- Introduction
- TypeScript guidelines
- General rules
extension- Type Alias vs Interface
- Enum vs. Union Type
- Type Inference
- Utility Types
type- Prop Types
- File organization
- Reusable Types
extension- No inline prop types
- Satisfies Operator
- Type imports/exports
- Refs
- Other Expensify Resources on TypeScript
- Default value for inexistent IDs
- Extract complex types
- Naming Conventions
- Object / Array Methods
- Accessing Object Properties and Default Values
- JSDocs
- Component props
- Destructuring
- Named vs Default Exports in ES6 - When to use what?
- Classes and constructors
- ESNext: Are we allowed to use [insert new language feature]? Why or why not?
- React Coding Standards
- Handling Scroll Issues with Nested Lists in React Native
- React Hooks: Frequently Asked Questions
- Onyx Best Practices
- Learning Resources
For almost all of our code style rules, refer to the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide.
When writing ES6 or React code, please also refer to the Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide.
We use Prettier to automatically style our code.
- You can run Prettier to fix the style on all files with
npm run prettier
- You can run Prettier in watch mode to fix the styles when they are saved with
npm run prettier-watch
There are a few things that we have customized for our tastes which will take precedence over Airbnb's guide.
Strive to type as strictly as possible.
type Foo = {
fetchingStatus: "loading" | "success" | "error"; // vs. fetchingStatus: string;
person: { name: string; age: number }; // vs. person: Record<string, unknown>;
Do not use d.ts
file extension even when a file contains only type declarations. Only exceptions are src/types/global.d.ts
and src/types/modules/*.d.ts
files in which third party packages and JavaScript's built-in modules (e.g. window
object) can be modified using module augmentation.
Why? Type errors in
files are not checked by TypeScript.
Do not use interface
. Use type
. eslint: @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
Why? In TypeScript,
can be used interchangeably to declare types. Usetype
for consistency.
// BAD
interface Person {
name: string;
type Person = {
name: string;
Do not use enum
. Use union types. eslint: no-restricted-syntax
Why? Enums come with several pitfalls. Most enum use cases can be replaced with union types.
// Most simple form of union type.
type Color = "red" | "green" | "blue";
function printColors(color: Color) {
// When the values need to be iterated upon.
import { TupleToUnion } from "type-fest";
const COLORS = ["red", "green", "blue"] as const;
type Color = TupleToUnion<typeof COLORS>; // type: 'red' | 'green' | 'blue'
for (const color of COLORS) {
// When the values should be accessed through object keys. (i.e. `COLORS.Red` vs. `"red"`)
import { ValueOf } from "type-fest";
const COLORS = {
Red: "red",
Green: "green",
Blue: "blue",
} as const;
type Color = ValueOf<typeof COLORS>; // type: 'red' | 'green' | 'blue'
Don't use any
. Use unknown
if type is not known beforehand. eslint: @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
type bypasses type checking.unknown
is type safe asunknown
type needs to be type narrowed before being used.
const value: unknown = JSON.parse(someJson);
if (typeof value === 'string') {...}
else if (isPerson(value)) {...}
Use T[]
or readonly T[]
for simple types (i.e. types which are just primitive names or type references). Use Array<T>
or ReadonlyArray<T>
for all other types (union types, intersection types, object types, function types, etc). eslint: @typescript-eslint/array-type
// Array<T>
const a: Array<string | number> = ["a", "b"];
const b: Array<{ prop: string }> = [{ prop: "a" }];
const c: Array<() => void> = [() => {}];
// T[]
const d: MyType[] = ["a", "b"];
const e: string[] = ["a", "b"];
const f: readonly string[] = ["a", "b"];
Do not use @ts-ignore
or its variant @ts-nocheck
to suppress warnings and errors.
When possible, allow the compiler to infer type of variables.
// BAD
const foo: string = "foo";
const [counter, setCounter] = useState<number>(0);
const foo = "foo";
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const [username, setUsername] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined); // Username is a union type of string and undefined, and its type cannot be inferred from the default value of undefined
For function return types, default to always typing them unless a function is simple enough to reason about its return type.
Why? Explicit return type helps catch errors when implementation of the function changes. It also makes it easy to read code even when TypeScript intellisense is not provided.
function simpleFunction(name: string) {
return `hello, ${name}`;
function complicatedFunction(name: string): boolean {
// ... some complex logic here ...
return foo;
Use types from TypeScript utility types and type-fest
when possible.
type Foo = {
bar: string;
// BAD
type ReadOnlyFoo = {
readonly [Property in keyof Foo]: Foo[Property];
type ReadOnlyFoo = Readonly<Foo>;
// BAD
type FooValue = Foo[keyof Foo];
type FooValue = ValueOf<Foo>;
Don't use object
type. eslint: @typescript-eslint/ban-types
refers to "any non-primitive type," not "any object". Typing "any non-primitive value" is not commonly needed.
// BAD
const foo: object = [1, 2, 3]; // TypeScript does not error
If you know that the type of data is an object but don't know what properties or values it has beforehand, use Record<string, unknown>
Even though
is specified as a key,Record<string, unknown>
type can still accept objects whose keys are numbers. This is because numbers are converted to strings when used as an object index. Note that you cannot use symbols forRecord<string, unknown>
function logObject(object: Record<string, unknown>) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
Don't use ComponentProps
to grab a component's prop types. Go to the source file for the component and export prop types from there. Import and use the exported prop types.
Why? Importing prop type from the component file is more common and readable. Using
might cause problems in some cases (see related GitHub issue). Each component with props has it's prop type defined in the file anyway, so it's easy to export it when required.
Don't export prop types from component files by default. Only export it when there is a code that needs to access the prop type directly.
// MyComponent.tsx
export type MyComponentProps = {
foo: string;
export default function MyComponent({ foo }: MyComponentProps) {
return <Text>{foo}</Text>;
// BAD
import { ComponentProps } from "React";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";
type MyComponentProps = ComponentProps<typeof MyComponent>;
import MyComponent, { MyComponentProps } from "./MyComponent";
In modules with platform-specific implementations, create types.ts
to define shared types. Import and use shared types in each platform specific files. Do not use satisfies
operator for platform-specific implementations, always define shared types that complies with all variants.
Why? To encourage consistent API across platform-specific implementations. If you're migrating module that doesn't have a default implementation (i.e.
, e.g.getPlatform
), refer to Migration Guidelines for further information.
Utility module example
// types.ts
type GreetingModule = {
getHello: () => string;
getGoodbye: () => string;
// index.native.ts
import { GreetingModule } from "./types";
function getHello() {
return "hello from mobile code";
function getGoodbye() {
return "goodbye from mobile code";
const Greeting: GreetingModule = {
export default Greeting;
// index.ts
import { GreetingModule } from "./types";
function getHello() {
return "hello from other platform code";
function getGoodbye() {
return "goodbye from other platform code";
const Greeting: GreetingModule = {
export default Greeting;
Component module example
// types.ts
export type MyComponentProps = {
foo: string;
// index.ios.ts
import { MyComponentProps } from "./types";
export MyComponentProps;
export default function MyComponent({ foo }: MyComponentProps) { /* ios specific implementation */ }
// index.ts
import { MyComponentProps } from "./types";
export MyComponentProps;
export default function MyComponent({ foo }: MyComponentProps) { /* Default implementation */ }
Reusable type definitions, such as models (e.g., Report), must have their own file and be placed under src/types/
. The type should be exported as a default export.
// src/types/Report.ts
type Report = {...};
export default Report;
Use .tsx
extension for files that contain React syntax.
Why? It is a widely adopted convention to mark any files that contain React specific syntax with
Do not define prop types inline for components that are exported.
Why? Prop types might need to be exported from component files. If the component is only used inside a file or module and not exported, then inline prop types can be used.
// BAD
export default function MyComponent({ foo, bar }: { foo: string, bar: number }){
// component implementation
type MyComponentProps = { foo: string, bar: number };
export default MyComponent({ foo, bar }: MyComponentProps){
// component implementation
Use the satisfies
operator when you need to validate that the structure of an expression matches a specific type, without affecting the resulting type of the expression.
Why? TypeScript developers often want to ensure that an expression aligns with a certain type, but they also want to retain the most specific type possible for inference purposes. The
operator assists in doing both.
// BAD
const sizingStyles = {
w50: {
width: '50%',
mw100: {
maxWidth: '100%',
} as const;
const sizingStyles = {
w50: {
width: '50%',
mw100: {
maxWidth: '100%',
} as const satisfies Record<string, ViewStyle>;
The example above results in the most narrow type possible, also the values are readonly
. There are some cases in which that is not desired (e.g. the variable can be modified), if so as const
should be omitted.
Always use the type
keyword when importing/exporting types
Why? In order to improve code clarity and consistency and reduce bundle size after typescript transpilation, we enforce the all type imports/exports to contain the
keyword. This way, TypeScript can automatically remove those imports from the transpiled JavaScript bundle
// BAD
import {SomeType} from './a'
import someVariable from './a'
import {someVariable, SomeOtherType} from './b'
import type {SomeType} from './a'
import someVariable from './a'
// BAD
export {SomeType}
export someVariable
// or
export {someVariable, SomeOtherType}
export type {SomeType}
export someVariable
Avoid using HTML elements while declaring refs. Please use React Native components where possible. React Native Web handles the references on its own. It also extends React Native components with Interaction API which should be used to handle Pointer and Mouse events. Exception of this rule is when we explicitly need to use functions available only in DOM and not in React Native, e.g. getBoundingClientRect
. Then please declare ref type as union
of React Native component and HTML element. When passing it to React Native component assert it as soon as possible using utility methods declared in src/types/utils
Normal usage:
const ref = useRef<View>();
<View ref={ref} onPointerDown={e => {#DO SOMETHING}}>
Exceptional usage where DOM methods are necessary:
import viewRef from '@src/types/utils/viewRef';
const ref = useRef<View | HTMLDivElement>();
if (ref.current && 'getBoundingClientRect' in ref.current) {
<View ref={viewRef(ref)} onPointerDown={e => {#DO SOMETHING}}>
when there is a possibility that the number ID property of an Onyx value could be null
or undefined
. Do not default string IDs to any value!
Why? The default number ID (currently set to
, which matches the backend’s default) is a falsy value. This makes it compatible with conditions that check if an ID is set, such asif (!ownerAccountID) {
. Since it’s stored as a constant, it can easily be changed across the codebase if needed.However, defaulting string IDs to
breaks such conditions because'0'
is a truthy value in JavaScript. Defaulting to''
avoids this issue, but it can cause crashes or bugs if the ID is passed to Onyx. This is because''
could accidentally subscribe to an entire Onyx collection instead of a single record.To address both problems, string IDs should not have a default value. This approach allows conditions like
if (!policyID) {
to work correctly, asundefined
is a falsy value. At the same time, it prevents Onyx bugs: ifpolicyID
is used to subscribe to a specific Onyx record, apolicy_undefined
key will be used, and Onyx won’t return any records.In case you are confused or find a situation where you can't apply the rules mentioned above, please raise your question in the
Slack channel.
// BAD
const accountID = report?.ownerAccountID ?? -1;
const policyID = report?.policyID ?? '-1';
const managerID = report ? report.managerID : 0;
const accountID = report?.ownerAccountID ?? CONST.DEFAULT_NUMBER_ID;
const policyID = report?.policyID;
const managerID = report ? report.managerID : CONST.DEFAULT_NUMBER_ID;
Here are some common cases you may face when fixing your code to remove the old/bad default values.
-Report.getNewerActions(newestActionCurrentReport?.reportID ?? '-1', newestActionCurrentReport?.reportActionID ?? '-1');
+Report.getNewerActions(newestActionCurrentReport?.reportID, newestActionCurrentReport?.reportActionID);
error TS2345: Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.
We need to change Report.getNewerActions()
arguments to allow undefined
. By doing that we could add a condition that return early if one of the parameters are falsy, preventing the code (which is expecting defined IDs) from executing.
-function getNewerActions(reportID: string, reportActionID: string) {
+function getNewerActions(reportID: string | undefined, reportActionID: string | undefined) {
+ if (!reportID || !reportActionID) {
+ return;
+ }
-Navigation.navigate(ROUTES.WORKSPACE_PROFILE_ADDRESS.getRoute(policyID ?? '-1'))
error TS2345: Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.
We need to change the getRoute()
argument type to allow undefined
to fix the TS error. Besides that, we must add a warning log if a user tries to navigate without the policyID
. The log will help to catch and investigate cases of navigation with invalid IDs in the future.
route: 'settings/workspaces/:policyID/profile/address',
- getRoute: (policyID: string, backTo?: string) => getUrlWithBackToParam(`settings/workspaces/${policyID}/profile/address` as const, backTo),
+ getRoute: (policyID: string | undefined, backTo?: string) => {
+ if (!policyID) {
+ Log.warn("Invalid policyID is used to build the WORKSPACE_PROFILE_ADDRESS route")
+ }
+ return getUrlWithBackToParam(`settings/workspaces/${policyID}/profile/address` as const, backTo);
+ },
When you change the function id argument type to allow undefined
, check if it makes sense to call the function without the argument. If so, you can type the argument as optional. Otherwise, please use explicit undefined
typing to identify that the parameter should always be passed, even if it's undefined
// BAD
-function getReport(reportID: string) {
+function getReport(reportID?: string) { // it doesn't makes sense to call getReport() without reportID, so it can't be optional
-function findLastAccessedReport(excludeReportID: string) {
+function findLastAccessedReport(excludeReportID: string | undefined) { // you can call findLastAccessedReport() without excludeReportID, so it can't be the required param
-function getReport(reportID: string) {
+function getReport(reportID: string | undefined) {
-function findLastAccessedReport(excludeReportID: string) {
+function findLastAccessedReport(excludeReportID?: string) {
function MoneyRequestView({report, shouldShowAnimatedBackground, readonly = false, updatedTransaction, isFromReviewDuplicates = false}: MoneyRequestViewProps) {
const [parentReportActions] = useOnyx(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${parentReportID}`, {
canEvict: false,
- const parentReportAction = parentReportActions?.[report?.parentReportActionID ?? '-1'];
+ const parentReportAction = parentReportActions?.[report?.parentReportActionID];
error TS2538: Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type.
This error is inside a component, so we can't simply use early return conditions here. Instead, we can check if report?.parentReportActionID
is defined, if it is we can safely use it to find the record inside parentReportActions
. If it's not defined, we just return undefined
function MoneyRequestView({report, shouldShowAnimatedBackground, readonly = false, updatedTransaction, isFromReviewDuplicates = false}: MoneyRequestViewProps) {
- const parentReportAction = parentReportActions?.[report?.parentReportActionID ?? '-1'];
+ const parentReportAction = report?.parentReportActionID ? parentReportActions?.[report.parentReportActionID] : undefined;
Advanced data types, such as objects within function parameters, should be separated into their own type definitions. Callbacks in function parameters should be extracted if there's a possibility they could be reused somewhere else.
// BAD
function foo(param1: string, param2: {id: string}) {...};
// BAD
function foo(param1: string, param2: (value: string) => void) {...};
type Data = {
id: string;
function foo(param1: string, param2: Data) {...};
type Callback = (value: string) => void
function foo(param1: string, param2: Callback) {...};
Use PascalCase for type names. eslint:
// BAD type foo = ...; type BAR = ...; // GOOD type Foo = ...; type Bar = ...;
Do not postfix type aliases with
.// BAD type PersonType = ...; // GOOD type Person = ...;
Use singular name for union types.
// BAD type Colors = "red" | "blue" | "green"; // GOOD type Color = "red" | "blue" | "green";
pattern for prop types.// BAD type Props = { // component's props }; function MyComponent({}: Props) { // component's code } // GOOD type MyComponentProps = { // component's props }; function MyComponent({}: MyComponentProps) { // component's code }
For generic type parameters, use
if you have only one type parameter. Don't use theT
... sequence. Make type parameter names descriptive, each prefixed withT
.Prefix each type parameter name to distinguish them from other types.
// BAD type KeyValuePair<T, U> = { key: K; value: U }; type Keys<Key> = Array<Key>; // GOOD type KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> = { key: TKey; value: TValue }; type Keys<T> = Array<T>; type Keys<TKey> = Array<TKey>;
Prop callbacks should be named for what has happened, not for what is going to happen. Components should never assume anything about how they will be used (that's the job of whatever is implementing it).
// Bad type ComponentProps = { /** A callback to call when we want to save the form */ onSaveForm: () => void; }; // Good type ComponentProps = { /** A callback to call when the form has been submitted */ onFormSubmitted: () => void; };
- Do not use underscores when naming private methods.
When you have an event handler, do not prefix it with "on" or "handle". The method should be named for what it does, not what it handles. This promotes code reuse by minimizing assumptions that a method must be called in a certain fashion (eg. only as an event handler).
One exception for allowing the prefix of "on" is when it is used for callback
of a React component. Using it in this way helps to distinguish callbacks from public component methods.// Bad const onSubmitClick = () => { // Validate form items and submit form }; // Good const validateAndSubmit = () => { // Validate form items and submit form };
- Boolean props or variables must be prefixed with
to make it clear that they areBoolean
. Useshould
when we are enabling or disabling some features andis
in most other cases.
// Bad
<SomeComponent showIcon />
// Good
<SomeComponent shouldShowIcon />
// Bad
const valid = props.something && props.somethingElse;
// Good
const isValid = props.something && props.somethingElse;
Any function declared in a library module should use the function myFunction
keyword rather than const myFunction
// Bad
const myFunction = () => {...};
export {
// Good
function myFunction() {
export {
You can still use arrow function for declarations or simple logics to keep them readable.
// Bad
onSelected: Utils.checkIfAllowed(function checkTask() { return Utils.canTeamUp(people); }),
routeList.filter(function checkIsActive(route) {
return route.isActive;
// Good
onSelected: Utils.checkIfAllowed(() => Utils.canTeamUp(people)),
routeList.filter((route) => route.isActive);
const myFunction = () => {...};
const person = { getName: () => {} };
callback: (val) => {},
useEffect(() => {
if (isFocused) {
setError(null, {});
}, [isFocused]);
- Never use
- Use
when you are not reassigning a variable - Try to write your code in a way where the variable reassignment isn't necessary
- Use
only if there are no other options
// Bad
let array = [];
if (someCondition) {
array = ['addValue1'];
// Good
const array = [];
if (someCondition) {
We have standardized on using the native Array instance methods instead of lodash methods for objects and collections. As the vast majority of code is written in TypeScript, we can safely use the native methods.
// Bad
_.each(myArray, item => doSomething(item));
// Good
myArray.forEach(item => doSomething(item));
// Bad
const myArray = _.map(someObject, (value, key) => doSomething(value));
// Good
const myArray = Object.keys(someObject).map((key) => doSomething(someObject[key]));
// Bad
_.contains(myCollection, 'item');
// Good
// Bad
const modifiedArray = _.chain(someArray)
// Good
const modifiedArray = someArray.filter(filterFunc).map(mapFunc);
Use optional chaining (?.
) to safely access object properties and nullish coalescing (??
) to short circuit null or undefined values that are not guaranteed to exist in a consistent way throughout the codebase. Don't use the lodashGet()
function. eslint: no-restricted-imports
// BAD
import lodashGet from "lodash/get";
const name = lodashGet(user, "name", "default name");
// BAD
const name = user?.name || "default name";
const name = user?.name ?? "default name";
- Omit comments that are redundant with TypeScript. Do not declare types in
blocks. Do not write@implements
. eslint:jsdoc/no-types
- Only document params/return values if their names are not enough to fully understand their purpose. Not all parameters or return values need to be listed in the JSDoc comment. If there is no comment accompanying the parameter or return value, omit it.
- When specifying a return value use
instead of@return
. - Avoid descriptions that don't add any additional information. Method descriptions should only be added when it's behavior is unclear.
- Do not use block tags other than
, etc). - Do not document default parameters. They are already documented by adding them to a declared function's arguments.
- Do not use record types e.g.
{Object.<string, number>}
// BAD
* @param {number} age
* @returns {boolean} Whether the person is a legal drinking age or nots
function canDrink(age: number): boolean {
return age >= 21;
* @returns Whether the person is a legal drinking age or nots
function canDrink(age: number): boolean {
return age >= 21;
In the above example, because the parameter age
doesn't have any accompanying comment, it is completely omitted from the JSDoc.
Do not use propTypes
and defaultProps
: . Use object destructing and assign a default value to each optional prop unless the default values is undefined
type MyComponentProps = {
requiredProp: string;
optionalPropWithDefaultValue?: number;
optionalProp?: boolean;
function MyComponent({
optionalPropWithDefaultValue = 42,
}: MyComponentProps) {
// component's code
We should avoid using object destructuring in situations where it reduces code clarity. Here are some general guidelines on destructuring.
General Guidelines
- Avoid object destructuring for a single variable that you only use once. It's clearer to use dot notation for accessing a single variable.
// Bad
const {data} = event.data;
// Good
const {name, accountID, email} = data;
ES6 provides two ways to export a module from a file: named export
and default export
. Which variation to use depends on how the module will be used.
- If a file exports a single JS object (e.g. a React component, or an IIFE), then use
export default
- Files with multiple exports should always use named exports
- Files with a single method or variable export are OK to use named exports
- Mixing default and named exports in a single file is OK (e.g. in a self contained module), but should rarely be used
- All exports (both default and named) should happen at the bottom of the file
- Do not export individual features inline.
// Bad
export const something = 'nope';
export const somethingElse = 'stop';
// Good
const something = 'yep';
const somethingElse = 'go';
export {
Using the class
syntax is preferred wherever appropriate. Airbnb has clear guidelines in their JS style guide which promotes using the class syntax. Don't manipulate the prototype
directly. The class
syntax is generally considered more concise and easier to understand.
Classes have a default constructor if one is not specified. No need to write a constructor function that is empty or just delegates to a parent class.
// Bad
class Jedi {
constructor() {}
getName() {
return this.name;
// Bad
class Rey extends Jedi {
constructor(...args) {
// Good
class Rey extends Jedi {
constructor(...args) {
this.name = 'Rey';
JavaScript is always changing. We are excited whenever it does! However, we tend to take our time considering whether to adopt the latest and greatest language features. The main reason for this is consistency. We have a style guide so that we don't have to have endless conversations about how our code looks and can focus on how it runs.
So, if a new language feature isn't something we have agreed to support it's off the table. Sticking to just one way to do things reduces cognitive load in reviews and also makes sure our knowledge of language features progresses at the same pace. If a new language feature will cause considerable effort for everyone to adapt to or we're just not quite sold on the value of it yet, we won't support it.
Here are a couple of things we would ask that you avoid to help maintain consistency in our codebase:
- Async/Await - Use the native
- Add descriptions to all component props using a block comment above the definition. No need to document the types, but add some context for each property so that other developers understand the intended use.
// Bad
type ComponentProps = {
currency: string;
amount: number;
isIgnored: boolean;
// Bad
type ComponentProps = {
// The currency that the reward is in
currency: string;
// The amount of reward
amount: number;
// If the reward has been ignored or not
isIgnored: boolean;
// Good
type ComponentProps = {
/** The currency that the reward is in */
currency: string;
/** The amount of the reward */
amount: number;
/** If the reward has not been ignored yet */
isIgnored: boolean;
- Use inline ternary statements when rendering optional pieces of templates. Notice the white space and formatting of the ternary.
// Bad
const optionalTitle = props.title ? <div className="title">{props.title}</div> : null;
return (
<div className="body">This is the body</div>
// Good
return (
? <div className="title">{props.title}</div>
: null}
<div className="body">This is the body</div>
// Good
return (
? <div className="title">{props.title}</div>
: <div className="title">Default Title</div>
<div className="body">This is the body</body>
In React Native, one must not attempt to falsey-check a string for an inline ternary. Even if it's in curly braces, React Native will try to render it as a <Text>
node and most likely throw an error about trying to render text outside of a <Text>
component. Use !!
// Bad! This will cause a breaking an error on native platforms
return (
? <View style={styles.title}>{props.title}</View>
: null}
<View style={styles.body}>This is the body</View>
// Good
return (
? <View style={styles.title}>{props.title}</View>
: null}
<View style={styles.body}>This is the body</View>
When writing a function component, you must ALWAYS add a displayName
property and give it the same value as the name of the component (this is so it appears properly in the React dev tools)
function Avatar(props: AvatarProps) {...};
Avatar.displayName = 'Avatar';
export default Avatar;
When forwarding a ref define named component and pass it directly to the forwardRef
. By doing this, we remove potential extra layer in React tree in the form of anonymous component.
import type {ForwarderRef} from 'react';
type FancyInputProps = {
function FancyInput(props: FancyInputProps, ref: ForwardedRef<TextInput>) {
return <input {...props} ref={ref} />
export default React.forwardRef(FancyInput)
If the ref handle is not available (e.g. useImperativeHandle
is used) you can define a custom handle type above the component.
import type {ForwarderRef} from 'react';
import {useImperativeHandle} from 'react';
type FancyInputProps = {
onButtonPressed: () => void;
type FancyInputHandle = {
onButtonPressed: () => void;
function FancyInput(props: FancyInputProps, ref: ForwardedRef<FancyInputHandle>) {
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({onButtonPressed}));
return <input {...props} ref={ref} />;
export default React.forwardRef(FancyInput)
Use hooks whenever possible, avoid using HOCs.
Why? Hooks are easier to use (can be used inside the function component), and don't need nesting or
when exporting the component. It also allows us to removecompose
completely in some components since it has been bringing up some issues with TypeScript. Read thecompose
usage section for further information about the TypeScript issues withcompose
Onyx now provides a useOnyx
hook that should be used over withOnyx
// BAD
type ComponentOnyxProps = {
session: OnyxEntry<Session>;
type ComponentProps = ComponentOnyxProps & {
someProp: string;
function Component({session, someProp}: ComponentProps) {
const {windowWidth, windowHeight} = useWindowDimensions();
const {translate} = useLocalize();
// component's code
export default withOnyx<ComponentProps, ComponentOnyxProps>({
session: {
type ComponentProps = {
someProp: string;
function Component({someProp}: ComponentProps) {
const [session] = useOnyx(ONYXKEYS.SESSION)
const {windowWidth, windowHeight} = useWindowDimensions();
const {translate} = useLocalize();
// component's code
Stateless components vs Pure Components vs Class based components vs Render Props - When to use what?
Class components are DEPRECATED. Use function components and React hooks.
React's documentation explains refs in detail. It's important to understand when to use them and how to use them to avoid bugs and hard to maintain code.
A common mistake with refs is using them to pass data back to a parent component higher up the chain. In most cases, you can try lifting state up to solve this.
There are several ways to use and declare refs and we prefer the callback method.
We love React and learning about all the new features that are regularly being added to the API. However, we try to keep our organization's usage of React limited to the most stable set of features that React offers. We do this mainly for consistency and so our engineers don't have to spend extra time trying to figure out how everything is working. That said, if you aren't sure if we have adopted something, please ask us first.
When using SelectionList
alongside other components (e.g., Text
, Button
), wrapping them inside a ScrollView
can lead to alignment and performance issues. Additionally, using ScrollView
with nested FlatList
or SectionList
causes the error:
"VirtualizedLists should never be nested inside plain ScrollViews with the same orientation."
The correct approach is avoid using ScrollView
. You can add props like listHeaderComponent
and listFooterComponent
to add other components before or after the list while keeping the layout scrollable.
<Text>Header Content</Text>
<Button title="Submit" onPress={handleSubmit} />
listHeaderComponent={<Text>Header Content</Text>}
listFooterComponent={<Button title="Submit" onPress={handleSubmit} />}
This ensures optimal performance and avoids layout issues.
In most cases, a custom hook is a better pattern to use than an HOC or Render Prop. They are easier to create, understand, use and document. However, there might still be a case for a HOC e.g. if you have a component that abstracts some conditional rendering logic.
Should I wrap all my inline functions with useCallback()
or move them out of the component if they have no dependencies?
The answer depends on whether you need a stable reference for the function. If there are no dependencies, you could move the function out of the component. If there are dependencies, you could use useCallback()
to ensure the reference updates only when the dependencies change. However, it's important to note that using useCallback()
may have a performance penalty, although the trade-off is still debated. You might choose to do nothing at all if there is no obvious performance downside to declaring a function inline. It's recommended to follow the guidance in the React documentation and add the optimization only if necessary. If it's not obvious why such an optimization (i.e. useCallback()
or useMemo()
) would be used, leave a code comment explaining the reasoning to aid reviewers and future contributors.
React saves the initial state once and ignores it on the next renders. However, if you pass the result of a function to useState()
or call a function directly e.g. useState(doExpensiveThings())
it will still run on every render. This can hurt performance depending on what work the function is doing. As an optimization, we can pass an initializer function instead of a value e.g. useState(doExpensiveThings)
or useState(() => doExpensiveThings())
The short answer is no. A longer answer is that sometimes we need to check not only that a dependency has changed, but how it has changed in order to run a side effect. For example, a prop had a value of an empty string on a previous render, but now is non-empty. The generally accepted practice is to store the "previous" value in a ref
so the comparison can be made in a useEffect()
No! It is easy to confuse useCallback()
with a memoization helper like _.memoize()
or useMemo()
but they are really not the same at all. useCallback()
will return a cached function definition and will not save us any computational cost of running that function. So, if you are wrapping something in a useCallback()
and then calling it in the render, then it is better to use useMemo()
to cache the actual result of calling that function and use it directly in the render.
A useEffect()
that does not include referenced props or state in its dependency array is usually a mistake as often we want effects to re-run when those dependencies change. However, there are some cases where we might actually only want to re-run the effect when only some of those dependencies change. We determined the best practice here should be to allow disabling the “next line” with a comment //eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
and an additional comment explanation so the next developer can understand why the rule was not used.
There are pros and cons of each, but ultimately we have standardized on using the function
keyword to align things more with modern React conventions. There are also some minor cognitive overhead benefits in that you don't need to think about adding and removing brackets when encountering an implicit return. The function
syntax also has the benefit of being able to be hoisted where arrow functions do not.
const focusTimeoutRef = useRef(null);
useFocusEffect(useCallback(() => {
focusTimeoutRef.current = setTimeout(() => textInputRef.current.focus(), CONST.ANIMATED_TRANSITION);
return () => {
if (!focusTimeoutRef.current) {
}, []));
This works better than using onTransitionEnd
because -
is only fired for the top card in the stack, and therefore does not fire on the new top card when popping a card off the stack. For example - pressing the back button to go from the workspace invite page to the workspace members list.- Using
will interrupt an in-progress transition animation.
Note - This is a solution from this PR. You can find detailed discussion in comments.
Our potentially larger collections of data (reports, policies, etc) are typically stored under collection keys. Collection keys let us group together individual keys vs. storing arrays with multiple objects. In general, do not add a new collection key if it can be avoided. There is most likely a more logical place to put the state. And failing to associate a state property with its logical owner is something we consider to be an anti-pattern (unnecessary data structure adds complexity for no value).
For example, if you are storing a boolean value that could be associated with a report
object under a new collection key, it is better to associate this information with the report itself and not create a new collection key.
Exception: There are some gotchas when working with complex nested array values in Onyx. So, this could be another valid reason to break a property off of its parent object (e.g. reportActions
are easier to work with as a separate collection).
If you're not sure whether something should have a collection key reach out in #expensify-open-source
for additional feedback.
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