- Where: zoom.us
- When: March 12, 17:00-18:00 UTC
- Location: link on calendar invite
- Contact:
- Name: Dan Gohman
- Email: [email protected]
None required if you've attended before. Email Dan Gohman to sign up if it's your first time. The meeting is open to CG members only.
The meeting will be on a zoom.us video conference. Installation is required, see the calendar invite.
- Opening, welcome and roll call
- Please help add your name to the meeting notes.
- Please help take notes.
- Thanks!
- Proposals and discussions
- Crypto API now has its own repository:
- https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI-crypto
- Let's talk about process and expectations.
- Merging send/recv into write/read:
- WebAssembly#240
- This is a complex proposal, but the intention is to simplify the I/O story as we contemplate new kinds of streams and messages.
- Crypto API now has its own repository:
Dan Gohman Jan Falkin Mike Trinkala Lee Campbell Andrew Brown Ralph Squillace Johnnie Birch Benjamin Brittain Mark McCaskey
Meeting notes:
Crypto API now has its own repository: https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI-crypto Let's talk about process and expectations.
Merging send/recv into write/read: WebAssembly#240 This is a complex proposal, but the intention is to simplify the I/O story as we contemplate new kinds of streams and messages. It’s difficult to comment because it’s a big and fairly abstract PR Prototype implementation would help people see how this works out in practice Impromptu questions: Is it ok to have ambient authorities for debugging facilities such as logging? BB, Lee: Yes, handles are good Making it ambient is a decrease in potential power of the system
Impromptu agenda item:
DG: Is it ok if we have ambient authorities producing handles if the handles themselves can’t be used to do any I/O? Sealed capabilities are a useful concept. Lee: Avoid ambient authorities. BB: Capabilities aren’t just security, they also allow compositional design patterns. Lee: eg. logging. Where does the log output go? If you make it a handle, now you can send different handles that represent different sinks. Logging for debugging vs logging for production, perhaps are not so different use cases. Lee: A really powerful feature would be to have move-only semantics for handles, so you can send an instance a handle and it can be sure it’s the only instance with access to it. DG: Reference types proposal doesn’t have move-only semantics, but it’s something to think about Lee: Reference-counting can lead to awkward edge cases where references are kept live, or have aliases, in surprising ways. In Fuchsia, fd’s are 64-bit numbers and not reused. WebAssembly/interface-types BB: Move semantics changes how I’d design WASI APIs Eg. capabilities for memory regions. What does it look like to transfer a handle for one of these to another instance? Lee: Let’s have a discussion on rights, what rights look like, do we have a handle hierarchy? WASI doesn’t predefine unix. RS: GIve people a new engine, and it’s an easier step for people to take to port to. Guide them to doing the thing they want to do. Think of this as a new target. Don’t roll in old metaphors. Lee: If something doesn’t build, then you know what you have to fix. If it builds but doesn’t work, now you have to debug it.