# Full example 1 - Setup your XML and make it support 2D Scrolling ```xml <HorizontalScrollView android:fillViewport="true" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView android:id="@+id/recycler_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:scrollbars="vertical" /> </HorizontalScrollView> ``` 2 - Create a custom View Holder for your Tree Node ```java public class CustomViewHolder extends TreeViewHolder { public CustomViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) { super(itemView); } @Override public void bindTreeNode(TreeNode node) { super.bindTreeNode(node); // Here you can bind your node and check if it selected or not } } ``` 3 - Create View Holder Factory to bind list item layouts with their ViewHolders ```java TreeViewHolderFactory factory = (v, layout) -> { if (layout == R.layout.list_item_one) return new CustomViewHolderOne(v); else if (layout == R.layout.list_item_two) return new CustomViewHolderTwo(v); else return new CustomViewHolderThree(v); }; ``` If you have only one view holder you can declare it in one line like this ```java TreeViewHolderFactory factory = (v, layout) -> new CustomViewHolderOne(v); ``` 4 - Create a TreeViewAdapter instance and set it to the recyclerview ```java TreeViewAdapter treeViewAdapter = new TreeViewAdapter(factory); recyclerView.setAdapter(treeViewAdapter); ``` 5 - Build your Tree nodes and add it to the adapter ```java TreeNode root1 = new TreeNode("Root1", R.layout.list_item_root); root1.addChild(new TreeNode("Child1", R.layout.list_item_child)); root1.addChild(new TreeNode("Child2", R.layout.list_item_child)); List<TreeNode> roots = new ArrayList<>(); roots.add(root1); treeViewAdapter.updateTreeNodes(roots); ``` Don't forget to setup the RecyclerView layout manager ```java recyclerView.setLayoutManager(LinearLayoutManager(this)); ```