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Releases: LandRegistry/common-dev-env


21 Nov 14:54
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  • FIXED - Newly created Vagrant boxes failing to install Docker Compose
  • CHANGED - Squid cache commodity upgraded to v4.9


21 Oct 14:37
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  • ADDED - Detection and reporting of crashing expensive containers. If a container is restarted 10 times it is stopped and skipped, with an appropriate message displayed so the developer can investigate. This will avoid an infinite "Checking..." loop.
  • ADDED - New alias gitlist, which lists all repositories in /apps/ and which branch they are actually on. (Credit @gathercole3 )
  • FIXED - Error message saying "Applications have a mix of docker compose fragments", if any app does not provide a compose fragment.


30 Sep 15:02
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  • FIXED - The three-at-a-time expensive services startup limit not always being respected
  • FIXED - cosmetic error about /proc/version not being found when running commands on Mac


26 Sep 10:02
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  • ADDED - Auth commodity. This spins up OpenLDAP and Keycloak containers
  • ADDED - Allow dev env config to specify a message after successful startup (#63)
  • CHANGED - Vagrant - updated Ruby to 2.6.4 and Git to 2.23.0 (requires --provision or new machine)
  • CHANGED - Slightly improve Docker Compose performance when upping services
  • CHANGED - Always check for Docker base image updates when building images
  • FIXED - Ruby syntax error when provisioning a hosts fragment
  • FIXED - Improve Windows 10 compatibility


21 Aug 15:37
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  • ADDED - Vagrant support. If you wish to keep your environments self contained (or cannot run Docker natively), you can now run vagrant up which will spin up a CentOS virtual machine containing Ruby, Git and Docker.
  • ADDED - Docker Compose file v3.7 support. Apps can now provide a docker-compose-fragment.3.7.yml file instead of (or alongside) their v2.0 fragment. The development environment will select the highest compose file version supplied by all applications being spun up. If all applications supply a v3.7 file, then the environment will use them, otherwise it falls back to using the v2.0 files. If not all applications provide a v2.0 file either, an error will occur.
  • ADDED - The ability for expensive startup apps to specify additional apps/commodities they would like to see fully healthy before being started up themselves.
  • ADDED - DB2 Community Edition commodity (db2_community). This is the recommended version of DB2 to use now as IBM have deprecated the Developer C image.
  • ADDED - psql96, db2c and db2co aliases for the Postgres 9.6, DB2 Developer C and DB2 Community Edition containers.
  • ADDED - Dev-env config can specify an app's repo as none which will prevent any cloning or pulling. Useful if you're working on a new app that has no remote repo yet.
  • CHANGED - Nginx commodity updated to 1.16
  • FIXED - If a DB2 or Postgres container does not exist when beginning a reload or up, SQL fragments will be run regardless of whether they have been run before.
  • FIXED - Error when performing repair before a first up


20 May 15:22
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  • FIXED - Postgres images failing to build under aggressive proxy cache scenarios


26 Mar 12:53
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  • ADDED - New commodity: DB2 Developer C (commodity and container name `db2_devc``)
  • ADDED - Allow custom config repo branch to be specified
  • CHANGED - Start inexpensive services before expensive ones
  • CHANGED - Reduce log spam if no app configuration.yml present
  • CHANGED - Use local copy of Tini


25 Feb 10:53
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  • FIXED - Postgres 9.6 code running when only original Postgres (9.4) requested


22 Feb 13:24
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  • ADDED - New commodity: Postgres 9.6 (commodity name postgres-9.6, container name postgres-96)
  • FIXED - Fatal error if config repo remote cannot be reached


14 Feb 09:31
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  • ADDED - The ability for apps to declare themselves as having a resource-intensive startup process ("expensive startup") in their configuration.yml. In combination with a healthcheck command, this will make the dev-env start them up separately from the other apps, max 3 at a time. [see snippet for usage]
  • ADDED - The ability for a dev-env config's configuration.yml to specify that certain apps should not be started at all during an up|reload (whether marked as expensive or not). [see snippet for usage]
  • ADDED - A new "squid" commodity - an HTTP(S) proxy cache that your apps, if set to depend on it, can access to avoid downloading the same files multiple times. Exact configuration needed to use it will depend on the scenarios/technologies you want to use it with.
  • ADDED - New environment variables OUTSIDE_UID and OUTSIDE_UID made available for any use - such as passing them through docker-compose as build args, to allow users identical to the vagrant user to be created in the container, to facilitate non-root running. This helps apps to resolve #37 themselves
  • CHANGED - Tags and individual commits can now be specified for checkout in a dev-env configuration file, as well as branches. The key has therefore changed from branch to ref - although branch still works. Implements #40
  • CHANGED - Reduced and reordered container builds/recreations for a faster startup and cleaner console log
  • CHANGED - If the fullreset alias is used on a commodity that has been provisoned via an init fragment, the .commodities file is automatically changed and the user warned that a reload is needed
  • FIXED - New Postgres container sometimes allowing connections before creation of root user had finished