- Format:
- Count matrices: h5ad (AnnData)
- Metadata: Parquet
- Data host:
- Google Cloud Storage
- Path:
- Statistics
- Sample count: 1344
- Cell count: 100648790
Here's the table formatted with consistent spacing:
Column Name | Description |
plate | Plate identifier |
BARCODE_SUB_LIB_ID | Cell identifier |
sample | Unique treatment identifier, distinguishes replicated treatments |
gene_count | Number of genes with at least one count |
tscp_count | Number of transcripts, aka UMI count |
mread_count | Number of reads per cell |
drugname_drugconc | Drug name, concentration, and concentration unit |
drug | Drug name, parsed out from the drugname_drugconc field |
cell_line | Cell line Cellosaurus identifier |
sublibrary | Sublibrary ID (related to library prep and sequencing) |
BARCODE | Barcode ID |
pcnt_mito | Percentage of mitochondrial reads |
S_score | Inferred S phase score |
G2M_score | Inferred G2M score |
phase | Inferred cell cycle phase |
pass_filter | "Full" filters are more stringent on gene_count and tscp_count |
cell_name | Commonly-used cell name (related to the cell_line field) |
file extensions denote internal gzip compression.- See the Python tutorial on reading in the anndata objects.