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Eriol Fox's PhD research into Design and Humanitarian Open Source Software

Eriol's Newcastle University Open Labs profile

Funded by Northern Bridge

This is the repository where Eriol Fox is collecting their PhD research details and processes.

Propsal documents

Research Proposal from 2020

Updated Proposal from August 2021

Annual Progression Reports to University

PhD research title

"How do human-centred designers currently contribute to Humanitarian Open Source Software (HOSS) and how is human-centred design viewed within HOSS?” A critical exploration in how human centred designers participate in and contribute to humanitarian Open Source Software.

How can you add ideas to Eriol's reasearch

If you're here, you've either been given this link by Eriol or found it by searching for research around design in OSS and/or Humanitarian/Human-Rights open technology. You can partcipate in this research in a number of ways:

  1. Read through any draft writing or finished papers and create an issue with a thought, response, additional research etc.
  2. If you think you or your OSS project/Humanitarian/Human-Rights organisation is relevant to this research please get in contact with Eriol on ther university email here: [email protected]
  3. If you've participated in Eriol's PhD research and want to get an update on something specific then you may find the heavily anonymised version of data here on this GitHub. Please contact Eriol at [email protected] for any specific locations of where your contribution to this research is kept.
  4. Any other comments or ideas you'd like to contribute to this research Eriol encourages you to put in a new issue.

Writing drafts and notes

Draft WIP writing for future papers that are 'loose' and non-formatted for academia

Papers that are for specific paper submissions and connected looser-writing


The folder for any supplementary images is located here


The folder for any presentation type data or presentations that Eriol has created in order to communicate their PhD and related research can be found here.

Ecosystems Mapping: Innovation in Humanitarian/Human-Rights organisations

This project is one of the first interview based research pieces for this PhD and the details introducing it can be found in and subsequent details found in the folder

Hackathon Observations

This project is one of the first observation research pieces for this PhD and the details introducing it can be found in and subsequent details found in the folder

Principles, ethical guidelines, impact, innovation and frameworks

This is where the discovery and writing work across the broad discovery (found when investigating the ecosystems research piece) that humanitarian and to a lesser extent human rights orgs, designers and some factions of OSS have ways of describing 'how' to do/conduct their work along a set of guidelines. These vary in formality and strictness e.g. the Humanitarian principles being more akin to a doctors hippocratic oath and an OSS license being very close but not equal to a product warranty or patent but more like a standard set by the social systems or regulatory body of OSS. Designers have the least monitored (either socially or by a standards body) set of principles or ethics (outside of an academic environment). in this folder

Keywords for other peoples papers search

For design + OSS papers: Usability, OSS, FLOSS, Design, Workshop, Open Source Design, User experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Community, Inclusion, For design papers: Action Research, AR, Participatory Design, PD, HCI, co-design, co design, community design For design + humanitarian/human-rights papers: Humanitarian, Innovation, HOSS, Human-Rights, For design + humanitarian/human-rights + OSS papers: OSS,

Glossary of shortened terms used in this repo an across writing

HOSS = Humanitarian OSS (the original way of describing the types of OSS this work would focus on which became broadened to include OSS that self descirbes as 'Human Rights OSS') H&HROSS = Humanitarian and Human Rights OSS hum = humanitarian hr = human rights hra or hrd = Human Rights Activist/Defender pd = Participatory Design pra = Participatory Action Research SDGS = Sustainable development goals

Reading list + Literature review

More easily updatable version here on Notion (not an OSS tool but easier to update!):

For the GitHub listing of papers see this page:

Eriol is also going to collect thoughts in video format on their youtube page here