diff --git a/lib/utils/html-tag.js b/lib/utils/html-tag.js
index bde13b517..6a5f62477 100644
--- a/lib/utils/html-tag.js
+++ b/lib/utils/html-tag.js
@@ -68,15 +68,13 @@ function literalValue(value) {
function htmlValue(value) {
if (value instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) {
- // Use the XML serializer to avoid xMSS attacks from browsers' sometimes
- // unexpected formatting / cleanup of innerHTML.
- const serializedNewTree = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(
- /** @type {!HTMLTemplateElement } */ (value));
- // The XMLSerializer is similar to .outerHTML, so slice off the leading
- // and trailing parts of the wrapper tag.
- return serializedNewTree.slice(
- serializedNewTree.indexOf('>') + 1,
- serializedNewTree.lastIndexOf(''));
+ // This might be an mXSS risk – mainly in the case where this template
+ // contains untrusted content that was believed to be sanitized.
+ // However we can't just use the XMLSerializer here because it misencodes
+ // `>` characters inside style tags.
+ // For an example of an actual case that hit this encoding issue,
+ // see b/198592167
+ return /** @type {!HTMLTemplateElement } */(value).innerHTML;
} else if (value instanceof LiteralString) {
return literalValue(value);
} else {