This helm chart (elasticsearch-efs) deploys elastic search in Kubernetes with AWS EFS back-end.
Kubernetes >=1.20.0-0 AWS EFS
Note: Please ensure image.repository, image.tag, and efsFileSystemId values are populated before running this helm chart. Please see Values section below for more details. Make sure the helm chart is on your local machine and run the following commands:
Mac OS/Linux
helm install elasticsearch -f ./elasticsearch-efs/values.yaml elasticsearch
helm install elasticsearch -f .\elasticsearch-efs\values.yaml elasticsearch
To uninstall helm chart, run the following command:
helm uninstall elasticsearch
Default values for elasticsearch-efs charts.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
replicaCount | int | 1 | Number of Pods maintained. Defaulted to 1 |
image | string | Elastic search container image. Needs to point to the latest image from the public repository | |
imagePullSecrets | string | Secrets for build image. Not required if pulling from public repository | |
tag | string | Point to release tag that needs to be installed with NBS. This is required | |
nameOverride | string | "" | replaces name of chart on install. Not required. |
fullnameOverride | string | "" | replaces full generated name on install. Not required. |
serviceAccount | string | Used to created a service account. Not required. | |
podAnnotations | object | {} | Attach metadata. Not required. |
podSecurityContext | object | {} | Defines privilege and access control. Not Required |
securityContext | object | runAsUser: 1000 fsGroup: 1000 | Defines privilege and access control. The default security context defines the user permissions required to run the elastic search service. |
service | object | By default clusterIP service with ports 9200 and 9300 is configured | Configures service ClusterIP |
ingress | boolean | false | Creation of Ingress resource. Not required since elastic search is an internal service. |
resources | object | limits memory to 6GB | Enable default resources |
autoscaling | object | false | Kubernetes POD autoscaler |
nodeSelector | object | {} | Node assignment to Pod |
tolerations | list | [] | Set Pod tolerations |
affinity | object | {} | Define needed contraints |
pvc | object | Defaulted to 100GB | Persistent volume claim |
efsFileSystemId | string | "" | Populate the elastic file system ID from your AWS console. This is required. |