High-level Tiny file dialogs v3.8.8 Nim bindings.
import std/os
import tinydialogs
notifyPopup("Message", "You just received a message from Beef", Info)
echo messageBox("Hey", "Do you want to receive more notifications?", YesNo, Question, Yes)
echo inputBox("Name", "Please enter your password :]", "")
echo saveFileDialog("Save the file", getCurrentDir() / "\0", ["*.txt", "*.text"], "Text file") # "\0" for an emtpy file
echo openFileDialog("Open the file", getCurrentDir() / "\0", ["*.txt", "*.text"], "Text file")
echo openMultipleFilesDialog("Open the files", getCurrentDir() / "\0", ["*.txt", "*.text"], "Text files")
echo selectFolderDialog("Open the directory of the file", getCurrentDir())
echo colorChooser("Choose a color")
echo colorChooser("Choose a color", "#000000") # Hex
echo colorChooser("Choose a color", [0u8, 0u8, 0u8]) # RGB
Read more at the docs.
- GitHub: https://github.com/Patitotective/ImTemplate.
- Discord: https://discord.gg/U23ZQMsvwc.
Contact me:
- Discord: Patitotective#0127.
- Twitter: @patitotective.
- Email: [email protected].