UTDFGO is a UTDF Spacecraft Packet Decoder Written In Golang
go get "github.com/ATTron/utdfgo"
import "github.com/ATTron/utdfgo"
. . .
utdf, err := utdfgo.Run(filename)
if err != nil {
for _, p := range utdf {
// run functions on p
You can run the extraction functions with the returned utdf struct
returns an array of utdf packets from the file given
returns the year taken from byte 6
returns the seconds of year taken from bytes 11:14
returns microseconds of seconds taken from bytes 15:18
returns a UTC epoch built from other time functions
returns all time information for given utdf packet
returns azimuth taken from bytes 19:22
returns elevation taken from bytes 23:26
returns range delay hi and lo
returns calculated range of spacecraft
returns doppler delay hi and lo
returns calculated doppler count
returns spacecraft AGC taken from bytes 39:40
returns transmission frequency taken from bytes 41:44
returns antenna type taken from byte 45
returns antenna padid taken from byte 46
returns recieve antenna type taken from byte 47
returns recieve antenna padid taken from byte 48
return system mode taken from bytes 49:50
return data validity taken from byte 51
return frequency band taken from byte 52
return tracking type and data taken from bytes 53:54