mouseEvent.sourceCapabilities;
- if (sc && !sc.firesTouchEvents) {
- return;
- }
+ // Check for sourceCapabilities, used to distinguish synthetic events
+ // if mouseEvent did not come from a device that fires touch events,
+ // it was made by a real mouse and should be counted
+ // http://wicg.github.io/InputDeviceCapabilities/#dom-inputdevicecapabilities-firestouchevents
+ var sc = mouseEvent.sourceCapabilities;
+ if (sc && !sc.firesTouchEvents) {
+ return;
// skip synthetic mouse events
mouseEvent[HANDLED_OBJ] = {skip: true};