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87 lines (73 loc) · 10.3 KB


Geometry Type: point, line, polygon


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Purpose The published Citywide Street Centerline (CSCL) is a comprehensive and authoritative spatial database for the City of New York. It contains a simplified version of the CSCL database and is intended for general-purpose use. CSCL is used by many city agencies including Public Safety call centers, the Department of City Planning's Geosupport, and FDNY EMS dispatch systems. The CSCL database is accessible to the public and will support the Next Generation 911 system.
Description This published CSCL database is an ESRI file geodatabase and includes a feature dataset, 40 feature classes, 3 tables, and 2 relationship classes. The source data for the published CSCL database is updated daily by the NYC Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) and the Department of City Planning (DCP) and is governed by 8 city agencies.
Publication Dates Last Update: Weekly
Metadata: 01/16/2025
Update Frequency: Features are updated daily by staff and released publicly on NYCMaps.
Available Formats (zipped) ESRI File Geodatabase
Use Limitations NYC Open Data policies and restrictions apply. See Terms of Use
Access Rights Public
Tags CSCL Pub

Data Quality and Specifications

Horizontal Coordinate System New York State Plane Coordinates, Long Island East Zone, NAD83, US foot (epsg:2263)
Spatial Coverage New York City, NY
Positional Accuracy Varies
Features Captured See feature classes listed below

Feature Classes

Feature Type Name Description
Feature Dataset CSCL The CSCL feature dataset is a collection of the following features and relationship classes: Centerline, Milepost, Node, NonStreetFeature, Rail, ReferenceMarker, Shoreline, Subway, CenterlineHaveAddresses, CenterlineHaveNames.
Points AddressPoint A data model that represents the actual addresses present in the field.
CommonPlace A point feature dataset representing locations of various points of interest within the boundaries of New York City, such as schools, churches, parks, and museums.
FerryLanding The ferry landing feature class represents publicly accessible points where passenger-carrying ships dock to load and unload passengers based on a published schedule.
MilePost The milepost feature class represents small signs placed along limited-access arterials, such as highways, bridges, and tunnels. These signs indicate the exact distance from a designated reference point, typically the starting point of the arterial.
NamedIntersection The named intersection table associates nodes (intersections) that have names in New York City.
Node The node feature class represents the points where multiple linear features in CSCL intersect (a topological junction). It is used to assign values to intersections and to create other CSCL feature classes, such as virtual intersections.
RailStation Locations of all rail stations within New York City.
ReferenceMarker The reference markers feature class represents state-maintained reference markers in New York City. These markers are small signs placed systematically at intervals of one-tenth of a mile along state-maintained roads and highways.
SubwayStation Locations of all subway stations within New York City.
TollBooth New York City's tollbooth locations.
Lines Centerline Centerline is a single line representation of New York City streets containing address ranges and other information such as traffic directions, road types, segment types.
NonStreetFeature A single-line representation of non-street features. The subtypes of NonStreetFeature include:1) Census_block 2) District_Boundary 3) Election_District 4) Other 5) Physical_Non_ST_Feature 6) Pier_Outline 7) School_District.
Rail A single line representation of New York City railroads containing route and other information.
Shoreline A single line representation of New York City shorelines.
Subway A single line representation of the New York City subway system.
Polygon AssemblyDistrict New York State assembly district boundaries for the City of New York. It is extracted by dissolving combined appropriate fields in atomic polygons.
Borough A polygon representation of New York City boroughs.
BusinessImprovementDistrict Business improvement district (BID) name and geographic boundaries.
CensusBlock2000 Census blocks for the 2000 US census. These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER project and have been modified by dissolving combined appropriate fields in atomic polygons.
CensusBlock2010 Census blocks for the 2010 US census. These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER project and have been modified by dissolving combined appropriate fields in atomic polygons.
CensusBlock2020 Census blocks for the 2020 US census. These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER project and have been modified by dissolving combined appropriate fields in atomic polygons.
CensusTract2000 Census tracts for the 2000 US census. These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER project and have been geographically modified to fit the New York City base map. Because some census tract are under water not all census tracts are contained in this file, only census tracts that are partially or totally located on land have been mapped in this file.
CensusTract2010 Census tracts for the 2010 US census. These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER project and have been geographically modified to fit the New York City base map. Because some census tracts are under water not all census tracts are contained in this file, only census tracts that are partially or totally located on land have been mapped in this file.
CensusTract2020 Census tracts for the 2020 US Census. These boundary files are derived from the US Census Bureau's TIGER project and have been geographically modified to fit the New York City base map. Because some census tracts are under water not all census tracts are contained in this file, only census tracts that are partially or totally located on land have been mapped in this file.
CityCouncilDistrict The city council districts are the result of the recent redistricting process, which takes place every ten years to reflect population changes reported in the 2020 Census. These geographies were redrawn by the New York City Council Redistricting Commission.
CommunityDistrict Community Districts are mandated by the city charter to review and monitor quality of life issues for New York City neighborhoods. It is extracted by dissolving combined appropriate fields in atomic polygons.
Complex Complex is a polygon representation of New York City complexes including colleges, hospitals, rail yards, parks, commercial centers, and other govermental buildings campuses.
CongressionalDistrict US House of Representatives Congressional District boundaries for the City of New York. These district boundaries represent the redistricting as of the US Census 2020.
ElectionDistrict New York City Board of Elections election districts for the City of New York. These district boundaries represent the redistricting as of the US Census 2020. It is extracted by dissolving combined appropriate fields in atomic polygons.
FireCompany The service area boundaries for New York City's fire companies.
HealthArea The boundaries for New York City's health areas.
HealthCenterDistrict The boundaries for New York City's health center areas.
HistoricDistrict The boundaries of New York City's historic districts are defined by the Landmarks Preservation Commission.
HurricaneEvacuationZone New York City's hurricane contingency plans are based on six evacuation zones. Hurricane evacuation zones are areas of the city that may be inundated by storm surge or isolated by storm surge waters. There are six zones, ranked by the risk of storm surge impact, with Zone 1 being the most likely to flood. In the event of a hurricane or tropical storm, residents in these zones may be ordered to evacuate.
MunicipalCourtDistrict The New York City Municipal Court boundaries.
Neighborhood An NYC Neighborhood is a projection area created from census tracts within New York City's 55 PUMAs (Public Use Microdata Areas). These areas were designed for population projections from 2000 to 2030, with each having at least 15,000 people in 2000 to improve accuracy. The boundaries may not match historical neighborhoods, and the names are not definitive.
NYPDPrecinct The service area boundaries for New York City's police precincts.
SchoolDistrict The current NYC school district boundaries. It is extracted by dissolving combined appropriate fields in atomic polygons.
StateSenateDistrict New York State senate district boundaries for the City of New York.
ZipCode The boundaries for New York City’s ZIP Codes.
Tables ALTSEGMENTDATA Stores "alternative" data for CSCL centerline, rail, and shoreline segments.
FEATURENAME Stores the names of common places and rail/subway features. It is used to associate one or more names with a CSCL common place point, complex, rail, or subway feature.
StreetName The StreetName table stores street names. The street name is parsed into seven component parts according to National Emergency Number Association (NENA) standards.
Relationship Classes The CSCL feature dataset includes 2 ESRI Relationship classes to manage the associations between objects in one feature class or table and objects in another.
  • CenterlinesHaveAltAddresses
  • CenterlinesHaveNames