Releases: JuliaIO/JLD2.jl
Releases · JuliaIO/JLD2.jl
JLD2 v0.4.46
Merged pull requests:
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#540) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump styfle/cancel-workflow-action from 0.12.0 to 0.12.1 (#542) (@dependabot[bot])
- try use julia-actions/cache (#543) (@JonasIsensee)
- Update TagBot.yml (#545) (@ViralBShah)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 (#546) (@dependabot[bot])
- Add missing word in warning message (#548) (@ljahn)
- remove usage of IOBuffer internals (#551) (@JonasIsensee)
Closed issues:
JLD2 v0.4.45
Merged pull requests:
- add method for mutable custom serialization (#537) (@JonasIsensee)
- unknown unionall type param (#539) (@JonasIsensee)
Closed issues:
JLD2 v0.4.44
Merged pull requests:
- Fix union{} (#534) (@JonasIsensee)
Closed issues:
- Error loading file saved with v0.4.41 on v0.4.43 (#532)
JLD2 v0.4.43
Merged pull requests:
- only convert if assigned (#530) (@JonasIsensee)
- version bump & changelog (#531) (@JonasIsensee)
Closed issues:
- Possible bug with version 0.4.42 (#529)
JLD2 v0.4.42
Merged pull requests:
- inline group show (#310) (@JonasIsensee)
- Object identity & no custom serialization to vector (#520) (@JonasIsensee)
- fix reconstruction with unknown type param (#521) (@JonasIsensee)
- limit inlining (#523) (@JonasIsensee)
- load nested groups propertly (#524) (@JonasIsensee)
- iostreamgroupfix (#525) (@JonasIsensee)
- some cleanup (#526) (@JonasIsensee)
- Add @nospecializeinfer around worst offenders (#527) (@JonasIsensee)
- New version & changelog (#528) (@JonasIsensee)
Closed issues:
- Slow performance on Tuple{Type1, Type2} (#2)
- Security issue: Type confusion, convert called during deserialization (#117)
- Type Resolution with changing module paths (#182)
- API: jldsave & save_object (#210)
- Loading a group with fileio (#313)
- Custom serialization for SymEngine.jl required (#362)
- JLD2 for opening netCDF files (#406)
- Determine required modules before loading (#421)
- StackOverflowError with recursive Dict types (#427)
- save_object has no compress kwarg (#457)
- Reconstructed types regression in v0.4.33 (#479)
- Inexact error when saving large data without compresssion (#487)
- Dict of mutable struct reconstruction fails with newer JLD2 versions (#506)
JLD2 v0.4.41
Merged pull requests:
- fix vararg tuples (#519) (@JonasIsensee)
Closed issues:
- Issue when saving tuples of variable length (Vararg tuples). (#486)
- [Feature request]
save(file, x)
(#495) - jldopen(filename, "w";) will fail in win7 (#508)
- Saving vector of dictionaries initialized as #undef gives "This should not have happened" (#510)
- error when serializing expression containing
JLD2 v0.4.40
Merged pull requests:
- bignum fix (#513) (@JonasIsensee)
- module reference serialization (#516) (@JonasIsensee)
- correct canbeuninitialized (#517) (@JonasIsensee)
- changelog & version (#518) (@JonasIsensee)
Closed issues:
- occasional corruption while loading
JLD2 v0.4.39
- backward compatibility support for windows 7 by changing the default IO type to IOStream (#509) (@HongBinYu-hub)
Merged pull requests:
- compat: no MmapIO for windows 7 (#509) (@HongBinYu-hub)
- JLD2 v0.4.39 (#514) (@johnnychen94)
Closed issues:
- Julia compat needs fixing in General (#490)
- [email protected] compatible issue with [email protected] (#501)
- Don't map back to Julia composite type (#504)
JLD2 v0.4.38
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "Align writeas for Dict with wconvert" (#498) (@sjkelly)
- fix iddicts (#499) (@JonasIsensee)
- bump version and changelog (#500) (@JonasIsensee)
- Declare
requirements for std libraries (#502) (@Felix-Gauthier)
Closed issues:
- Deserializing LRUCache.LRU breaks in v0.4.37 (#497)
JLD2 v0.4.37
Merged pull requests: