- Ensure you have the following environment variable set up on your
- Add a new alias to your
alias scs='PATH_TO_ONS_WORKSPACE/dp-compose/cantabular-import/scs.sh'
- Source your profile, or simple close and open a new terminal window
source ~/.zshrc
Check if the
is now available on your command line, by simply typingscs
If interested in having an interactive menu please install gum.
> scs
Start Cantabular Services (SCS)
Simple script to run cantabular import service locally and all the dependencies
List of commands:
> [•] chown change the service '.go' folder permissions from root to the user and group. Useful for linux users.
[ ] clone git clone all the required GitHub repos
[ ] fe-assets generate Cantabular FE assets
[ ] init-db preparing db services. Run this once
[ ] pull [branch] by default it will pull the latest from the current branch. Optionally, provide a branch to pull from, e.g., 'scs pull develop'
[ ] setup preparing services. Run this once
[ ] start run the containers via docker-compose with logs attached to terminal
[ ] start-detached run the containers via docker-compose with detached logs (default option)
[ ] stop stop running the containers via docker-compose
Clone all the required GitHub repositories:
scs clone
Setup your environment and start the service:
scs setup
This is intended for when setting up the service for the first time or when a clean setup is required.
This will:
- remove
container and image and cleanzebedee_root
folder - get the latest from
, build image - get the latest from
and create the static assets - generate-prod static assets for
- generate-prod static assets for
- setup
- build
- start the docker microservices via docker-compose
- seed the MongoDB collections. If this fails please run
scs init-db
- provide florence login details for first-time user
- remove
To Start the local environment:
scs start-detached
To stop the local environment:
scs down
Go services will automatically rebuild upon detecting source file changes
If you need to make adjustments to compose files etc, you can just run
scs start-detached
and docker-compose will automatically detect which services need rebuilding (no need to bring everything down first). -
On Mac/Darwin the memory resources allocated to docker desktop may not be sufficient If microservices stop working unexpectedly, please provide more resources to it
scs start-detached
will try 3x to bring up all the required services. If after that, not all cantabular services are up an running it will print a warning message to the console. -
Sometimes seeding the DB may occur before the MongoDB is ready to accept new operations. Please run
scs init-db
if no recipes have been imported -
docker images whenever there are new code updates -
To allow SSH remote port forwarding you can use
dp ssh [environment] [subnet] [host] [port]
.For example, to allow port forwarding to sandbox's publishing subnet host 1 on port 14500:
dp ssh sandbox publishing 1 -p 10450:10450
There is a CORS error when loading the dp-design-system
JavaScript (JS) files resulting in JS interactivity to fail.
To test JS interactions, you can set/add the debug
environment variable to true
in dp-frontend-filter-flex-dataset
and dp-frontend-dataset-controller
then run the dp-design-system.
- In
- remove line 92 (-'9002:9001'
) := prevents port binding conflict with dp-design-system - All repos on head of develop branch
dp-compose/cantabular-import docker compose --env-file .env.backend up -d
- For dp-api-router:
- For dp-frontend-router:
- For dp-frontend-dataset-controller:
make debug ENABLE_CENSUS_PAGES=true
- For dp-frontend-filter-flex-dataset:
make debug
- For dp-design-system:
npm run dev
- For florence (only if actively developing within):
make node-modules && make debug
- Use postman to get the
and insert value into browser cookieaccess_token
This assumes that all your setup has been done and all you need to do
is to start the docker network, but may not want to use the scs
utility script.
Ensure you are in the dp-compose/cantabular-import
- Start all Services:
make start
- Start services in the background:
make start-detached
- Stop Services:
make stop
- Stop Services And Remove Containers:
make down
- Stop Services And Remove All Containers, Volumes and Networks:
make clean
- Restart Services:
make restart
- Recall Logs:
make logs
- Recall Logs For Specific Service:
make logs t=<service-name>
or./logs <service-name>
are used by cantabular-import/helpers/test-compose/test-compose.go
and are nedded at this level for it to bring up the cantabular containers.
If you need to add a new service to the journey you need to take the following steps.
For a Golang service:
- Add
file to service root directory. Copy from existing examples and change instances of the service name in Dockerfile.local and the command to be executed. This usually eithermake debug
ormake debug-run
. Check the Makefile and use the make target that runs the service usinggo run
(as opposed to building an executable and then running it). If there isn't such a target you will need to add it. Again, use existing examples as a guide. - Add
to .dockerignore
for service. - Add
directory. Follow existing examples as a guide. Be sure to use the correct service name, port and environment variables the service will need. These include those used when you would usually run the service (e.g.ENABLE_PRIVATE_ENDPOINTS=true
) and others that would usually use the service's default. Most commonly these include URLs to other services which will need to be set to thehttp://service-name:port
. Also sometimes theBIND_ADDR
will default tohttp://localhost:port
which will need to be set to simply:port
. - Add service yml file to relavent
files indp-compose/cantabular-import
. The default.env
is for the full journey including front-end services,env.backend
for back-end only services and new.env
files can be created for different journeys with different collections of services as needed. - If there are any external services (e.g. MongoDB, Kafka) the service depends on that are
not already included in the compose cluster add them to
. Be cognizant of which services the new service is dependant on and add under thedepends_on
clause. - Test the new service runs as expected and can be reached by other services and you're good to go!
On the Docker network we have a Kowl as our UI to monitor our Kafka Cluster on the docker network. The tools display information such as brokers, topics, partitions, consumers, message schemas and lets you view messages on our docker network.
While developing service code any changes will be automatically picked up by reflex
when files are
saved and the services will be automatically rebuilt.
When developing a library that is used by the services as a dependency (i.e. dp-api-clients-go
etc) a couple of extra steps are needed to pick up local changes. Firstly, in order to
point the service to use your local copy of the library you will need to add a replace directive
in go.mod
pointing to the local copy you're working on. For example
replace github.com/ONSdigital/dp-api-clients-go/v2 => LOCAL_PATH_TO/dp-api-clients-go
Secondly you'll need to add a volume to the service's docker container in dp-compose. For example to
work with the above in dp-filter-api
you would add:
- LOCAL_PATH_TO/dp-api-clients-go:LOCAL_PATH_TO/dp-api-clients-go
under volumes:
in dp-compose/cantabular-import/dp-filter-api.yml
To pick up changes made to the library you need to save/update a file in the service that imports the library. Reflex won't automatically detect changes made to the library code itself.