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File metadata and controls

117 lines (88 loc) · 4.91 KB

Welcome to the MEAN Stack boilerplate.

This is a SPA (single page application) boilerplate using the following technologies:


Quick Start

Install the following on your own

$ git clone [email protected]:MikeFielden/The-MEAN-Stack.git
$ cd The-MEAN-Stack
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
update the package.json file
$ grunt

At this point all your client-side code should be watching for changes.

If you have Supervisor installed... supervisor server

Supervisor will watch all of your server-side js and automatically restart your server everytime it detects a change.

If not

node server

You can now navigate to http://localhost:1337

Notice that you are automatically directed to the url http://localhost:1337/#/about this is AngularJS's routing taking over.


The MEAN Stack is designed to get you up and running with a modern web application very quickly.

The Build System

The best way to learn about the build system is by familiarizing yourself with Grunt and then reading through the heavily documented build script, Gruntfile.js.

The driver of the process is the delta multi-task, which watches for file changes using grunt-contrib-watch. What follows is a list of the tasks you can run out of the box.

  • grunt - This is the main task.
    • Cleans out the min/ folder
    • JSHint
    • Concats the js into the correct order
    • Minify concat'd js from above (using uglify)
    • Compiles the sass
    • Compiles the index page (mostly for caching busting)
    • Executes tests (using Jasmine)
  • grunt build - Same as the grunt task
  • grunt watch - Same as the grunt task plus watches files
  • grunt test - Executes the jasmine tests
  • grunt compassCompile - Uses the environment.json file to determine whether or not to minify the css output and whether or not to attach a version number to the outputted file.
  • grunt index - Compiles the index file. We do this because I want to tie into some variables located in the package.json file.


Client-side JS

As it stands now; the output of the javascript build process is a minified versioned single javascript file. During the build process many files are created for your use during development. These files can be found in the min/ folder.

The format for the file names are:

  • NAMEOFAPP.annotated.js - The output of the ngmin task that makes ready angularJS files
  • - The output of the prefix + js + ClientSideTemplates + suffix
  • NAMEOFAPP.concat.full.js - The output of the lib files placed in the environment.json file +
  • NAMEOFAPP.min.vVERSION.js - The minified NAMEOFAPP.concat.full.js


We use Compass because it comes with a lot of built in extensions and niceties.

We also decided to go against the current trend of Twitter's Bootstrap because it seems like every new site made today is using that. So, to change it up we decided to go with Foundation and their Foundation Icons.

Lastly, we feel there should only be 1 output from the Sass compilation process. main.scss is the file that includes all other files.


Under the db/ directory, you will find two sub directories: controllers, models

These are added and required automatically from running node server. If you look into the AppController.js file you will see that most of the standard routes are defined for you and are routed to the specific controller based on the urlPath and the http verb.


  1. What is this environment.json file used for? This file is used to control certain aspects of the build process.
  • environment - Tells the SASS compilation whether or not to minify and compress the output.
    • development -> Expanded output
    • production -> Compressed/Minified output
  • cssCacheBusting - Tells the grunt task whether or not to make a copy of the file using the version number in the package.json file
  • libFiles - Files you want included in the concatentation build process.
    • It's worth noting here that order does matter in this array
  • testingLibs - Files required for testing but do not need to be part of your file outputted css