- Last updated: 2024-03-27T09:53:45Z
- Generator: thi.ng/monopub
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
Note: Unlisted patch versions only involve non-code or otherwise excluded changes and/or version bumps of transitive dependencies.
4.7.0 (2023-12-28)
- add squareSin() oscillator (f7f1b1a)
4.6.0 (2023-09-28)
- add IXform impl for AProc2 (5aa6c9b)
- add ICopy impls for various IGen's (7894cd4)
- add merge(), mix(), pan() (314e9b2)
- add refG()/refP() wrappers (99f4535)
- simplify pipe() to reuse serial() (90910bc)
4.5.0 (2023-09-15)
- update saw/squareAdditive() (d11488c)
- add opt arg to disable Gibbs-effect handling
4.4.0 (2023-08-24)
- update modOsc() fmod arg type (06b0e38)
- allow numbers as constant freq offset
4.3.17 (2023-08-04)
- update
usage in various pkgs (b6db053)
4.3.0 (2023-01-10)
- add FilterFeedbackDelay (d69b3bc)
4.2.17 (2022-10-17)
- add missing opt args for modOsc() (e67c110)
4.2.0 (2022-04-07)
- add opt Osc() ctor phase arg, fix #340 (f798c9d)
- update osc() factory fn
- update Osc.setFreq() signatures
- add tests
- add/update docs
4.1.0 (2021-11-17)
- Using workspaces for local tools (bf7a404)
Improving the overall build ergonomics
- introduced a tools workspaces
- imported it in all needed packages/examples
- inclusive project root
- testrunner to binary (4ebbbb2) this commit reverts (partly) changes made in: ef346d7a8753590dc9094108a3d861a8dbd5dd2c overall purpose is better testament ergonomics: instead of having to pass NODE_OPTIONS with every invocation having a binary to handle this for us.
4.0.8 (2021-11-10)
- update all countdown loops (a5f374b)
4.0.1 (2021-10-13)
- update imports in all pkgs (5fa2b6f)
- add .js suffix for all relative imports
- update imports in all tests/pkgs (effd591)
4.0.0 (2021-10-12)
- major update of ALL pkgs (export maps, ESM only) (0d1d6ea)
- BREAKING CHANGE: discontinue CommonJS & UMD versions
- only ESM modules will be published from now on
- CJS obsolete due to ESM support in recent versions of node:
- i.e. launch NodeJS via:
node --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --experimental-repl-await
- in the node REPL use
await import(...)
instead ofrequire()
- UMD obsolete due to widespread browser support for ESM Also:
- normalize/restructure/reorg all package.json files
- cleanup all build scripts, remove obsolete
- switch from mocha to @thi.ng/testament for all tests
- restructure/flatten /src folder, add ops (c001e6f)
- BREAKING CHANGE: restructure pkg, add/rename ops
- dissolve all subfolders
- add bounce()
- rename
- add docs
- update all tests in all pkgs (8b582bc)
- update all to use @thi.ng/testament
- update imports (02f1cf7)
- update imports (transducers) (6e7bf71)
- dedupe IGen.take() impls (55ba0f9)
3.0.0 (2020-12-22)
- add/update various FFT & spectrum fns (fix #258) (e351acb)
- BREAKING CHANGE: new args for normalizeFFT(),denormalizeFFT(), spectrumPow()
- add support for windowing adjustments in above functions
- add thresholdFFT()
- add copyComplex()
- update various real/complex checks using isComplex()
- update docs, add references
- fix #256 replace enums w/ type aliases (b9cfacb)
- BREAKING CHANGE: replace filter type enums w/ type aliases
- FilterType
- BiquadType
- SVFType
- OnepoleType
- add power & integral fns (88edaac)
- add power functions:
- powerSumSquared()
- powerMeanSquared()
- powerTimeIntegral()
- add integralF/T()
- add isComplex() check
- add power functions:
- add cos() stateless oscillator (276c6b7)
- add applyWindow(), windowBartlett() (d51a17c)
- add/update power & integral fns (f455fad)
- add windowWelch(), add docs (84cd476)
- update spectrumPow() arg order (be1b615)
- swap
args, sincewindow
more likely to be provided
- swap
2.1.5 (2020-12-07)
- update type-only imports in various tests/pkgs (3fd9c24)
- update type-only imports in remaining pkgs (b22aa30)
2.1.1 (2020-09-13)
2.1.0 (2020-08-28)
- add iterable() wrapper (94fb8ed)
2.0.8 (2020-04-05)
- switch to non-const enums (8350c0e)
2.0.2 (2020-02-25)
- update imports, internal restruct (7872146)
2.0.0 (2020-01-24)
- remove obsolete classes (aa24c1e)
- BREAKING CHANGE: remove obsolete Oscillator/AMFMOscillator (superceded by osc()/modOsc())
- add fft, spectrum and window fns, add tests (f918af4)
- add/update FFT fns, test, update docs (1ac9508)
- add LFO sin/cos iterator/osc, minor refactor window fns (dc89204)
- add DelayLine (bd25cd7)
- update DelayLine ctor, freqBin, update pkg (228a81e)
- import gen & proc nodes, general pkg restructure (a85c3cf)
- add filters, refactor, update pkg/docs/readme (7758609)
- add AllPass1/2 filters
- add abstract ATwoPole class
- fix OnePole HPF impl
- update protected field names
- add/update filters, filter resp, delay (2854b09)
- add/optimize Biquad & SVF impls
- add DCBlocker
- add FeedbackDelay
- add filter response types & utils
- add/rename conversion fns
- add new operators (68a88e4)
- SinCos (replaces old lfo())
- PinkNoise
- WhiteNoise Processors:
- Foldback
- Mix
- WaveShaper Oscillators:
- Discrete Summation (DSF, stateless)
- update all gens/procs, housekeeping, docs (e483245)
- add param accessors for all ops
- add IReset & impls for most gens/procs
- add Delay.multiTap()
- replace exp() w/ curve(), add curvature ctrl
- remove lfo(), wrapAround, ATwoPole/AllPass2
- add/rename oscillators (8a826bf)
- add HOF versions for:
- dsfHOF
- mixOscHOF
- rectHOF
- rename comb => parabolic
- add HOF versions for:
- add missing factory fns, update docstrings (3ede5af)
- add gen/proc composition ops, restructure (8be2a5f)
- move all composition ops to own subdir
- add
IProc composition - add
impl forAProc
to allow for direct use as transducer - add/update
impls (re-use type from @thi.ng/api)
- add sweep(), move curve(), minor refactor (0b24d80)
- update gens to support clamping (fe8f6f3)
- add opt clamping for add, mul, madd
- update curve, line and sweep
- update ADSR, add ADSROpts, auto-release (16f41ec)
- various minor additions, updates, renames, docs (e5e1a22)
- update/rename DelayLine => Delay (ec0e521)
- update Delay to impl
interface - add
impls for all current IProc impls
- update Delay to impl
- rename compG => mapG (95244dd)
- restructure oscillators, fft, window, update gen-diagrams (9efd69f)
1.0.10 (2019-04-26)
- fix tri() oscillator for negative phases (c67c733)
1.0.4 (2019-03-10)
- update Fn args in various packages (e453ac3)
1.0.0 (2019-01-21)
- update package build scripts & outputs, imports in ~50 packages (b54b703)
- BREAKING CHANGE: enabled multi-outputs (ES6 modules, CJS, UMD)
- build scripts now first build ES6 modules in package root, then call
to build minified CJS & UMD bundles in/lib
- all imports MUST be updated to only refer to package level (not individual files anymore). tree shaking in user land will get rid of all unused imported symbols.
- build scripts now first build ES6 modules in package root, then call
0.1.0 (2018-10-17)
- add oscillators as @thi.ng/dsp package (from synstack / VEX) (889730f)