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Built-in references

Built-in references folder contains the artifacts like YAML, REGO files referred in Azure policy built-in definitions.


KubernetesService folder contains the REGO artifacts used by Gatekeeper v2, admission controller for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).


Azure Policy for AKS is in Limited Preview and only supports built-in policy definitions.

To onboard to Azure policy for AKS, please refer Azure Policy for AKS.


Kubernetes folder contains the OPA Constraint Framework constraint template and constraint YAML artifacts used by Gatekeeper v3, admission controller for AKS Engine, a self-managed Kubernetes cluster on Azure.


Azure Policy for AKS Engine is in Public Preview. The service only supports built-in policy definitions and a single AKS Engine cluster in a resource group configured with a Service Principal.

To onboard to Azure policy for AKS Engine, please refer Azure Policy for AKS Engine.