If you are part of the ILD collaboration and doing physics analysis, this the place to end up. You can contact us by email in order to get a public repository in the ILDAnaSoft collaboration and we will create it for you.
In order to be efficient, we would need the following information in the email:
- Your name and surname
- Your github user name
- A short description of the repository to create (15 words)
- The name of the repository you want
If you are working on an ILD physics benchmark, please provide a short name. For example, for the benchmark "Hadronic branching ratios of the Higgs: H-->bb/cc/gg", the name "Hbbccgg" would be ideal. Note that for the case of benchmark analysis repositories, the name "ILDBench_" will prepended in the repository name (e.g ILDBench_Hbbccgg).
Please use the ILDStyle defined in this rootlogon.C macro for your ILD plots. In addition, write "ILD" or "ILD preliminary" on your plots as appropriate.
Among the list of Github issues of this package, you will see the label ILDProdIssues. All of this issues reference known problems in the MC samples centrally produced with the new version of iLCSoft (>= v02-XX-XX). They can be found here:
500 GeV (IDR) production issues:
250 GeV production issues:
This issues also provide, when possible, solutions or work-around to treat these problems in the produced samples. If you find any additional problems in these samples, please open a new issue here:
This package serves as an entry point for general documentation on running iLCSoft (see: https://github.com/iLCSoft ) for ILD.
Other places to find documentation on iLCSoft:
- the Github project that holds most of the software repositories
- here you can post questions and issues to the software tools
- a brief introduction for how to use iLCSoft
- general entry page for iLCSoft tools (somewhat outdated)
- discussion forum for iLCSoft (Marlin et al)
- this is where new iLCSoft releases are announced
If you are new to iLCSoft you can follow this tutorial to familiarize yourself with the basic software and analysis tools.
If you are new to git and Github you should follow this tutorial.
For a short version of how to configure git correctly see below.
clone ILDDoc.git
git clone https://github.com/ILDAnaSoft/ILDDoc.git cd ILDDoc
create a fork of the repository on the Github web page
- if you have not yet done so earlier
add your fork as remote downstream using your GitHub username
git remote add downstream https://<yourUserName>@github.com/<yourUserName>/ILDDoc.git
create a new feature branch; choose a meaningful name
git checkout -b <myNewBranch>
open the file you want to change and execute your changes (e.g.: edit &)
check the the changed version
git diff
commit your changes to local repository; write a commit message in editor window; close the window
git ci -a
upload file back to your github account
git push downstream <myNewBranch>
reload your own github website (https://github.com//ILDDoc)
- you should see your commit
- trigger a pull request on the web site
bring your local repository in sync with the origin
after the pull request has been accepted
git checkout master git pull origin
optionally you can also update the master on your fork
git push downstream master
Use the following git commands to investigate the status of your local git repository:
git lola
Displays the current HEAD and all known branches of your local repository and all known remotes. For example if everything went fine after you committed some changes, you should see sth like
* b6f0c82 (HEAD, refs/heads/<myNewBranch>) <your commit message>
You can always check the current status (in particular the current branch with:
git stat
This also displays locally modified and staged files.
To display in detail the log messages of recent commits do:
git logf
Refer to more exhaustive git documentation for more involved tasks.
open a terminal and log in
with an editor -
check your data and adapt them to the example below:
[user] name = <you name> email = <your email> [alias] what = whatchanged stat = status ci = commit co = checkout lola = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all logf = "!echo \"Remember to add -S<string>\" ; git log --color -p --source --all" logrl = log --pretty=format:\"%aN %ad %n - %s\" --date=short [color] ui = true diff = auto status = auto [core] excludesfile = <YourHomeFolde>/.gitignore_global editor = gedit [branch] autosetuprebase = always [push] ## for newer versions of git, otherwise try "simple" default = matching
save your changes
In ILD group, many SM and new physics event samples have already been generated and simulated. The detail information of the SM event samples can be found at http://ilcsoft.desy.de/dbd/generated/
There are two kinds of data file, DST and REC file. The "REC" file contains all infomation for generating, simulation and reconstruction. The "DST" file only contain some of them. Usually, the "DST" file is suitable for analysis, but you can also check the "REC" file for more details. The sample file name in the ILD group will look like
short name | meaning | example | explanation |
rv | reconstruction software version | 01-19-04_lcgeo | |
sv | simulation software version | 01-19-04_lcgeo | |
m | ILD detector software version | ILD_l4_v02 | ILD detector version |
E | collider energy | 250-TDR_ws | 250 GeV collider |
I | Proc ID | 106479 | each process has a unique id |
P | process name | e2e2h | ee -> zh then z-> mu mu process |
e | beam polorization | eL | electron is left-handed |
p | beam polorization | pR | positron is right-handed |
n | job number | 001_012 | the number for simulation group submitting the job |
d | Job ID | rec_00008603_6 | this is a REC file |
In principle, one can re-generate all the same events with the same software setting.
Below are the generally structure of a DST/REC slcio file.
The DST files used for ILD are described at ./dst/ild_dst_collections.md.
The REC files used for ILD are described at ./rec/ild_rec_collections.md.
You can learn how to write a Marlin steering file from iLCSoft Documents at https://github.com/iLCSoft/ilcsoftDoc/blob/master/README_Introduction_For_iLCSoft.md
In this section, we will introduce some common Marlin processors for physics analysis.
There is a brief summary for processors for reconstructing particles in ILD Analysis.
There is a brief summary for processors for further analysis in ILD Analysis.
LCTuple processor is a common-used processor to change the slcio file into a root file. This can be done by the command:
Marlin lctuple.xml --global.GearXMLFile=gear_ILD_l4_v02_dd4hep.xml
this creates a file <...>_REC_lctuple.root which can be analyzed. The lctuple.xml file can be found in LCTuple/examples/ folder
In the new root file, all the particle information is reserved, but lcio data struction information is removed. It means that you can only rely on root programming knowledge, and don't need to know anything about lcio API.
For more information about LCTuple, see https://github.com/iLCSoft/LCTuple
Some general information about how to write a Marlin processor is at https://github.com/iLCSoft/ilcsoftDoc/blob/master/README_Introduction_For_iLCSoft.md
Here, we will show some examples of processor programming for analysis. With these basic commands, you can begin to program your own processor for analysis. The further usages of lcio can be found at http://lcio.desy.de/v02-09/doc/
The most common used collections are MCParticle, PandoraPFOs, MCTruthRecoLink and RecoMCTruthLink. You can load MCParticle collection in your processor by
registerInputCollection( LCIO::MCPARTICLE,
"Name of the MC particle collection",
std::string("MCParticle") );
And with the similar command you can load PandoraPFOs, MCTruthRecoLink RecoMCTruthLink collections. We suppose the name for MCParticle, PandoraPFOs and RecoMCTruthLink collections are _colMC, _colPFO, _mcpfoRelation and _pfomcRelation. Now after you load them, they are only strings, to get the real collections, you should use command as
LCCollection* AllMC= evt->getCollection( _colMC) ;
where "evt" is the pointer of the event.
To get the pointer of one specific MCParticle, you can use
int nMC = AllMC->getNumberOfElements();
MCParticle* MC = dynamic_cast< MCParticle* >( AllMC->getElementAt(i) );
In the first line, "nMC" tells you how many MCParticles for this event, where i in the second line is an integer, which begin from 0 and should smaller than "nMC"
For MCParticle, the detail information in slcio file is
name | [id] | index | PDG | px, py, pz | px_ep, py_ep, pz_ep | energy | gen | [simstat] | vertex x, y, z | endpoint x, y, z | mass | charge | spin | colorflow | [parents] - [daughters] |
method | getPDG() | getMomentum() | getMomentumAtEndpoint() | getEnergy() | getGeneratorStatus() | getSimulatorStatus() | getVertex() | getEndpoint() | getMass() | getCharge() | getSpin() | getColorFlow() | getParents(),getDaughters() |
In the above table, the first row is the variable name, and the second row is the corresponding methed to invoke them in the processor.
For example, once you declare a new MCParticle, you can use the command like MC->getPDG()
to get the PDG information of that MCParticle.
For PandoraPFOs, the information is similar, and with some information about tracks, vertices and clusters.
[id] | com | type | momentum | energy | mass | charge | position ( x,y,z ) | pidUsed | GoodnessOfPID | covariance( px,py,pz,E ) | particles([id]) | tracks ([id]) | clusters ([id]) | particle ids ([id],PDG,(type)) | vertices |
The method for invoke these variables can be found at http://lcio.desy.de/v02-09/doc/doxygen_api/html/classEVENT_1_1ReconstructedParticle.html, where you can also find other c++ API for lcio.
The MCTruthRecoLink reflects that if you have know a MCParticle, then what reconstructed particles it can be. You can load this information by a LCRelationNavigator. For example
LCRelationNavigator* relation_mcpfo= new LCRelationNavigator( evt->getCollection( _mcpfoRelation ) );
Then use
LCObjectVec fromMCobj = relation_mc->getRelatedToObjects(MC[i]);
// fromMC may contain many reconstructed particles, they all come from this MC[i]
// a dynamic_cast should be used to turn them to ReconstructedParticle.
std::vector<ReconstructedParticle*> fromMC;
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < frompars.size(); j++ ){
ReconstructedParticle* recpfo = dynamic_cast< ReconstructedParticle* >( fromMC_obj[j] );
Now the vector "fromMC" contains all ReconstructedParticles that come from MC[i].
The RecoMCTruthLink is opposite to MCTruthRecoLink, which tells you that for one reconstructed particle, it comes from how many MCParticles.