diff --git a/website/src/content/docs/core_concepts/event_handler.mdx b/website/src/content/docs/core_concepts/event_handler.mdx
index ff0e2943..d6a1d948 100644
--- a/website/src/content/docs/core_concepts/event_handler.mdx
+++ b/website/src/content/docs/core_concepts/event_handler.mdx
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Reactter offers the following event handler mechanisms:
- Methods
- [`Reactter.on`](/reactter/methods/event_handler_methods/#reactteron)
- [`Reactter.one`](/reactter/methods/event_handler_methods/#reactterone)
+ - [`Reactter.emit`](/reactter/methods/event_handler_methods/#reactteremit)
- [`Reactter.off`](/reactter/methods/event_handler_methods/#reactteroff)
- [`Reactter.offAll`](/reactter/methods/event_handler_methods/#reactteroffAll)
- - [`Reactter.emit`](/reactter/methods/event_handler_methods/#reactteremit)
## How it works
diff --git a/website/src/content/docs/methods/event_handler_methods.mdx b/website/src/content/docs/methods/event_handler_methods.mdx
index 09eaf1d7..1cb228cd 100644
--- a/website/src/content/docs/methods/event_handler_methods.mdx
+++ b/website/src/content/docs/methods/event_handler_methods.mdx
@@ -12,22 +12,547 @@ This documentation assumes you've already read the [Event Handler](/reactter/cor
It's recommended read that first if you're new in Reactter.
-## Reactter.on
+Reactter provides several methods to manage events in a more efficient way. These methods are used to create and manipulate events in a more organized way.
-_TODO: Complete this section_
+## `Reactter.on`
-## Reactter.one
+The `Reactter.on` method listens for an event emitted by an instance, allowing the listener to respond whenever the event occurs.
-_TODO: Complete this section_
+#### Syntax
-## Reactter.off
+void on(
+ Object? instance,
+ Enum eventName,
+ Functioon(T instance, P param) callback,
-_TODO: Complete this section_
+#### Parameters
-## Reactter.offAll
+- `instance`: The `T` instance to listen to.
+- `event`: The `Enum` event to listen to.
+- `callback`: The function to execute when the event is emitted. The function should accept two parameters:
+ - `instance`: The `T` instance that emitted the event.
+ - `param`: The `P` parameter passed when the event is emitted.
-_TODO: Complete this section_
+#### Example
-## Reactter.emit
+See the example below to understand how to use the `Reactter.on` method:
-_TODO: Complete this section_
+```dart title="my_controller.dart" collapse={1-100} "Signal"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+enum CustomEvent { myEvent }
+class MyController {
+ final stateA = Signal(0);
+ final stateB = Signal('InitialValue');
+```dart title="main.dart" collapse={0-4, 13-16, 37-100} "Reactter.on" "Reactter.create" "Reactter.delete" "Reactter.emit" "Signal" "ReactterDependency" "Lifecycle.didUpdate"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+import './my_controller.dart';
+void main() {
+ // Listen to the `myEvent` event of the `MyController` instance before it's created
+ Reactter.on(
+ ReactterDependency,
+ CustomEvent.myEvent,
+ (MyController instance, int param) {
+ print('Event emitted with param: $param');
+ },
+ );
+ // Create a new instance of `MyController`
+ final myController = Reactter.create(() => MyController())!;
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `MyController` instance
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (instance, state) => print('State: ${state.runtimeType}'),
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateA`
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController.stateA,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (MyController instance, Signal state) => print('State A updated: ${state.value}'),
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateB`
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController.stateB,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (MyController instance, Signal state) => print('State B updated: ${state.value}'),
+ );
+ // Change the value of `stateA` to `10`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State A updated: 10
+ myController.stateA.value = 10;
+ // Change the value of `stateB` to `'Hello World!'`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State B updated: 'Hello World!'
+ myController.stateB.value = 'Hello World!';
+ // Emit the `myEvent` event with the parameter `42`
+ // Print: Event emitted with param: 42
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, 42);
+ // Delete the `MyController`
+ Reactter.delete();
+ // Can't change the value of `stateA`
+ // Error: "Can't update when it's been disposed"
+ // myController.stateA.value = 20;
+ // The `myEvent` event is not emitted,
+ // because the `MyController` together to the listeners were deleted.
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, "test");
+## `Reactter.one`
+The `Reactter.one` method listens for an event emitted by an instance, but only once. After the event is triggered, the listener is automatically removed.
+#### Syntax
+void one(
+ Object? instance,
+ Enum eventName,
+ Functioon(T instance, P param) callback,
+#### Parameters
+- `instance`: The `T` instance to listen to.
+- `event`: The `Enum` event to listen to.
+- `callback`: The function to execute when the event is emitted. The function should accept two parameters:
+ - `instance`: The `T` instance that emitted the event.
+ - `param`: The `P` parameter passed when the event is emitted.
+#### Example
+See the example below to understand how to use the `Reactter.one` method:
+```dart title="main.dart" collapse={0-4, 13-16, 37-100} "Reactter.one" "Reactter.create" "Reactter.delete" "Reactter.emit" "Signal" "ReactterDependency" "Lifecycle.didUpdate"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+import './my_controller.dart';
+void main() {
+ // Listen to the `myEvent` event of the `MyController` instance before it's created
+ Reactter.one(
+ ReactterDependency,
+ CustomEvent.myEvent,
+ (MyController instance, int param) {
+ print('Event emitted with param: $param');
+ },
+ );
+ // Create a new instance of `MyController`
+ final myController = Reactter.create(() => MyController())!;
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `MyController` instance
+ Reactter.one(
+ myController,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (instance, state) => print('State: ${state.runtimeType}'),
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateA`
+ Reactter.one(
+ myController.stateA,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (MyController instance, Signal state) => print('State A updated: ${state.value}'),
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateB`
+ Reactter.one(
+ myController.stateB,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (MyController instance, Signal state) => print('State B updated: ${state.value}'),
+ );
+ // Change the value of `stateA` to `10`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State A updated: 10
+ myController.stateA.value = 10;
+ // Change the value of `stateB` to `'Hello World!'`
+ // Print:
+ // State B updated: 'Hello World!'
+ myController.stateB.value = 'Hello World!';
+ // Emit the `myEvent` event with the parameter `42`
+ // Print: Event emitted with param: 42
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, 42);
+ // The `myEvent` event is not listened to again
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, 'test');
+ // Delete the `MyController`
+ Reactter.delete();
+ // Can't change the value of `stateA`
+ // Error: "Can't update when it's been disposed"
+ // myController.stateA.value = 20;
+ // The `myEvent` event is not listened to again
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, "test");
+## `Reactter.emit`
+The `Reactter.emit` method triggers an event from an instance, notifying all listeners of that event.
+#### Syntax
+void emit(
+ Object? instance,
+ Enum eventName,
+ dynamic param,
+#### Parameters
+- `instance`: The instance to emit the event.
+- `event`: The `Enum` event to emit.
+- `param`: The parameter to pass when emitting the event.
+#### Example
+See the example below to understand how to use the `Reactter.emit` method:
+```dart title="my_controller.dart" collapse={1-100} "Signal"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+enum CustomEvent { myEvent }
+class MyController {
+ final stateA = Signal(0);
+ final stateB = Signal('InitialValue');
+```dart title="main.dart" collapse={0-4, 13-16, 37-100} "Reactter.on" "Reactter.create" "Reactter.delete" "Reactter.emit" "Signal" "ReactterDependency" "Lifecycle.didUpdate"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+import './my_controller.dart';
+void main() {
+ // Listen to the `myEvent` event of the `MyController` instance before it's created
+ Reactter.on(
+ ReactterDependency,
+ CustomEvent.myEvent,
+ (MyController instance, int param) {
+ print('Event emitted with param: $param');
+ },
+ );
+ // Create a new instance of `MyController`
+ final myController = Reactter.create(() => MyController())!;
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `MyController` instance
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (instance, state) => print('State: ${state.runtimeType}'),
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateA`
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController.stateA,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (MyController instance, Signal state) => print('State A updated: ${state.value}'),
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateB`
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController.stateB,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (MyController instance, Signal state) => print('State B updated: ${state.value}'),
+ );
+ // Change the value of `stateA` to `10`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State A updated: 10
+ myController.stateA.value = 10;
+ // Change the value of `stateB` to `'Hello World!'`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State B updated: 'Hello World!'
+ myController.stateB.value = 'Hello World!';
+ // Emit the `myEvent` event with the parameter `42`
+ // Print: Event emitted with param: 42
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, 42);
+ // Delete the `MyController`
+ Reactter.delete();
+ // Can't change the value of `stateA`
+ // Error: "Can't update when it's been disposed"
+ // myController.stateA.value = 20;
+ // The `myEvent` event is not emitted,
+ // because the `MyController` together to the listeners were deleted.
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, "test");
+## `Reactter.off`
+The `Reactter.off` method removes a specific event listener from an instance, stopping it from receiving further notifications for that event.
+#### Syntax
+void off(
+ Object? instance,
+ Enum eventName,
+ Functioon(T instance, P param) callback,
+#### Parameters
+- `instance`: The `T` instance to stop listening to.
+- `event`: The `Enum` event to stop listening to.
+- - `callback`: The function to stop executing the callback. The function should accept two parameters:
+ - `instance`: The `T` instance that emitted the event.
+ - `param`: The `P` parameter passed when the event is emitted.
+#### Example
+See the example below to understand how to use the `Reactter.off` method:
+```dart title="my_controller.dart" collapse={1-100} "Signal"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+enum CustomEvent { myEvent }
+class MyController {
+ final stateA = Signal(0);
+ final stateB = Signal('InitialValue');
+```dart title="main.dart" collapse={1-67, 74-78, 85-89, 96-100} "Reactter.on" "Reactter.off" "Reactter.create" "Reactter.delete" "Reactter.emit" "Signal" "ReactterDependency" "Lifecycle.didUpdate"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+import './my_controller.dart';
+void onMyEvent(instance, param) {
+ print('Event emitted with param: $param');
+void onDidUpdate(instance, state) {
+ print('State: ${state.runtimeType}');
+void onDidUpdateStateA(MyController instance, Signal state) {
+ print('State A updated: ${state.value}');
+void onDidUpdateStateB(MyController instance, Signal state) {
+ print('State B updated: ${state.value}');
+void main() {
+ // Listen to the `myEvent` event of the `MyController` instance before it's created
+ Reactter.on(
+ ReactterDependency,
+ CustomEvent.myEvent,
+ onMyEvent,
+ );
+ // Create a new instance of `MyController`
+ final myController = Reactter.create(() => MyController())!;
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `MyController` instance
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ onDidUpdate,
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateA`
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController.stateA,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ onDidUpdateStateA,
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateB`
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController.stateB,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ didUpdateStateBListener,
+ );
+ // Change the value of `stateA` to `10`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State A updated: 10
+ myController.stateA.value = 10;
+ // Change the value of `stateB` to `'Hello World!'`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State B updated: 'Hello World!'
+ myController.stateB.value = 'Hello World!';
+ // Emit the `myEvent` event with the parameter `42`
+ // Print: Event emitted with param: 42
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, 42);
+ // Stop listening to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateA`
+ Reactter.off(
+ myController.stateA,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ onDidUpdateStateA,
+ );
+ // Change the value of `stateA` to `20`
+ // Print: State: Signal
+ myController.stateA.value = 20;
+ // Stop listening to the `didUpdate` event of the `MyController` instance
+ Reactter.off(
+ myController,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ onDidUpdate,
+ );
+ // Change the value of `stateB` to `'Hey you!'`
+ // Print: State B updated: 'Hey you!'
+ myController.stateB.value = 'Hey you!';
+ // Stop listening to the `myEvent` event of the `MyController` instance
+ Reactter.off(
+ ReactterDependency,
+ CustomEvent.myEvent,
+ onMyEvent,
+ );
+ // Emit the `myEvent` event with the parameter `test`
+ // The `myEvent` event is not listened to again
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, 'test');
+## `Reactter.offAll`
+The `Reactter.offAll` method removes all event listeners for a specific event from an instance, ensuring no listeners are notified when the event is triggered in the future.
+#### Syntax
+void offAll(Object? instance);
+#### Parameters
+- `instance`: The `T` instance to stop listening to all events.
+#### Example
+See the example below to understand how to use the `Reactter.offAll` method:
+```dart title="my_controller.dart" collapse={1-100} "Signal"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+enum CustomEvent { myEvent }
+class MyController {
+ final stateA = Signal(0);
+ final stateB = Signal('InitialValue');
+```dart title="main.dart" collapse={1-51, 54-100} "Reactter.on" "Reactter.offAll" "Reactter.create" "Reactter.delete" "Reactter.emit" "Signal" "ReactterDependency" "Lifecycle.didUpdate"
+import 'package:reactter/reactter.dart';
+import './my_controller.dart';
+void main() {
+ // Listen to the `myEvent` event of the `MyController` instance before it's created
+ Reactter.on(
+ ReactterDependency,
+ CustomEvent.myEvent,
+ (instance, param) => print('Event emitted with param: $param'),
+ );
+ // Create a new instance of `MyController`
+ final myController = Reactter.create(() => MyController())!;
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `MyController` instance
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (instance, state) => print('State: ${state.runtimeType}'),
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateA`
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController.stateA,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (MyController instance, Signal state) => print('State A updated: ${state.value}'),
+ );
+ // Listen to the `didUpdate` event of the `stateB`
+ Reactter.on(
+ myController.stateB,
+ Lifecycle.didUpdate,
+ (MyController instance, Signal state) => print('State B updated: ${state.value}'),
+ );
+ // Change the value of `stateA` to `10`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State A updated: 10
+ myController.stateA.value = 10;
+ // Change the value of `stateB` to `'Hello World!'`
+ // Print:
+ // State: Signal
+ // State B updated: 'Hello World!'
+ myController.stateB.value = 'Hello World!';
+ // Emit the `myEvent` event with the parameter `42`
+ // Print: Event emitted with param: 42
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, 42);
+ // Stop listening to all events of the `MyController` instance
+ Reactter.offAll(myController);
+ // Change the value of `stateA` to `20`
+ // The `didUpdate` event of `MyController` instance is not listened to
+ // Print:
+ // State A updated: 20
+ myController.stateA.value = 20;
+ // Change the value of `stateB` to `'Hey you!'`
+ // The `didUpdate` event of `MyController` instance is not listened to
+ // Print:
+ // State B updated: 'Hey you!'
+ myController.stateB.value = 'Hey you!';
+ // Emit the `myEvent` event with the parameter `test`
+ // The `myEvent` event of `MyController` instance is not listened to
+ Reactter.emit(ReactterDependency, CustomEvent.myEvent, 'test');