With the MEWconnect client, users can use your DApp in any desktop browser without installing an extension. Additionally, end-to-end encryption using client-side generated keys keeps all user activity private.
For DApp developers to integrate with MEW wallet using MEWconnect, all you need to do is drop a few lines of code into your application, and the MEW wallet app and MEWconnect client will take care of the rest.
# With NPM
npm install @myetherwallet/mewconnect-web-client
import MEWconnect from "@myetherwallet/mewconnect-web-client"
import Web3 from "web3"
const CHAIN_ID = 1
// Initialize
export const mewConnect = new MEWconnect.Provider()
// Initialize a Web3 Provider object
export const ethereum = mewConnect.makeWeb3Provider(CHAIN_ID)
// Initialize a Web3 object
export const web3 = new Web3(ethereum)
- Note: only websocket urls are supported.
import MEWconnect from "@myetherwallet/mewconnect-web-client"
import Web3 from "web3"
const ETH_JSONRPC_URL = "wss://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY>"
const CHAIN_ID = 1
// Initialize MEWconnect
export const mewConnect = new MEWconnect.Provider()
// Initialize a Web3 Provider object
export const ethereum = mewConnect.makeWeb3Provider(CHAIN_ID, ETH_JSONRPC_URL)
// Initialize a Web3 object
export const web3 = new Web3(ethereum)
Invoking EIP-1102 will show a QR code dialog if the user's mobile wallet is not already connected to their browser. The following code should run in response to a user-initiated action such as clicking a button to ensure the pop up is not blocked by the browser.
// Use eth_RequestAccounts
ethereum.send("eth_requestAccounts").then((accounts) => {
console.log(`User's address is ${accounts[0]}`)
// Alternatively, you can use ethereum.enable()
ethereum.enable().then((accounts) => {
console.log(`User's address is ${accounts[0]}`)
That's it! Once the connection between the phone and the site is established, the Web3 object
) and the Web3 Provider (ethereum
) are ready to be used as usual.
The MEWconnect.Provider can take an options object with the following fields:
- windowClosedError (default
) Indicates whether the provider should throw an error when the popup window is closed by the user.
const mewConnect = new MEWconnect.Provider()
Emitted when the popup window is closed by the user
Emitted when the user becomes disconnected (Both by disconnecting and if the connection is broken)
An example may be found in the example directory
In order to have your token included in the list of tokens identified by the app the token needs to be included as a token in the ethereum-lists repository.
Instructions one how to add a token there may be found here
The MEWconnect client uses the debug library to provide verbose debug logging. In local storage add the key 'debug' with the value:
- *
- to see everything
- MEWconnect: *
- to see everything related to the MEWconnect client
- MEWconnect:connection-state
- to see the connection state when it changes
- MEWconnect:webRTC-communication
- to see the events and signals related to webRTC
- MEWconnect:websocketWrapper
- to see the events related to setting up the webRTC connection
- MEWconnect:,MEWconnectVerbose:,simple-peer
- what we usually use for debugging
Install the client
npm i @myetherwallet/mewconnect-web-client
The example requires both MEWconnect-web-client (this repo) and MEWconnect-Signal-Server (MEWconnect-hanshake-server)
git clone https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/MEWconnect-web-client.git
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the server serving the example initiator and receiver:
npm start
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/MEWconnect-hanshake-server.git
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the signaling server:
npm start
Two Peers are needed with one designated as the Initiator and the other as the Receiver.
Require the MEWconnect client
let mewConnect = require('@myetherwallet/mewconnect-web-client').Client;
Initiate the client
let mewConnectClient = mewConnect.init();
MEWconnect Client functions as an event emitter. The connection details are passed along with the 'codeDisplay' event
mewConnectClient.on('codeDisplay', code => {
// do something with the code.
// to work with the MEWconnect Mobile applications display it as a qrcode
Now call the initiatorStart method to create the connection details:
Once a p2p connection is established the client will emit a 'rtcConnected' event
mewConnectClient.on('rtcConnected', () =>{
alert('congrats you are connected to mew connect!')
Once a connection is extablished call the 'sendRtcMessage' method to interact with the app
mewConnectClient.sendRtcMessage('address', {})
The 'sendRtcMessage' method takes two parameters (message type, message data)
To get the response listen for an event matching the sent message type
mewConnectClient.on('address', address => {
alert('got address: ' + address)
Currently the app supports two other message types: 'signMessage', and 'signTx'
exists you can get the address or send a transaction or message to the mobile app for signing.
The data portion of those two message types are:
hash: 'hash of the message to be signed',
text: 'text of the message to be signed'
If the p2p connection fails to be established the client can attempt to use an intermediate TURN server to facilitate the connection. To signal a failed p2p attempt the client can call the 'useFallback' method on the client
Additional events are emitted at various points to signal various stages of the connection
- successfully connected to the signal server
- Peer identified via the signal server, and a p2p connection will be attempted
- One of the peers failed to establish a p2p connection and will attempt to use an intermediate TURN server to facilitate the connection
- p2p connection established
- p2p connection closed
- p2p disconnected
- p2p connection error occured
mew-connect-client can be included for use in the browser via webpack or browerfy